Attracted to my father

I'm female, and just turned 18 a few months ago. I'm pretty average in all areas. Except...

Ever since I can remember feeling "romantic" attraction, I've found myself inexplicably attracted to my father. He's not the kindest of people, and he has really high expectations of me so it's been very painful for me to try to live up to his standards, but nonetheless I've never been able to shake the feeling of being attracted to him, both emotionally and physically. I've tried to quash this impulse in myself and have dated several other people, but my father is the standard to which I hold everyone else, and no one measures up.

Is this just me longing for a loving father-daughter relationship that we haven't had? Or is it what it feels like - romantic desire? Has anyone else ever felt this way? More importantly, does it go away over time?

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43% Normal
Based on 2108 votes (911 yes)
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Comments ( 197 )
  • DaddysNaughtyGirl

    A girl pours her heart out, possibly seeking understanding and comfort she can't get from family members for obvious reasons, and all she gets is sarcasm, name calling, rejection and a bunch of strangers trying to impose their moral values onto her.

    Probably the same bunch who covet the neighbour's teen daughter or 'enjoy' the preteen sleep overs arranged by their own daughters.

    Ain't it sad people are so fast to judge and criticise others, pretending to uphold moral standards they do not have?

    Darling, it is not normal and you should brush it off your mind. Not so much because it is 'wrong' (right and wrong change with time and place) or against the law but mostly because insisting on it will probably bring you heartache and sadness.

    Try to forget about it. Find yourself a boy your age. It's just better for you.


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    • hahaha, does anyone else find it funny that the person who posts this comment has the username DaddysNaughtyGirl?? LOL

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      • chewy

        i find it funny too

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      • BiSexKid

        The irony is bliss..

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      • callmeayardie

        im in tears pahahaha

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    • lovebuzz1025

      I love you for saying this!

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    • moxo

      This is normal I have 2 girls that are in love with their father. It's obvious to everyone, however as a dad it's my responsibility to keep this situation under control. The father has a responsibility to protect their daughters from anything that may cause them pain. As a dad you draw a line of acceptable behavior. Young people are still learning how to handle their emotions & feelings it's a parent's responsibility to guide them in the right direction.

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    • haleyxbailey

      i definatly say dont listen to these people! it isnt normal and hopefully it is something to do with longing for a real father-daughter relationship, and you should maybe see a councelor

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    • denler

      Its not normal to be sexually attracted to ones father. get the fuck off your moral highground. worst decision of my life is signing up for this site its just full of sick excuses for human beings asking if its normal to fuck family or their dogs...lmao trying to get with family? thats just fucking lazy. and its always females. and i thought MEN were the perverts people nowadays want everything fucking candy coated. if you cant stand the criticism then you're a fucking pussy

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  • TammyFP

    Look, I am in the social work field and (because of this) I had to study psychology, human behavior, and mental illnesses. That said, several people of made reference to the Electra Complex (female version of Oedipus Complex). Freud was the first to discover the Oedipus Complex and Carl Jung was the psychologist who coined the term Electra Complex. Jung and Freud had many disagreements with theories and Freud refused to use Jung's terminology so he just referred to a girl's attachment to her father as the Female Oedipus Complex.

    What the Electra Complex refers to is a female (during the phallic stage) realizing she doesn't have a penis but her father does. She then seeks to have intercourse with him to have some sort of attachment with a penis. The term Penis Envy came from this theory.

    You must understand that Freud had a lot of issues himself and was a drug addict to boot so a lot of psychologists, therapists, and psychiatrists have rejected his theories or altered them to make more sense.

    You are already aware of the reason for your attraction to your father. You stated it in your opening question. I'm referring to when you asked, "Is it me longing for a father-daughter relationship I've never had?"

    I would say that is exactly what it is. Modern day psychologists, therapists, and psychiatrists have come to the conclusion that the Electra Complex is actually a girl/woman's desire for love and acceptance by her father. It is most commonly found in situations such as yours where you feel like you don't measure up to his standards/expectations. You probably have a low self-esteem as well (as this usually accompanies this syndrome).

    I do not know to what lengths your attraction to your father reaches but, for the sake of covering all the bases, I would say if you are actually sexually aroused by him or fantasize that he is having intercourse with you (during masterbation or just daydreaming) then I would say you don't fit the normal profile of a woman needing acceptance from dad.

    Most women with the Electra Complex (today's version where you're seeking approval) seek out relationships with other men who resemble their father and these are usually abusive relationships on some level (whether emotional abuse, physical or sexual abuse, or verbal abuse).

    I hope this helps you to see where you are. If either depiction I've described fits your situation then you should definitely seek out a good therapist to work through your core/underlying issues so you can bring about resolution and start entering into positive, healthy relationships with the opposite sex. A relationship where you are valued on every level and where there is no hurtful behavior being acted out.

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    • Determination

      such nice notes...i've come accross other father daughter relationship issues here on this site. could you please post your comments in there too? it can be help to other such ppl too!!...keep it up!

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    • Javierinla

      Wow, your comment was great! I hope this girl reads it and heeds your advice.

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  • Mechastar

    you should fight your mom to the death for his love

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    • deviLzZ

      hahahhhaaa really nice lol i laughed at so many comms in this site lollllll

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    It's normal and it'll go's called an Electra complex. Alternatively, boys experience the Oedipus's just a normal part of growing up...

