Athiests: what would your reaction be if you died and god existed?

(I'm not trying to single out anyone for their beliefs. And I don't want to hear any "God doesn't exist so this questions is stupid" responses. Please just entertain the idea for 5 seconds and answer.)

Whether the God(s) you find are smiteful or loving, what would be your general reaction to discovering their existance?

Pleasantly surprised 34
Surprised and disgusted 26
Surprised and sort of neutral on the whole thing. 42
Not surprised really... 6
".......Well FUCK." 72
Other (Add a comment) 9
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Comments ( 44 )
  • Chayce

    If god existed and he is sending me to hell simply because I didn't believe in him, I'd team up with Satan or whoever opposes him and start a revolution. That would spark the end of days and I would most likely get thrown into the lake of fire dying a second time and ceasing to exist.

    It'd still be badass tho and totally worth it. I don't think a God like that should exist and I will do anything in my power to rebel.

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    • Valetion


      I'd just be like

      "Good luck, have batman"

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  • Darkoil

    I would knock god out for taking away my pet rabbit when i was 10.

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  • bronte_91

    I wouldn't be too bothered honestly. I would probably apologize for not believing and if God is the forgiving guy everyone says, he will be all like "No worries, just glad you could make it". And that would be that.

    More realisticly though, since I am atheist, I wouldn't get to meet God because I would be sent to "hell" for being a "non-believer" ahaha.

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  • dinz

    One word.... "Dammit!"

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  • BoredGuy

    What if you died and you realized there is no god and you had just 1 life. Oh wait it wouldn't matter.

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  • spongerobert

    Surprised and disgusted!

    Ace quote:
    "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then He is not omnipotent. Is He able, but not willing? Then He is malevolent. Is He both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is He neither able nor willing? Then why call Him God?"

    Epicurus (c. 341 - c. 270 BC)

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  • dappled

    I'd ask him/her/it why he/she/it hates scientists so much that he/she/it created science, which is a perfectly noble, intelligent belief system, the following of which (apparently) means I am a bad person who will burn in hell for eternity despite everyone who is loyal to him enjoying the fruits of science's labour and having their lives prolonged and saved by medical breakthroughs. Science gives freely to people regardless of their beliefs. When have religious people ever cared enough to make my life significantly better?

    Also, I want to know why men have nipples.

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    • Tehboss

      do you know how many christian scientists exist?

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      • TheLogicalSkeptic1

        Substantially less than the number of christian astrologists?

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    • joybird

      I don't know why you think God hates scientists!?

      I'm sure religious people do little things in the community that you don't know about, but which improves your life a little. I'm not calling them Christians (with a capital C - coz they're the ones more interested in the title) but genuinely 'good' people. We had a small experience when there was a power cut. A lot of lovely neighbours called to my mom's house with food they cooked for us 5 children. My mom assured them it was OK coz we cooked with gas, but they insisted we take it anyway!

      I believe in God but here's a little question for fun. Did Eve have a belly button?

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      • dappled

        I was ranting a bit too much there. I had a bee in my bonnet that put science and religion in opposing camps. Some religions say (strictly) that if you're not in our camp, you will be punished for it quite harshly. Whereas scientists say, if you're not in our camp, that's okay, we'll still save your life. And you can still continue to condemn us to hell for it.

        I always try to see both sides and this was an example of me very much failing to do that. I often think science and religion are two ways of saying the same thing. And I should have stuck to that thought rather than getting a bit insecure and pissy for no good reason.

        I can answer the Eve question but you won't like it. :)

        If the first female who'd evolved to be what you'd consider human was borne of a mother with an umbilical cord, then yes. If not, then no.

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        • "I had a bee in my bonnet that put science and religion in opposing camps."

          Big mistake. Science and evolution are in opposing camps.

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        • joybird

          I understand the Eve answer OK irt evolution ;o) which I am happy to accept. I also accept that the 'science' in the Old Testament was written by people who were trying to explain it, as best they could, within the limits of their own scientific knowledge.

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    • RomeoDeMontague

      If god created people why would he hate science? If for this little scenario we said without a doubt god was real. If god had the mind to create creatures and they were designed in his image he is the creator is also a scientist. We created test tube babies and cloning. Also you cant say religious people never gave since that is what so many churches aim to do. In fact a lot of hospitals are owned and funded by churches as well as a lot of charity organizations. Maybe men have nipples since people really do not have that much separating them aside from a few organs and one set of chromosomes.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    In my religion, athiesm isn't going to get you sent to hell. F**king up really really badly gets you sent to hell. Before you reach your "final destination" so to speak in the afterlife, God appears to you and is all "you believe me now!?" AND IF YOU STILL SAY NO, then you might get sent to a lesser heaven. Not hell. Unless you're Ted Bundy. Then you go to hell.

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  • Jiovanie

    I would ask God who his favorite pokemon was.

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  • MyHazelLabyrinth

    It's all in the mind. Our minds are something that we have barely scraped to understand. How can something exist if we never beleived in it? It can't.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      So for argument's sake using your reasoning... say someone doesn't believe in gravity, according to you gravity doesn't exist just because they don't believe?

