At what age should a person be ready for marriage?

Just wondering, how old is considered a “normal” age for someone to find someone and get married and have kids or whatever? My brother is 31 and he already got married? What age do people generally start getting romantic? Like age 20s? 30s? 40s? 50s? 60s? 70s?

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Comments ( 28 )
  • KholatKhult

    The average age in Russia is around 24-26 I believe. Which is earlier than many western countries. I believe it is this way because of the directness and intensity of Russian dating culture versus in the West.

    Russian women seem to be much more confident in what they want out of a relationship, they are less likely to entertain or “lead on” to romances that won’t go anywhere. They don’t mind saying No to your face.
    Western women seem to be more polite or try to preserve men’s egos/feelings, or are willing to “see how it goes” and be open minded. Personally I think this leads to a lot of wasted time for both people involved. I also feel like you lot have a Woman.vs.Man Civil War over there. The way Western men talk about women and vice versa is pretty damn ridiculous

    I believe people should marry only after they can sustainably support themselves as individuals. I do not think teenagers should ever marry. Kids playing house is not the scenario you want children raised in.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    31 is very much average in the UK, I think most people are 28-34 for their first marriage these days.

    I get the impression from your wording that you’re worried because you haven’t felt the urge to partner up so I’m just going to remind you that you don’t need to “keep up with the Joneses” if you’re not ready nor do you need to be in a relationship at all if you don’t want one.

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    • Kmoshea5

      Just haven’t settled with a right person yet I suppose? I’m open to a relationship with a woman, just don’t want that person to be the “wrong” woman for me???

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  • malaparte

    Assuming people should marry to begin with, they should probably do it after they have achieved stable employment, eliminated a good portion of their debt, and have worked on enough of whatever childhood baggage they have.

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    Nobody should tell anybody else when they should get married. It's a personal decision that one has to live with for the rest of their life.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet


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  • litelander8

    Whenever they feel comfortable merging taxes and insurance. It doesn’t really matter for anything else.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Our birthrates are too low in western countries. We need a slow increase in population to grow our economy. Theres alot of bluecollar jobs we cant fill. I wish instead of woke propaganda we had 1960s era propaganda thats pro family. Back then people got married younger and they stayed together more. They also had alot more kids.

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      • litelander8

        I couldn’t care less that there’s less poor people making 10 billionaires.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          If you make 10 billionaires you make thousands of millionaires and alot of high paying jobs. Think about how many thousands of millionaires tesla stock has made. This is silly female commie bs you're saying now.

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          • litelander8

            You’re just a sheep being ran by a gerbil. 🤷🏾‍♀️

            Keep doing what the man wants you to do. 👍🏾

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            • 1WeirdGuy

              Damn you're one of those....

              I didnt think highly of you but I never thought you were one of "those". YOU choose to be the sheep I choose to be the gerbil.

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      • Anonnet

        They also had more affordable housing, more affordable tuition, only one parent needed to work, Facebook didn't exist, etc. They could roll out that propaganda today and it simply wouldn't work.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          Theres been times through history where people were ALOT worse off than now and their birthrates were higher.

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          • Anonnet

            Yeah, probably. Ya know, my Mom sometimes talks about how women moving into the workforce basically damaged families. Obviously, when both parents are working, it's not as easy for them to be as careful or attentive to their kids. However, there's also just a lot of corporate BS in America when it comes to stuff like maternity leave. It's generally longer and has to be paid in other countries, whereas here, 12 weeks unpaid is all that's federally required. Combine that with just general career pressure for women not to be "held back" by childbirth and you have a recipe for people avoiding kids at any cost.

            I don't know what kind of propaganda could fix that. Tell women to stop working? I say that as a joke, but even if that could work, I'm not even sure that's financially reasonable for a lot of families right now. If you want people to boom the babies again, that's something that requires actual action.

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  • Somenormie

    Some get married much later in life. There are some people I knew who got married when they were in their 30s.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I have been married twice, and it's probably not for me.

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  • MangoMilk00

    I'd probably say whenever someone is mentally ready for such a commitment. Some maybe be 30's or beyond.
    But nothing like child marriage, that is gross.

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  • LloydAsher

    Early 20s is when you need to get your act together. And mid to late 20s when you should be a "catch" for marriage. Not that you should be required to get married but its something that's a good both for yourselves and society at large.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    There's no standard age it's all dependent on if you met the right person, if you're financially stable and if you're in a good place mentally. I have cousins for example who married at 18 as well as cousins who married at 45. In the US I believe the average age range now is 30-40 but there's no one size fits all when it comes to marriage.

    I'm in my 30s and I'm nowhere near ready but I want to get married someday. None of my friends are married either.

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  • bbrown95

    It completely depends on the person. As for what is common, I'm in my late 20's and many of my peers are married or engaged, so I would say 20's-30's is common, though there's certainly nothing wrong with getting married at a later age. I think people should do it when they're ready and not rush into it.

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    • hauntedbysandwiches

      Must be location, 90% of the people I went to school with are still unmarried and they're all in their 30s but I live in a really expensive city I think that plays into it. And very true there's definitely no rush, better to do it when ready.

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      • bbrown95

        Yes, I'm sure it varies depending on location. I live in the Midwest, in an area that is much cheaper to live in than a lot of other places, so I'm sure that has a lot to do with it as well.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Ideally by 20 in a perfect society

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    • dabadedabadie

      Never destroy the nuclear family embrace the hammer and sickle who needs food anyway I for one love starving to death

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