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    • Satchmo

      Neither is normal you just believe something you heard in a
      N tro to psych class

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  • cricketina

    As a daughter that was abused by her father and as a foster mom who helped parent children molested by their fathers...this is not a place you dare want to visit...Read Mckenzie phillips new book about what her consentual sexual relations with her father as an adult did to her mentally and spiritually This would be a good book to read..this is in no way normal at all sweetie and I pray you get help before you cross a line...Take care

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  • Mormodes

    Seriously, don't listen to half these people. It is normal in some circumstances to develop what you have for your father. It will go away eventually.

    Just don't be stupid and act on those impulses. One good way to avoid anything you'll regret later is to get out of the house as fast as possible and get your own place somewhere. You can still love him as your father and be moved out.

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  • sparrowfeed

    someone mentioned freud ..?
    are you joking? freud is no longer credible.

    i think this is normal, if you ask me. i don't feel this way because my dad is old and wrinkly.. but hey, maybe your dad is a sexy man! i've seen lots of men 40-50 who are very attractive. my friend's dad, for example, is really hot.

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  • SamuraiPeeper

    It's not your fault and your not a bad person, it's just not normal. But if you did have sex with your dad it would be victimless crime-given your age-as long as no child was concieved. People will try and put you down as you can see, but that's only because this is something most people never have to deal with and will never understand. It is human; it is natural; it most certainly does happen, probably more than most will admit, but it's not common. Know there's is nothing perverse about you so long as you're not intentionally hurting anyone or knowingly letting someone get hurt to satisfy your needs. That's my moral code, anyway.

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  • ezee2sex

    To dwell on this will cause only grief. If you seduce him and he goes for it, the thrill will last till he cums and it all will go down hill from there. If he doesnt go for it then it still presents the same. Try something different a quickie w/ a stranger or another woman. Skake it up a little and dad will fade.

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  • Jim_Pfoss

    Fake. Bet it was written by a dude. Probably a pedophile trying to justify doing his daughter.

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    • kelpie2722

      you are a close minded idiot. shame on you!

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  • delft63

    move to arkansas

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    • udontknome

      i live in arkansas you asshole!

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      • prettywoman

        what the hell?!

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      • Zombie_girl08

        Lmao hahaha your comment made me laugh..but seriously girly, that's gross.

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    • hahaha that was really funny we were talking about that in spanish lmfao

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  • lavabava

    PPL she posted this shit like two years ago. She probably already banged her dad.

    -She even might already have a brother/son, or daughter/sister.

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  • Duck_________


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  • Jessic1517

    You poor thing. Ever tried seeing a head doctor?

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  • skigal_a91

    yeah...Its not normal. But I can unfortunately relate! Psychiatry may be our best bet. Oedipus Complex is at work here ...interesting stuff really

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  • betch_pleaseex39

    Sounds strange however, Froid has some theories on this. Basically we're all somewhat attracted to our family members, because we're all human. For most of us it's subconscious, I guess for you it's become a little more than that though. Possibly talk to a therapist?

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  • LilMissTammy

    by saying this is not normal will only make her feel alot worse not being able to control her feelings we all get diffrent taughts and feelings that are unexplainable and weird at times and have nodoby to go to about them, im sure this will go away (: dont worrie you are not sick or immoral in any way possible your just confused .

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  • MissTrademark2317

    I think that this is normal. I know it can disgust people, and the thought of it is extremely taboo, but, what are you going to do? It's just something that some people. I think youhave been trying to make him happy since you were a littel girl. He's your role model and the person you look up to to show you what to do and you are wanting to please him. You want to be perfect in his eyes, and you've obviously been striving for that. I think because of this, you are attracted to him because he is such a strong male figure in your life. If these really start bothing, help is available.

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  • h0tm0m2408

    I dont think its a great thing, but I think every girl has those feelings at one point, I grew up with a step dad that was very hard to please and yet when I was older I had the same feelings about him, it is your minds way of trying to cope with not have a normal relationship, your mind is craving his love and affection and its just showing up as romantic feelings. and having sex with older guys helps, but thats probably not the right way to go either. you should try talking to him, tell him that you want a better bond, try fishing or doing things together, in a real father daughter way and those feelings will probably go away.

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  • actually this is a very normal feeling for girls to have though you shouldnt act on it for obvious reasons. the reason that this fantasy is so common is becuase many women want to be taken care of not only in life but in love and sex as well. sometimes girls are even attracted to there older brothers. this is very normal. if its really disturbing you try seeking councling. i can assure you the councler will not find you weird or gross or abnormal at all. why do you think the romance novel,romantic movie scenario is with the helpless women reaching out for that one man to sweep her off her feet and take care of her? becuase its programmed into womens brains to be cared for though many women are getting mroe and more independent and are feeling theese things less and less but theres still a large portian of the female population who feel this way. so naturally who else to turn to except the strong male role model-your father.

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  • Dollface13

    Thats just wrong in so many levels.....get help and that last comment was just distrubing. Your dads supposed to be old and dumb to you not sexy and dreamy. Your dad fertilized your mom so you can get here, and now you want him to fertilize you. Man, that baby will come out retarted or something.

