As long as i’m functioning that’s enough?
A friend once told me if I’m working and functioning that should be enough, is it normal? I think life can be much better and more than just that, even though my life basically isn’t.
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A friend once told me if I’m working and functioning that should be enough, is it normal? I think life can be much better and more than just that, even though my life basically isn’t.
It’s important to be grateful for what we have and what we’re able to do, but your friend’s attitude that your emotional needs don’t deserve to be met is unhealthy.
Being a cog in the machine is bull. We are capable of so much more, why limit yourself to Bezos’s work lackey?
No that's not enough. If you aren't feeling fulfilled you should try to talk to a therapist and work on your diet/mental health
What are your dreams and goals in life, how do you intend to improve the world.
It's normal to have those concepts in your head... and to be striving towards them. Not to just function and work.
Find and chase your dreams and passions.... Yes you will have to work along the way.
"Life without a purpose is not much of a life at all" (author unknown)
Not at all... I improve the world by assisting other people to become successful; and I've done that for several hundred in the last decade alone.
I also have gotten involved with several national issues over my years... and at one point was working on a national level on some issue for about 5 years (attending and working with the Board of Directors at their Washington DC office meetings - and working with the national office year around).
We all can work to improve the world around us. It's not that hard... just start to assist other people...
"Not at all... I improve the world by assisting other people to become successful; and I've done that for several hundred in the last decade alone".
You aren't improving anything. Assisting people isn't changing anything. What kind of universe are you living in?
"I also have gotten involved with several national issues over my years... and at one point was working on a national level on some issue for about 5 years (attending and working with the Board of Directors at their Washington DC office meetings - and working with the national office year around)".
Woooow! Good for you! How has that improved the world?🤔
"We all can work to improve the world around us. It's not that hard... just start to assist other people".
No we cannot. We can't improve the world, nor will it ever be improved. "Just assist other people". Big joke.
You have the right to your opinion on world progress.
I have a right to my opinion.
Everyone else has a right to their opinion as well.
I personally am thankful that mankind has improved the world from when it was walking around naked and eating raw animals, plants, and roots.
I believe that everyone has a different drive that makes them strive in life. I say that you do should follow what you believe is best for yourself.