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  • UliNalaMansae

    meh, i didn't do anything bad but i don't believe in him anymore. Would i go to purgatory?

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  • howaminotmyself

    I am not an atheist but if I were, I would say, "thank you, may I please have another?"

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  • DenverWagner

    I would click my tongue, shake my head in disappointment and say, "Man if you really wanted me to believe all this shit you could have done a much better job." Then I would shrug and say "Not my fault!"

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  • To be honest, If god existed, we wouldn't have kids being bullied to the point that they commit suicide. I speak the truth

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  • meowmeowmeowmeow

    I'd say "Sorry. Just not enough proof, God. Not enough proof. I'm only human, remember? Created in your image and all of that shit? You created me to be a rational thinker, with free will. You fucked up there, didn't you?"
    And besides. I'd much rather go to hell with secularists like Einstein, George Carlin, Bill Hicks than stay in "heaven" with a bunch of egomaniacal "believers". Heaven would not be heaven if I were surrounded by people like Sarah Palin.

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  • zenji

    I would call him on his shit. Mainly, he's a sadistic mofo. Why give free will to your new toys when you built them unable to handle it?? Freak!!

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  • Chillpill

    It depends. If he turned out to be scary like in the old testament, I'd shit myself. If he seemed more like the NT God and friendly and approachable, I'd be quite excited and ask lots of questions, like why he allows so much suffering and why he makes it so hard to believe in him.

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  • Rhuarc

    They would just go straight to hell so they would not see God. They would be severly disappointed and feel endless sorrow and pain by never being able to see God's light or mercy.

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    • Moninto

      How is he merciful if he immediately sends them to eternal suffering without even giving them a second chance? They're not bad people for having a hard time believing in something as complicated as God.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    I would be angry I died and beg for him to let me go back home.

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  • MahBoi24

    First I would be like, "Well..damn!" Then I'd HOPE this god would say "Hey, look..I'm sorry about all those fundies. And I'm REALLY sorry those asshats made the normal people feel so bad. Don't worry, I sent them in the other direction."

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  • theflistermister09

    I would tell him that he didnt give us enough proof and that as he is all knowing that he should have known that we wouldnt believe if he didnt give us enough proof, so its his fault. Also, if he wasnt to tall, i would slap him in the face for creating cancer...what a cunt!

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    • RomeoDeMontague

      The point is to have faith. If you choose to believe is completely your decision. No one should be forced to follow or believe anything.

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  • Colgo

    idk why people are trying to tell other people that this is the best religion ,atheist is the best,islam is the best
    let them do wtf they want i have my own choice ,i choose ISLAM

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  • SunflowerKid

    There is no proof of any god or anyone with powers beyond our imagination. Therefore god doesn't exist. But for arguments sake if I died and saw God I would be very surprised and just ask "why?".

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    • robbieforgotpw

      According to the bible in romans 1, creation itself is proof of God and man is without excuse.

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      • TheLogicalSkeptic1

        So spouteth every religious wakko of every denomination while lacking a logical correlation. Amen.

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  • SoCal

    It would be a'lil too late to have a reaction, wouldn't it? ...however, its good to be right with God just in case.

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    • Megid

      Which one? All of them? That alone would send you to hell!

      I like that religion can instill meaningful values, but I don't feel as if any obligation (an overseer, divine punishment, or a post-mortem destination) to apply these values is necessary. It's a scare tactic, divine terrorism. This is why you will find some atheists practice Buddhism.
      Theism is seemingly an umbrella scapegoat for the answers we impatiently seek.
      Question everything.

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      • meowmeowmeowmeow

        Very true. I am an atheist with buddhist values.

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  • Dozis

    It depends on the god.If it's some hindu god I'd probably be left with the only chance of reincarnation.If it's the god of the christians I'd just have to play the harp for him or he'd cast me out of heaven then I'd go meet the other guy down below who would torture me for the rest of my eternal life,so I wouldn't have much left to do besides screaming to the top of my lungs.
    Either way the reactions I could have wouldn't be up to me since god technically made us all and nothing I could do would suprise him.
    So I guess I'd just freeze.

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  • flipflapflop

    Slap him for killing me. If I went to hell straight away I would still be glad I enjoyed my life the best I could and not worrying about god who, well killed me anyway so... Win either way :D

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    • RomeoDeMontague

      People die naturally. Your body deteriorates to the point you can no longer function. Depending on what you believe one of the following will happen 1.your soul leaves its earthly vessel and is judged and will go to heaven or hell 2.your soul leaves your body and will be reincarnated into a baby 3.your soul will leave and be judged by the Egyptian god your heart is weighed against a feather if its heavier than your soul is eaten meaning you die a second death have no soul and your body rots and turns into dirt. I don't think any of these beliefs thinks that anything planned for everyone to live forever. Most everyone believes in death. The debate is what happens after not if we live or not. So why do you believe it would have been god that killed you?

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  • mysteriouslover96

    I would be like shit i knew it but quite frankly i dont really care.

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  • letsgetiton623

    God exists get the fuck over it

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