As an adult, should you still worry about what influences you?

Children shouldn't be exposed to degenerate shit like drug use or pornography etc. Thoughts about would it be a silly idea to monitor what you, yourself are exposed to even as an adult?

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90% Normal
Based on 10 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    Exposing yourself to too much negativity is bad for you. Also surrounding yourself with yes men can be bad. Its good to have people who will check you when you say stupid shit and not just agree with it

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    • Millie_the_evil_saint

      Or just.... stop saying so much stupid shit. You don't have to say every word that's on your mind. You can think it over inside your own head, and decide for yourself if it's stupid or not. Real adults don't rely on others to validate their thoughts.

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  • dude_Jones

    The further you sink into degeneracy, the less aware you become of it.

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  • mayumayu

    Yeah, absolutely. You can absolutely give yourself brain rot as an adult if you're not careful, and it can be nearly as damaging. Everyone needs good friends that check them if they're getting weird, or at least a way to check themselves reliably.

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    • Millie_the_evil_saint

      Your friends cannot replace God. Your morals and values should be internal, not external.

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    If your mommy and daddy had raised you right, you wouldn't be doing drugs and watching porn as an adult. The real issue here is that you failed to learn valuable lessons as a child, or you were not taught. So now you still need the teaching you did not get as a child. It shows your lack of culture and lack of morals. Because a normal healthy adult does not expose themselves to drugs or porn. You would not seek it out, if you were normal. You would not have to monitor yourself because you would have zero attraction to those things. Those vices would disgust you.

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  • kelili

    And as adults we have to make the effort to look for things that contradict our thoughts and opinions. As adults we are more prone to look for information that reflects our own opinion because it is comforting and that's where we go wrong.
    Just check all those anti-vax.

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  • litelander8

    That politics matter..

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