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  • daath

    I feel the same way about my mom

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  • Deadly_Syn

    God...this is sicker than the time Arnold Schwarzenegger raped Tom Cruise!
    Oh...wait...that never happened...

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  • gsfreak

    Don't overthink this! At one time or another you probably heard your mom & dad having good sex or you'll seen your dad naked.

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  • gangsta2

    wow listen obviously u have some big issues with him the only way u would proly like him like that is if he had done something to u sexually in ur life 4 real u need some counseling.

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  • hannahbelle4324

    its pretty unusual to be romantically abstracted to your father. once i saw a picture of my dad when he was my age (16) and though he was hot .__. so i guess that similar. and my sister and i would touch each others tongues when we were 4 hahaha .__. just trying to make you feel better :P but seriously you should move or something stay clear from your dad for a while. i mean still visit him occasionally but maybe without his daily presence your feelings for him will disappear. and maybe you'll find a new man:D

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    Dear god it's not normal and get a life, I hope your father isn't as stupid as you to have sex with someone who has a trouble sticking to a date

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  • CupcakeLovesPoptarts

    No Its Not Normal

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  • omgg.. i think that you just imagined that story by beeing attracted with ur dad.well think better and so and im sure u`ll forget that stupid idea :S

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  • GeorgeinMunich

    I was monumentally in love with my handsome dad. He used to let me watch him masturbate, and these images truly haunt me. He was a very disturbed man who eventually took his own life by shooting himself in the mouth with a shotgun. He did this while I was alone in the house. I believe he was trying to 'cure me' in his own, sick way.

    Girl, run like hell. Get some help. Figure it out, move out of the house, talk to a counselor.

    REALLY. Do it NOW.

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  • myself11

    Well...this isn't 'normal' because it's unhealthy, but I rated it 'normal' because I actually deal with this problem and it's called the 'Electra complex'. AKa 'daddy issues'. It's definitely emotionally rooted and I would advise getting into counseling.
    In the meantime, don't act on it. Good luck :)

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    My advise is PUT YOUR FEELINGS AS FAR FROM YOUR MIND AS POSSIBLE. No good will come of it if you let your desires get the better of you. I can understand that must be a bitch, but that's nothing compared to what could happen if this got out.

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  • okayokay

    Maybe your just spending too much time with him? have you tried dating other guys to distract you from him?
    Don't be too harsh on yourself about this, i'm sure you'll meet someone who will completely replace this attraction. I had a friend who confided in me with a similar issue, her feelings went on for about a year, then she met the man of her dreams and she feels no romantic interest in her relative anymore, she thinks it may have been just some kind of sexual fantasy too, because it is so forbidden in society.

    [there are a lot of women who date men that resemble their fathers, whether they realize it or not.]

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  • JacobLocke

    Nothing wrong with it were all related anyway.

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  • I don't know if it's normal, though I read some of the comments, and some believe it is. I think I read somewhere that it is.. though I think it's more common for boys to feel that way about their mom's, than girls about their fathers, but again I don't know.
    The feeling will probably go away
    And if I were you DON'T act upon this feeling
    You just may be so close to your father, and like him so much, you want a husband like him, which is perfectly normal
    The feeling will probably go away, but if not, I would suggest professanal help for it, though it probably won't be nessesary

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  • Eye_of_the_beholder

    As you are an adult now, you are more in tune with your sexual side - as you are adjusting you will discover that you are interested in men in that way. The closest man to you is your father and will therefore project the feelings on him.
    It can be normal to find your father attractive, but you are only trying to get to know him better and there are ways of doing this without having a sexual relationship with him. Also the majority of girls use the image of their dad as the standard of what they need to find in a future husband. I think you may have subconciusly thought, 'if i need to find someone like my dad to fall in love with, why not get the real thing and go for him?!' believe me this is not the way
    Go out and find someone else - it will spare greif and pain, it is so much healthier too.
    Have a relationship with your dad, but the right one.
    Take care x

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  • phantomspots

    Okay, you could legitimately be feeling a physical desire, especially since you're young and, I presume, more or less inexperienced, but I think this is a physical manifestation of emotional needs. To a woman, romance and sex are closely related with affection, emotional intimacy and security. You want affection, acceptance and security from your father. Most important is the acceptance. Since your father holds you to such high expectations, you do not feel accepted for just being who you are. This disconnect creates longing, the longing can feel similar to desire and because of that you are confusing the two.

    If you admire your father, it's not abnormal to hold other men to that standard. In fact, that is common. But make sure you're basing that standard on good qualities and not on attributes you WISH were there. That could be another reason you desire your father. You don't desire him, you desire for him to develop traits he's missing.

    Granted... and I can't believe I'm saying this... maybe you are genuinely attracted to your father. Um... still, I wouldn't pursue anything (wow... it feels so weird to suggest this...) until you are several years older, late twenties, in order to understand YOURSELF more and your motivations for feeling this way.

    In short, it's not *normal* to desire your father, far from it, but that doesn't negate your feelings. Incest is a taboo for a reason, but don't judge yourself and don't let other people judge you until you understand what's behind it. I'd seriously talk to a therapist to discover the deeper meaning behind these feelings.

