At night i am afraid i will die in my sleep, iin?

At night, when the light goes off, I have to literally try and take about an convince myself that my heart WILL NOT stop in the middle of the night and that I WILL see tomorrow. Seriously, it's terrifying! Happens most nights.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • coolio75650932

    lol freddy kruager gonna kill ypu in yo sleep

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  • Pisslan616

    If you do die in your sleep then you won't even know what had happened cus you would be dead. So don't worry about it.

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  • Sleep with one eye open

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  • Hahahahaha...but if you die in your sleep you won't know you've died silly. It's the way to go

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  • WardsBack

    Paranoia is a bitch sometimes, but like most things people fear they are made by the people themselves , don't put to much thought into it you'll just make yourself go too deep into it and actually effect your day life other than just a few hours during your night life, don't worry so much about tomorrow it will come, try some self explorations open a webpage and do some psych reading it really helps

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  • starkid

    That happens to me every night. When I turn off the light I have to sprint to my bed and hide with my pillow pets

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  • nAt2017

    I'd rather die in my sleep than die, say, of a seizure. It seems much more pleasant.

    But yes, I have often been scared to go to sleep lest I never wake up. It's the best we can to to ignore that fear.

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