Average/mildly pretty girls act like they're the best

The girls who are the most full of themselves and think they're the best catches plus better than every other girl are always average or only mildly pretty... in other words barely above average and kinda plain. Why tho

Edit: Clearly you guys don't understand what confidence is bc it most definitely is not acting like you're better than other people and being delusional lmfao

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Comments ( 12 )
  • Tommythecaty

    So, it’s not like you have to agree with them on it.

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    • Why do they gotta act like they're better than other girls and treat them like shit tho

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      • Tommythecaty

        Because of relative youth, most mellow out and realise they come off full of it as they grow up.

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  • Indigo1

    Like they say... you gotta fake it till you make it. Would you rather these girls wallow around in self pity and low self esteem?

    But no.. I mean I do get what you mean.. a little bit. It can be annoying when these basic ass bitches be acting like they royalty. You’ll have to forgive me (powerful beautiful woman of IIN), I’m normally quite the gentlemen.

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    • It's one thing to be confident but it's another to act like you're better than all other girls and think literally every guy has a crush on you.. I'm not talking about confidence I'm talking about narcissism

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      • Bazinga

        Yes. The most attractive girls are more likely to be histrionic. They're never narcissistic.

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  • Tingles18

    I've seen the same. I've seen how many naturally beautiful girls are actually very nice and kind, and the ones that are stuck up are often not that special. Especially when all their thick makeup is taken off, to be fair. The ones that aren't so special just want to compete against the naturally beautiful ones.

    And honestly, while I think anyone can be confident, I still find that so many truly confident people are rather respectful and chill than stuck up braggarts. Possibly because they don't really have any insecurities. However, unfortunately there are truly confident people that can be actually very stuck up, but I feel like there are more nice confident people than stuck up confident people.

    I don't know why people these days think that only the stuck up people are confident and that all nice people are just mousy, naive, unprofessional etc.
    You're definitely right that confidence definitely doesn't mean acting like you're better than others. In fact, to act like you're better than the others is often a sign of an insecurity.
    If only more people would understand that anyone can be confident and not only the stuck up people.

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  • DeletThis

    Because average and below average males treat anyone with a vag that way.

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  • Youlikeit

    Ya that shit is whack

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  • my_life_my_way

    Because girls don’t owe it to the world to hate ourselves even if you don’t think we’re attractive. Some people out there will surely find these girls absolutely stunning. Funny how ‘confidence’ for men is ‘narcissism’ for women. I’ve seen solid 3/10 males acting like they’re God’s gift to women.

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    • Not talking about confidence. Talking about narcissism. Thinking every guy has a crush on you and acting like you're better than all other girls is not confidence it's narcissism and these girls treat other girls like shit

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  • Ive seen this too. They are pretty deluded.

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