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  • RoggerValline

    how could it be, it's totally abnormal

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  • thats hot

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    • fuck'em

      christian? is that you???????

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  • sidknee

    Keep going, this is gettnig good.

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  • swat412

    It's actually pretty normal, boys are attracted to the mother, girls to the father. I was always attracted to my mother, we were very close and (as adults) finally had the chance to consumate the relationship. Yes, at first there was some guilt, those feelings went away after a while. We didn't want to have a baby or anything like that, this was a way to totally enjoy our love and feelings together.

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  • mememememememememememememememe

    you need serious help. how could this ever happen? thats just plain discusting. please just go hide somewhere-not with your dad, please. you discust me,and if this story is true, please just hide away from the natural world

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  • Ashley2008

    that is not normal by all means beleive me family should not be attracted to family and all u sickos on here tellin her to giv him the come on use all need help u really need to go c somone about that a councellor or a doctor that is definatley not normal "NOT NORMAL"

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  • ewwwwwwwwwwwwww that's just plain gross yuck

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  • lokanat

    This has got Freud written all over it. What you are going through is called phalic envy, where you are jealous of the fact that your dad has a phalic symbol (aka the penis) and you feel like you were punished at birth because you weren't given one. The reason why you are having sexual desires for your dad is because you want to become as close as possible to a figure that resembles him, the only way to do this is to have a "penis baby" which can only be achieved by having sex with him. You can get more information on it at

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    • tintedcouture

      He had a ton of issues himself.

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    • tintedcouture

      A lot of Freud's theories were later rejected by many prominent psychologists.

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      • Penispoopoo

        A lot of Freud's theories are the foundation of psychology.

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        • heartbrokenbutterfly

          freud was a perverted cocaine addict. you are attracted to everyone when you are on cocaine.

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    • Babel

      oh my god i just read about that yesterday in my pschy. (so spelled that wrong) textbook

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    • maya617

      No, i have never felt this way about my father, thank God, but in my opinion you feel admiration towards your dad, wishing you could please him , longing for his love and acceptance.
      That's the logical explanation. If i'm wrong and it really is attraction, i recommend therapy.
      Either way, therapy would be a good idea.

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  • Arabian322

    Eww you probably don't want to hear this but HUNNY WHAT DRUGS ARE YOU ON?!??! Like there's more fish in the sea I find it nasty , cause hello HE'S YOUR DAD !!! the man that also had 50% to bring you here! I mean there are damn hot ass guys out there but your dad ? Well if you still have these feelings then maybe you should get out more and meet new people . Buut have you heard the expression "you marry a man just like your dad" or however the hell it goes then yaa :P so um good luck in life wish u all the best

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  • bdbdbd

    Psychiatry.. now..

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  • Mysterygirl1

    listen if you dont stop being silly your going to get your father into trouble and by the way Frikky DONT LISTEN TO FRIKKY AND THE PEOPLE AGREEING WITH FRIKKY BECAUSE THERE IDIOTS BUT DO LISTEN TO PUNK4LIFE OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • khmntcpr50k




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    • denler


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  • randompersonofdoom

    For starters, do NOT listen to the people who are saying that you're a freak. OR the people telling you to screw your dad, OR the people saying that this never happens because they live in a extremely sheltered world. For starters, I would suggest seeing a therapist. I have been seeing one for a year now about fighting with my family and she has been a huge help. I hope you figure this out soon, and again, don't listen to the people trying to put you down. These things happen, I hope one day they can grow up and realize that. I would also listen to robinbrown's advice.

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  • frikky

    If you really want to find out, give him the come on.
    have a bath but make sure you have no towels, call to your Father to bring you one as you stand naked in the bathroom.
    when he comes tell him you are soooo cold will he rub you down to warm you up, make sure you open your legs to let him dry you off.
    If that don't interest him then forget it or try going down to watch TV in your nightie, sit with your legs open to wards him with no panties on but don't make it to obvious.

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    • Dude that is fucked up !

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    • StupidKidd95


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    • DramDaem

      lol but kinda sick

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    • FlowerOfHope

      That's just so fucking sick.

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    • 100%darkie


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  • konohasempu

    EEW! urrrgh that's horrible! Date older guys and hope it goes away

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  • secretme

    Well, . .
    First of all, that's extremely weird, & don't you think it's a little embarrassing too?
    I think you need to run away, to shake up your funny feelings for him. :|

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  • Babel

    thats messed up and hopefully you dont impulsivley have sex with him one day cuz that will make for some screwed up kids :/

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  • 4w04se

    I must say if anyone needs a good laugh just read the comments.. lol

    P.S. I think it's a fake post anyway.. cos this can never be true

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    • OT3P_Wolf

      Oh yes it can be true! There's a lot of freaky sh*t going on these days...

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  • frikky

    DOLL, i took this story with a pinch of salt, i thought anyone would see that. frikky.

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    • paper_cut

      lmao frikky i saw that! that was funny as shit.

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  • Monkey_space

    I don't know, I'd never try to start anything with my daughter but I would love to have my daughter love me that way. It just seems like everything would be nice and less stressful to be that free with the father daughter relationship.

