As much as i would like to be in any way american, i'm not american

I'm not even Creole, Caribbean or Canadian, I'm Australian, I've been emphasising this from the beginning. People here think I'm in and from the USA, what does southern land mean to you? Probably Hungry Jack's, Subway and Wendy's since American tourists are obsessed with food. Australia is one of the world's fattest nations, alongside USA, most Australians are fat, even though I've seen some pretty skinny Australians. It's a simple process of acting as a South Australian, do you know what that means? Residing in the province, not even leaving to go to Victor Harbour, and certainly not being the nicer version of me that you like better, no, love isn't things you like better, love is acceptance of the undesirable person exactly the way it is. What I want isn't love, it's love for my surroundings, the place I'm used to, and the luxury of having quirks.
I'm not just different or just an individual, and I'm not just intelligent and smart, I follow a group, and I'm wise. I don't want to go to nicer places with nicer people, I want this place full of arseholes, and I don't wanna go on "holiday", it's not actually a holiday leaving my location, a holiday is relaxation or a pastime, such as staying at home sipping a hot coffee wine (wine mixed with coffee). As for black people I don't see very many of them, I see mostly white people living by themselves who are typical Australians or normal people with the flag displayed in the front of the interior of their houses. As such as much as I have quirks, the doctor will get me if I don't act normal, and act like an individual, and weird or odd. These humble people I never see displaying the flag, and a doctor doesn't care about corruption in Australia, it wasn't meant to be corrupt, the doctors are arseholes and they mess it up, and shit on my country. Don't go to see a frigging doctor who won't prescribe even a placebo, because meds is precisely what they're in the business of. It's not a doctor's business to give you anything but drugs, making you groovy, they force me to be groovy, to be a hippie, I'm not into drugs, man, and the luxury is me eating liqueur chocolate like I don't care, and eating a pineapple chicken burger because it's summer (it's winter right now and yes it gets cold here on the 4th of July). Do you see all the so-called "sensible" people, the normal people who have lost our trust, who have lost their authority in what's appropriate? Why do you go up to a mutton-dressed-as-lamb woman to follow social norms? It's still like in USA when I went to the pub around midnight drinking whiskey. Australia is the place with f***ing arseholes and you don't like their attitudes, yet at the same time the grass isn't any greener because even in USA with those arseholes you see every day that's as good as it's going to get, you're never going to live in a nicer reality.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Somenormie

    I would love to go to Australia someday I only want to do it because one of my friends are from that country.

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    • normal-rebellious

      And you're proud of a nation with cheap food and unsophisticated people? Give me a break! It's like my housemate said, I'm a totally different culture.

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      • Unusuallynormal217

        What's wrong with cheap food? Isn't it better to spend less money?

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        • normal-rebellious

          Yes, I suppose so. Market fresh food and farm fresh food is the best you can get, but prepackaged lettuce, onions, tomatoes etc will save you money.

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  • Tinybird

    I'm English but I have American ancestors and my mum used to live in America

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  • Normalmember

    Australia is a free country where people can do as they please, it's similar to the USA. 👍

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    • normal-rebellious

      Similar? This country is a copy of New Zealand, come to New Zealand and see how much better it is than Australia.

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  • Normalmember

    I think Australia 🇦🇺 is cool.

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    • normal-rebellious

      Yeah, Australia is cool, which I made up, there IS no Australia, I made it up in my head, there's earth, and my home planet, I made up the patriotism and the superiority of Australia, it's not fucking superior, in the real reality there's no nation which you're proud of, there's only the world you're proud of with aliens learning to be normal people. Actually Australia's not cool, the things people think is good, it's not good, reality check: Australia contains assholes, it contains even me who's no better than a New Yorker. Because of this Australia's pride is hurt, they wanna be "cool" after I'm gone, and make Australia back to its original, normal state, but they can't because they've got me to deal with. Australia doesn't intend to be cool with me, deep down inside it's very pissed off, the whole history of Australia is people who are pissed off, why do you think there's Ned Kelly? I'd rather go to Melbourne if nowhere else, and be cooler than South Australia, which is mediocre, it's average. I'll tell you now USA is better than Australia, I'm not in my nation because it's the best nation, I lived there by accident. It's not an achievement being proud of all the arseholes. Australia is one big arsehole, and if you don't learn that then fuck you, dare to hate Australian people. Just because it's Australian, it doesn't mean you're going to do it, I would never eat kangaroo or emu, but it's Australian, fuck that Australian shit, it's shit. Australian food makes you fat, and I don't wanna be an example of being a traitor like an Aussie, Australians who don't accept Australian things, fuck that! This country's pride is hurt very much.

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