Asking best guy friend abt his penis size via technique i learned -advice?

Can you give me any advice about what to say (or not say) after I ask using this technique?

The technique:

1. Ask “How big is your penis?”

2. After he says something like “huh?” or “why”? say either “I’ve been dying to know” with a flirty tone or say “I heard men with big _______ have big penises and I’m wondering if it’s true”

3. If he says a big size, say “I don’t know if I can believe that.

Plus, I might add “seeing is believing, you know”


So far my plan is to tell him afterward that it’s a technique I learned online (which is true).

Reasons why I’m asking him:
1. I want to try this technique out for fun and curiosity
2. I’ve been genuinely curious about his penis length for years

I was thinking about telling him reason #1 but maybe not reason #2.

(The person I heard it from said she’s asked a lot of guys using this method and it’s only not worked once or twice.

I understand, though, that when a guy says his size, it’s not necessarily the truth.)



We’ve had feelings for each other for a long time but never dated or had sexual relations.

We’ve talked about sexual topics a lot, but I’ve never asked him a sexual question about himself.

Once there was a time when penis length (in general) came into the conversation briefly, and he seemed completely comfortable with the topic.

I know he has a huge penis because I’ve seen his outline through tight fitting pants and shorts a number of times.

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Comments ( 6 )

    It's hardly a technique... You are straight up, asking him for his cock size.
    What will you achieve by knowing his size, other than to fuel the obvious and make you want it even more.

    Go out for dinner with him, ask him to pick a number between 5 and 11, he picks 8, ask him if thats because that's his size.. His reaction will give it away... Then take him home and get down to seeing it for yourself

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Just lean in to kiss him then grab his dick

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    • Boojum

      As she grabs his dick with one hand, she can pull a tape measure out of her handbag with her other hand. That would make her intentions clear without any of this silly verbal game-playing.

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    Why be so obtuse? After you’ve had a couple drinks, just say, “Lemme see your dick”.

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    • I want to try out this specific technique. I just want to know what to say afterward, in case it makes him uncomfortable or creates awkwardness.

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      • DADNSCAL

        If he’s uncomfortable, just say, “Ok, forget it if you’re uncomfortable with it.” You’re overthinking this,

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