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  • denler

    DONT act on youre impulses what if someone found out. are you trying to ruin both of your lives and reputations?. thats also very fucking disgusting......

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  • seawind

    Well, I dont know if its normal but I have two boys and two daughters.i have never toutch any of my kids but inside of me I am in deep love with one of my daughters.i want to live with her forever share our life in all ways. And yes I want sex with her so bad. So I moved away and hopefully it will go away.she dont know it I can keep a good secret so if this will help you your not alone.just try to handle it the way it should be handle.

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  • What'sright

    It is called wounded child syndrome. Yes it is normal when you haven't gotten what you need from your parent (exceptence). Just take the high standards as his way of loving you and let go of the need to reach his standards. Become your own person. Just don't repeat it when you become a parent.

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  • BiSexKid

    Just fuck him and see what happens

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  • ronpaul4prez

    This is so weird!

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  • michgel

    I didn't meet my real dad until i was 14 and then after that I had a bunch of weird dreams where we had sex. But no, I don't actually want to do that with him, and when I would wake up after a dream like that I'd be completely freaked out.

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  • jessica2727

    I've been a child victim of incest with someone very close to me, and to just read your post brings nothing much chills down my spine, and hair standing in the back of my neck....I cannot believe that there are people like you who feel this way. There's a difference between thinking about something vulgar and then acting upon it. Maybe you ought to see a physicatrist before something else happens, and I genuinely mean this.

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  • iminhere

    It was quite normal till I read that you are attracted to your father emotionally. But when I read, ''physically'', I was like, "what the fuckk?"

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  • Confront him about your attraction and if he doesn't mind fuck him. I never knew my real father but have fucked most of my mothers boyfriends and even my mum herself.

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  • You could possibly be confusing "romantic" love with a totally normal kid-parent bond. Or, it could kind of be like having a crush on a teacher. (Well, more abnormal than that, but still.) If you really feel that this is a problem beyond your own control though, I would suggest getting theraphy. Remember this can be very embarassing but you're not the first person ever to go through this. (Or something like it.) I haven't experienced this (I've never even been in love before with anyone, not even so much as a crush and I'm seventeen years old. O.o) But I know there are people who can relate to you and help you out. Good luck, and all the best! :]

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  • labialicker6

    Oedipus Complex. Google that shit.

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  • Andy20.


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  • Andy20.

    Thats hot let ur dad for fill ur sexual desires Do u want to b my friend I would love to meet u

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  • bigbob101


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  • sxx6

    honey u go n seduce ur dad showing ur boobs n just get him..if u love him then make him urs..its totally normal.just seduce ur darling dad..u love him honey.dont make him go away.but u shud seduce is the only way.

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  • Ainck20

    Ok, I think that what you mean to be dealing with is your either trying to find someone like your dad (which you shouldn't) or you don't think youll find another guy who's as great as your dad, (which you should) see where im coming from? either way, I think your drawn to the power he has on you with standards and morals. You'll be fine just think about it.

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  • jamesmitchell29486

    just have sex with him

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  • surprised

    i really like what the sensible guy wrote ...don't look at the funny comments ...what u having is really serious and so sensitive ...he is ur father ...i am not telling u u shouldn't feel like this ...cause i know u didn't want it ...but u have to try to stay always far as u can and make some relations ...maybe that can help u ...god be with you

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  • death_sabbath

    no its not normal imo

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  • i'll help you get rid of this

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    This is not normal but dont let anything happen between you two. Not everybody thinks and feels the same way but its ok that you are different. Its not your fault for feeling the way you do it just happens so dont let ignorant people tell you disrespectful shit. The best thing for you is to find someone your own age; it sounds hard but it can happen if you try.

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  • Albamq

    It is not normal, and it is called Electra complex. You haven´t surpassed that stage of your life, and I kind of understand you because both my sisters have a light Electra complex.
    Work on it, and maybe try some counselling.

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  • kelpie2722

    it is normal! i'm not attracted to my father on a conscious level like you are, but it really does happen to everyone. even guys are attracted to their mothers, whether it is on a conscious or subconscious level. i've had a few sexual dreams about my father and they were deeply disturbing to me at the time, but it happens to everyone. i asked several of my friends about it, and ALL of them have had sexual dreams about their fathers/mothers.
    it's really sad that this causes so much distress for you, and it's also really sad that so many people are leaving insensitive comments about it. i'm sure most of them have had sexual dreams about their parents, or even conscious sexual desires for their parents. anyhow i hope you overcome this and find peace!

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  • Mztellitlikeitiz


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  • Nitastar

    Normal... It's like you think your father it's the best man in the world and you want to be with SOMEONE just LIKE him. It happens to me with my brothers as well.

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  • Lobos36

    Thats not right, but i guess thats what happens when u live in the South. Damn Hillbillys, you've corrupted this poor girls mind

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  • saltpower

    it happens and its the first one you said

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  • Katja

    Um, okay. That's a little weird and all, but i guess normal (?). Plenty of other girls, not including myself, do that. Its almost an Electra Complex. But that's aside. I, personally, can only see my dad as a coach, comedian and one of my best friends. Nothing else. But I also prefer to date guys older than me. Not the same age as my dad, which would be strange, but older.
    Point: Yeah, I think its normal. There are truckloads of closet Electras. And Oedipus' (the counter feeling for males and their mothers)

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  • Trust me on this one! According to many in Psychology, they can tell you its very normal to have these " Feelings" acting on them is another story. Its called the Oedipus syndrome. Look it up. Its much more common with sons and mothers, but yes its also very common with girls and Dads. Humans are attracted to each other for many reasons. Most young women marry men that are very close to what thier fathers are like. Don't have sex with him, but your feelings, " Yes " they are normal.

