Atheists, were you once religious, or were you never religious?

My best friend and I are atheists, though I was a christian when we first met. This has led me to wonder who the majority are, those who used to be religious, or those who never were.

I have always been an atheist. 30
Christian, now an atheist. 34
Jewish faith, now an atheist. 3
Hindu, now an atheist. 1
Muslim, now an atheist. 2
Other, now an atheist. 10
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Comments ( 18 )
  • calthropstu

    I don't know the answer to be honest. I can't really remember when I made the decision that god could not exist. I certainly made the decision before reading the bible, but after reading it my decision was further affirmed.
    Look up at the night sky. Look at the stars and realize: each one of those is a sun. millions upon billions of suns, planets, moons...
    If we are god's ultimate creation:
    Why is he still creating more? Why make so many suns and planets and other places that have no meaning to us? The bible was written in a time when they didn't understand the enormity of the universe. A time when the stars were just stars and magic was thought to exist and sorcerers were able to fake conjurations with mere parlor tricks and fool thousands.
    Logic dictates the probability that the bible is actual fact is next to nothing.

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  • charli.m

    I used to be a Christian but I'm better now.

    In all seriousness, it did help me through some stuff at the time but what I really needed was anti depressants and counselling. I feel much better about myself and about life since I left the church. Most of my friends are still Christian, and I respect their beliefs.

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    • admirer

      "I used to be a Christian but I'm better now."
      Not that I didn't enjoy the rest of your comment, but if you had just left it at that, it would've been funny as hell.

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  • Apples&Oranges

    I used to be a Catholic because my parents made me go to church every Sunday and say prayers with them. I also was in youth groups from kindergarten to twelfth grade. A few years ago I began to pick at the obvious like "virgin birth" and realized that really, people could be making up whatever stuff they wanted. I also realized that I didn't agree with a lot of the tenets of the faith, but most of all, I realized that I didn't care and I was just putting up with it because I was forced to. I also began to realize that praying does nothing, and that the only way to make things happen is doing something yourself. Yet I see people talking about how "God" got them through the bad times while not crediting their own endurance. That's just crazy. Freeing myself from the idea of 'hell' was rather helpful in fighting my fear of death.

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  • nowimsureimsane

    I used to be on the fence that there was a possibility of a god until after years of reasearch,debating,listening to stories,looking at scientific data etc. ive come to the conclusion its hogwash.there is no one deity over the earth.i think all religion is a crock and just 'fools your mind' into feeling better about shit that happens and not understanding a purpose or reason for everything.the point is there is no point.

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  • ariannel

    I would say I'm more spiritual than religious. I think there is something out there bigger than us but I just don't know what.

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  • InvadingPotatoLeader

    @ joybird.
    And goodness doesn't necessarily have to come from religion, we all know religion has done plenty of bad.
    And in my opinion i think humans should believe in themselves not in someone nobody has ever seen and never will see.
    The strange part about one religion, christianity, is that it become so worldwide because Europeans traveled and explored and colonized, and spread it wherever they went.
    And now Europe is one of the least religious continents on the planet.
    This isn't the middle ages anymore, people have a mind of their own and anyone with half a brain would know how religion is simply the creation of human imagination.
    If i ever become a parent, i will not teach my child(ren) any religion, when they grow up they will know how to decide for themselves what to think and believe.
    And i highly doubt any intelligent person would choose to be religious.
    I don't mean to bash religion with this post, it's what i think of it.
    Sure many people choose to have faith, but why not have faith in yourself and the human race?
    At least we know that is true.

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  • wannabenerd

    My father used to be a Christian then an atheist so I was never really raised with religion. There were a few times when I would try to believe in Jesus. Right now I would consider myself kind of an agnostic because I'm not sure if there is a god. What I'm certain of, though, is that there is no Heaven as people just made that up because they are and have always been afraid of death (like me).

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  • im non of thos i don't go worship

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  • admirer

    When I was tiny, I thought I was religious.
    I never believed any of it but for some reason I was under the impression that no one else did either -that it was just something you play along with like Santa or The Easter Bunny.
    I thought religion was one big game of pretend that everybody in the whole world (the people you see in preschool & church is "everybody in the whole world" when you've just graduated from being a toddler) knowingly participated in!
    As soon as I started to understand that we were actually expected to take this stuff seriously, I didn't care to play anymore.
    I love playing pretend to this day but I don't confuse the part I play with how I really feel.
    What can I say? Sheep-ism doesn't suit me.

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  • KenzieDivine

    I was baptized. As a little girl (until about the age of 9) I believed in God/Jesus...I wansnt a Jesus FREAK but I prayed every night, and anytime I needed something. What happened? None of the prayers were answered, and I prayed for 'serious', family issues, bad father, depressed brother, financial struggle issues.
    It was only when I gave up on blind faith and started only depending on my self that I achieved any progress. I dont care if someone believes in whatever, Ill accept it....unless they try debating against my opinion. Thats the only time I bash down on theirs.

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      Same here

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  • Well when I was younger I would always say I believed in a god, I would go to church, and pretend to enjoy going to Bible School. It was all based on fear of the word "sin". My family would basically make me too scared to doubt in their faith by telling me I could go to hell. I let it dictate my life until I finally admit I never really believed in it. Lol my family kind of gives me the cold shoulder on it sometimes but whatever. I'm just glad I finally got that off my chest..and no more Bible School. Yay! Lol..

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  • OCDC

    I've never been religious, but I was definitely more agnostic when I was younger.

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  • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

    I was never religious but I toyed with the idea of God for a while, switching from theism to agnosticism to atheism. For the last few years I've been an atheist.

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  • pandabear1209

    My family is very religious but I never believed so iv been atheist since I can remember

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  • Katywompus

    I was never religious. My mother decided to have my brother and I baptised when we were like, 10 and 12 years old. I had to go to sunday school and all that crap and I absolutely hated it. I was young, but I didn't believe or give a crap about anything that they said. It was all just a bunch of horse shit to me. So ya, I was never religious and couldn't, and still don't, understand why so many people still are. That's just me though

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  • Ho0ligan

    Never cared for religion.

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