Asthma or just unfit

I'm a little overweight. Like 10 pounds over the normal weight for my height.

I'm not an adult yet.
All my life every time I run for a long time, my throat starts hurting with each breath and my chest feels tight. It takes at least 15 minutes of resting before my breathing feels normal again.
Sometimes I also get a headache afterwards that may last 10 minutes.

I know I'm overweight so I'm not the fittest person around. But does every overweight person experience what I experience every time I exercise

Asthma 6
Out of Shape 8
Both 4
Neither 1
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Comments ( 2 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    I used to be overweight and had the same problem. It turned out I was just out of shape and had to slowly work my way up to moving around for long periods of time. What I say though might not be helpful since I'm not a doctor. If you're wondering about asthma, you might want to go to a doctor to see if that's what you have.

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  • Ellenna

    Ignore the purple gypsysailor, I don't think that's the genuine one although it could be him in a particularly nasty mood.

    Your breathlessness is unlikely to be anything serious, but 15 minutes to regain normal breathing does sound like a long time depending on what you mean by running for a long time.

    If you even suspect you have asthma have yourself checked out by a doctor because that can be very serious but manageable with the right inhalers.

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