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  • Najz

    Read comments of :
    Phantom Spots

    You're mistaking your desire of his approval with sexual desire.
    Many girls seek approval thru sex, approve of urself thru finding what makes YOU approve of urself; career, gym, social work, higher education maybe even pursue psychology.
    Do not seduce your dad, you'll screw up ur self-perception.
    Love yourself and not your daddy's perception of what he wants you to be.

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  • Spirit.Of.69

    Dollface13, you seriously need to open your eyes love. There's alsorts of reasons for women to be attracted to there dads, she said her dad has high expectations of her and that could have a lot to do with it, she probably just wants to feel accepted by him and most probably is just wanting that father and daughter relationship.

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  • cybad

    Well, it is wrong, to say the least. Whether normal or not depends on your definition of normal. You would only be attracted to your dad if he encourages you. He may encourage you without knowing it, like flashing that sweet smile when he catches you are staring at his chest. He is a man, and if he is your kind of guy then it is normal to be attracted. Discourgate yourself by being realistic about it, knowing that this attraction will lead you nowhere. He will never father your children.

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  • mluker

    I didn't mean to answer yes. That's wrong on so many levels. WTF

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  • IfUwereOnlyassmartasme

    The fact that you can see that this isn't how it is supposed to be is a good thing. The fact that you haven't acted on it is even better. I would stop trying to over analyze it which hasn't seemed to work so far and go to a therapist.

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  • Therealdude

    That's not normal!

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  • southernboy

    It's not completely "normal" but the comment about the "Electra" complex is right. When people grow up and they first have sexual thought, they manifest themselves on the closest member of the opposite sex; mother, father, brother, sister

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  • jasonapple

    You've said it yourself. You don't think anyone else is good enough. You need to adjust your standards because your Dad has obviously had a huge influence on you and it's stopping you from having a normal relationship with a guy.

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  • Spazmatic

    yo, i have romantic feelins about my sister, and we have never had a good relationship... so it might just be that : p

    you are not sick, allooot of people think like this. and if other "bad" things turns you on it might just be that as well... that it is so very bad ;p

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  • understander(origanil)

    lots o comments

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  • wow i feel that to with my 2 friends.

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  • unsunghero113

    I'm not saying this to be mean but for the love of all that is holy see a therapist. And for your sake I hope it is you longing for a stronger relationship with you father. (emotionally not physically.)

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  • tayraaarJay__x

    wow; i"ve heard of stuff like this. BUt never actually known of anyone to do it or have it or whatever.

    not sure what to say /= Not something that everyone goes through. Maybe if you just keep concentrating on the bad things about him? /= don"t know

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  • rinne

    this is a really incestuous feeling you are talking about, but i think it's really just because since he has such high expectations for you, he's the 'perfect' guy, the 'perfect' man. literally the ideal man you would want to marry.

    i think this feeling of yours will go away with time, when you find your 'ideal guy' which will make your feelings for your dad go away :)

    best of luck :)

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  • zii

    Your sick and you need help. but most women usually date guys who are like their fathers.

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    • zii

      but NOT their fathers.

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  • omg that's serious i don't know what to say... i mean i think it's ok if it's a stepfather or something but father?! that's kinda way of the normal scale and you need to find help good luck on that one

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  • whatever_man

    You, ur mother, ur sister, ur brother AND FATHER CAN HAVE A MASSIVE ORGY. Please film it. I think im actually inlove with you for having sick thoughts <3

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  • wow nd i thot i had problems :| well i guess if anything wierd in the sexual way happens it will b funny if he goes whos your daddy LOL

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  • ZOR69

    I think that is called an Electra Complex, and it is a normal stage of a girl's development, I think, but most have passed out of it by age 18. You may need to get some counseling for this.

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    • thehollywood

      I am 18 not by any means in love with my father or find him attractive at all! I was never abused and my father and i have a cool relationship but recently i had 2 dreams about doing stuff with a guy and it starts out as someone else and ends up as him. This is gross and makes me feel awkward is this normal and why does it happen?

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  • assaultszilva

    I have to say that there's no physical barrier to protect you from falling in love with or having a sexual desire with one of your family members, only mental, which for you, seems to be missing.

    It's not what happened in your brain that caused this, it's what didn't.

    IMO, there's absolutely nothing wrong with incestuous relationships, other than the fact that it is frowned upon by other people. The other bad thing is that if the relationship doesn't go well, it may cause a lot more damage than when 2 best friends fail a romantic relationship. So basically, you should decide whether it's worth it or not. Since I'm a boy, and don't know how girls think and feel that much, this is all I can say.

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  • Abraxus

    Yeah this is not normal at all. Feelings such as the ones your feeling can lead to incest. Go find yourself a nice man or women if that is your thing. STOP trying to live upto someones else's standards. You are who you are and if someone doesn't like that then tough it's your life.

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  • chunkybongo

    Loving your father is one thing. Even being intimidated and impressed by him is OK. But wanting him to fuck you...that's not normal. Are you a virgin or something? You probably don't even know what it means to be sexually attracted to someone. Once you experience sex you probably won't feel this way about your father any more. You don't want your father to penetrate you...that's just wrong.

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  • Lollypop

    Hun your getting yourself confused in LOVE.. Have you ever been in a relationship?

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  • xRiceBunnyy

    Lol no im joking! That is wrong in so many ways ><

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  • xRiceBunnyy

    Awwah thats so sweet <3 ;D Haha no im joking but that is wrong in so many different ways ...

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  • EmosAndRainbows

    Gurll its just a phase. I used to have desires for my cousins and my uncles but now those feelings are COMPLETELY gone. Thank god. You just need to go out more or get away from him, any thing that will stop you from thinking of him in that kind of way. I dont think you are attracted to your dad, you're just just looking for a boyfriend or someone who has the same qualities as your dad.

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  • Ilovemykitty

    I think I know how you feel...

    I've had a crazy relationship with my father as he's been raising me my entire life by himself and is really my hero...everything he does, literally everything is just...better than I see anyone else do it. He's bold and just desirable in my eyes. We spend hours together and share interests and really...I don't think I could ever handle him dating someone else.

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  • Why dont u sit down and talk with your father about it and maybe go and see a sycatirst dont think about having sex with your family its WRONG !

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    • 1gooseklr

      There is something wrong. I would seek Mental
      Attention, Just when I thought I have heard and seen it all..........................

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  • Punk4Life

    If you just settle for a boy YOU love and understand that no ones going to be perfect, then im sure these feelings will go away

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  • AmINormal789

    You love your father and you feel hes a good role-model.
    You want a guy with the same morals and standards as him. But the fact that you're feeling sexually attracted to him is a little... odd?
    I mean, I can understand if you think your parents aren't ugly... but being attracted to them in a way that you almost want to date them? Yeah, thats not cool. I dont really know what to say other than, keep looking for a guy. You can get close to your dad. Have a good relationship with him, but don't get all weird, and sexual.

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  • SquareWheel

    It's not "normal", but it's not unheard of. I wouldn't recommend telling him this, as it would probably affect your relationship drastically. All the comments suggest a therapist probably don't realize just how much that costs, and for something that really isn't necessary. If it has a large enough impact on your life than you would like to seek help, then a therapist is a viable option.

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  • flowerchild69

    .. im from arkansas and ive never met anyone who is incestuous. its weird , gross , and just nasty . i think my father is old . i dont even think of him as having a penis , let alone think of touching and having sex .

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  • robinbrown

    Hey Sweetie ~

    It's not wicked or evil -- it just is what it is. But it's NOT a good idea to act on it. My advice: Go away to college in a different state and start seeing one of the university clinic counselors. It should be free. You'll outgrow this and move on with a healthier life. God bless.

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  • iHilary

    You never got out of your fifth psycho-sexual stage. You are always going want to be close to your father. This has turned into such a comfortable thing, you have interpreted this into a romantic feeling. This is normal but you probably need to try not to feel that way anymore. That's really indecent.

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  • blackdove

    Do you ever have any sexual feelings toward any guy? I'm not sure what you're looking for in a relationship. Do you want the guy to have high standards for you or do you want the guy to be more extraordinary than your father?

    You could try to list what you like about your father and try to picture your future hubby with those qualities. It could be that you haven't come across the right guy yet, but you still see your father being a good figure. Just keep meeting more guys, or maybe start looking for guys who are a little more older than your usual range. If you stick around with a guy long enough, you might find qualities you like that your dad doesn't have.

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  • sickorsane17

    a lot of the times If something bad has happened to you as a young child, rape and such you could have blocked it out and that's your minds way of coping with it.

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  • glasswilderness

    Oedipus complex

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  • I think counseling is a good idea to deal with the romantic feelings that, while you won't act on, you do find disturbing and would like to be rid of. But also I think counseling may help with the trouble you have with normal romantic boy-girl relations that "don't measure up."

    Somehow your father - an unkind and controlling man (i.e. with painfully high expectations) - has become way too central and domineering a figure in your whole (emotional, psychological, social) world. Maybe as you leave home and grow more independent his dominance will lessen.

    But still, for you, in developing healthy relationships with others & feeling good about yourself, do consider some counseling.

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  • Horseslayer

    Well I mean no hell no that's not normal. What is normal is dating and setting the standards up high, like something maybe u think ur dad has. But that's just because u look up to ur father. Not because ur attracted to him. I hope u don't have sex with ur dad cause really, that's wrong

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  • blue_eyed_bombshell0307

    yeah thats really weird... you deff shouldn't act on that!

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  • Raab90

    About your dad, hmmmm.
    Well, sometimes it happens that young girls or boys are attracted to their fathers and mothers, That's called the oedipus and the electra complex respectively.
    Now, it's less normal for woman your age (yes, you're a woman, not a little girl).
    As I understand, when women start developing sexual behavior, they often think of woman when masturbating for example. Think about it, who was your first sexual "model".
    And, well, It'll probably fade away. Just don't do anyhting stupid because (Woman try to always get what they want by any means) you'll seriously harm your dad and yourself, destroying your family and bringing sadness and pain.
    Don't take this an advice but a reference, because I don't understand pretty well sexual relationships.

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  • theanswerisprobablynotnormal

    if you were sexually abused, this is normal and you need help from professional people. maybe it was even your dad that did something.

    but the incest you're feeling is not perceived as normal

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  • winterfresh

    Well, although I can't recommend any sort of sexual relationship with your father... I can explain to you why. Girls especially look for strong role models. You've probably heard that many girls are attracted to men who are like their father. You'll be okay, hopefully you'll grow out of it because incest is a taboo, and many people just wouldn't understand. You might regret those feelings anyways when you're older.

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  • you're a fucking sick fuck

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  • xxxMissFitxxx

    This isn't normal, you need counselling for your issues.

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  • Ganjalover420

    Im going to be one hundred and ten percent honest, this is ntot normal in most cases. I would seek professional help, only because he is your FATHER. So if yur dad came into your room and wanted to fuck you, youd do it?
    I mean unless your frrom the south, i see nothing normal about this.

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  • rk2876

    Move to arkansas

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  • AdamDuh

    Sounds like japanese hentai

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  • It's normal. You've looked up to him for such a long time. Of course not every one is attracted to the family, but it has something to do with your the part of your brain that constantly judges life, people, animals, ect. I used to think I was attracted to my older brother.

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    • denler

      CHRIST HOW CAN YOU PEOPLE THINK THIS IS NORMAL?! everyone on this site is fucking touched in the head...every other thread is "is it normal to let my dog fuck me/fuck my dog" or "is it normal to want to fuckk my (insert blood relative here) omfg....

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  • XxlimeyxX

    O_o eww!

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  • evolveahimsa

    Your name doesn't happen to be Electra does it?

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  • Thatfeeling

    blood relative wrong...not just personally...morally,etc. STOP these feelings now!!!

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  • deviLzZ

    U fuckin sick babe ! how old is ur dad btw?maybe its ur step-father and u have no idea hahaha.if not,then u have a serious problem

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  • StupidKidd95


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  • SweetSugar1

    omfg thats tottaly not Normal O_O

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  • ViVaLaBC

    no that shit isnt normal.
    it's pretty damn gross!

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  • bdsmboy

    dont get attracted to you father big no no first thing i would say is get to know you dad a bit better find out about him find out what a big idiot he really is.
    second thing if you really do think you fancy your dad you probably dont but you like the way he is maybe he has a nice attitude get a man there's a lot out there just like him and maybe thats the guy for you because at the end of the day just think if anything and i mean anything were to happen between your old man it would destroy your life your family would hate you apart from him your freinds would think your wierd and all possible futre blokes would find out evantually and think your a freak trust me dont go down that path!

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  • izunia1350

    yuck!!:Pget some help

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  • methaddict

    ok that is not normal get helped.This is sick for godsake!!

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  • BarNGrill

    Fullfill your needs ang Mount your stud daddy! Make him proud how good his little girl really is! You'll want a boyfriend that is at least good has him if not better! Hell, have stud daddy teach your new boyfriend.

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  • reneerenee

    is your dad hott? i like to get with your dad too

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  • urnotnurml

    not that normal, but chicks with daddy issues tend to be freaks in the sack.

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  • I don't think that she's telling the truth.
    She's lying there is just mo way that that kind of thing could happen.

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  • candid

    This is so terrible I felt sickened and dirty just reading this. Forget it, it's immoral and disgusting.

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  • sick people really.Sick story get it together u weirdo u cant date your father unless you are from down south or mid america

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    • Raab90

      Hey asshole.
      I'm from south america and non of that is normal.
      Elitist son of a bitch.

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      • justmetalking

        MrGee81 was referring to "The South", as in Alabama, Louisiana etc. not "South America"

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        • girlygirl54321

          People do not date their dads in the south

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    • gakwildcat

      I'm from mid america and I've never heard of someone dating their dad. Thats a pretty rude remark.

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      • girlygirl54321

        I know right im from the south and noone does that.

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    • udontknome

      hey people down south are not like that!! i am from down south and i have NEVER EVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE MET SOMEONE WHO WAS INCEST!!! and another thing.. hunnie thats just plain DISGUSTING!! if you like older guys.. there are plenty of pervs on myspace.. lol jk.. dont do dat. u get raped and killed... lol but seriously... dey plenty of older men out there.. find a 28 year old or soemthing.. i'm only 16 and i'm dating a 24 year old! i love it.. but i have NEVER had feelings for my father. eww...

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      • CrabApple

        I agree with kogagal321. In no way is this not normal. I'm sure alot of people here have thought of their fathers that way at least once, but are to embarrassed to admit it or are in denial. It is natural. Although incest can lead to problems in the relationships you have with your family and father. And should a child be created with your father, be ready for birth defects etc. I'm not saying incest is right or wrong. But he's your father. And perhaps it should stay that way.

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      • SamuraiPeeper

        You're really stupid.

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    • girlygirl54321

      Um what ? Southern people DONT date their dads. Kay?

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  • princesspea105


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