Baby replacement

Okay, I'm beginning to have a serious problem; I want a baby and it is all I think about. I have felt like this for the past couple of years, its almost an obsession. I dont want a baby just to reciprocate love, or just because I would like to have one with my partner. I want to be a mother, in all honesty. I want to carry it, birth it, raise it, and give it everything that i can possibly give it. It's life would be more important than my own and its happiness and well being will come before everything else. Now, the thing is, my partner has been hinting towards a baby for a few months now, but then right after my hopes are up, he'll add "you aren't ready, get on birth control". Do you have any idea how devastating that is to my emotional health? It has come to the point where I get extremely depressed when I get my period because i know that I am not pregnant. I've thought about getting on birth control that way I know there is no possible way i can get pregnant and maybe it will kill my urge to have one so much. Then, I realized that I am so against abortion, that going on birthcontrol would almost be as bad, by being on birthcontrol I am basically giving up the ability to have kids that other women would kill for. Then, i got to thinking and thought maybe getting a cute little puppy would be more beneficial than any other solution to my problem. I mean, i can raise it, not in the same manner that i would a child, but i would still be responsible for its upbringing, training, grooming, feeding, walking, putting it out for the bathroom...all the things mother hood entails. Is this a good idea?

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Comments ( 20 )
  • littlebit3911

    i have the same problem with my husband. he keeps saying he is ready but when it comes down to it, he keeps saying lets just wait. why lead me on telling me you are ready when you know that its something that i really want when you know your not ready. its not fair to me for him to lead me on about something as touchy of a subject as that.

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  • mluker

    Go talk to someone about all that

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  • zEropoint

    Depends on how old you are.

    If you're twelve to about twenty two, get a dog.

    If you're twenty two or older, you need to ask your significant other why he thinks *you* aren't ready for a child. My guess is that you'll get a lot of stammering and evasion (because *he's* the one who isn't ready).

    If you're ready for a family (and you're at least in your twenties), girl, it's time to start looking for Mr. The One and start having babies.

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  • BeautifulBaller

    It seems to me he's the one who's not ready. Lol

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  • inlove89

    Get a cat that meows all night. Makes me not want a baby lol.

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    • dinz

      Well I had a friend who was in a similar position and I recommended her to volunteer at a local orphanage.

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  • lmn

    Any of your friends have kids? Babysit for them... That tends to relieve me of any baby urges I get

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  • lewlew80

    It's normal to want a baby but not normal for this post to be so long

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    • im sorry, i was just trying to provide all details, because i see alot of posts where commentors ask for more information

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  • BfingIToucher

    I wonder why your partner would say YOU are not ready.

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  • jhonen32629

    Getting a puppy is an option BUT I'm not saying get the dog instead of having a baby. Talk to your husband about how much you want a baby and how ready you feel. I understand that you want a baby, but do YOU feel ready yourself to take care of a baby? Do you feel prepared? If so, then go ahead. But make sure to let your partner know that you are ready.

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  • SillyKitty55

    get a cat. you can play with it. kiss it love it. but you will never have to pick up dogshit or baby poop. i have a baby girl who is almost two now.
    it sucks hardcore when she diareha's horribly. i want to vomit. i make my mom clean her or my dad...or someone else in the family do it. i can't stand it. i don't regret having her. but that is the most horrible thing we as parents have to do. cats go to the potty by themselves and all you have to do is pick up the litter bag,tie it and throw it away. then put in a new bag with fresh litter. plus you never have to walk them(like you do a dog and a baby)
    if you truly want a baby get a dog. dogs are like babies but they JUST NEVER GROW UP OR GET POTTY TRAINED to go in a toilet!!!!!and for ever you have to pick up their poop!!

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    • I hope you're a troll.

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  • Pika-girl

    Getting a puppy is like practice, except that you would still have to clean up its "mess" even when it's mature... And if you wanted a tough child to take care of, I recommend getting a Chow Chow. They're super agressive, but cute; dangerous, but lucky (tongues); violent, but loyal. See! Now, get a dog!

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  • Jeci_Cassidy

    I think you're just ready for a child, and he is not. Trust me my sister went through almost the same thing as you. What she did was every time her bf would tell her he's ready and then change his mind at the last minute, She finally told him that they have been together for 3 years and if he wasn't ready to commit to her like he keep saying he was then she didn't want to be with him. but don't do that to your guy because that's just shitty, my sister ended up a whore with 3 kids that she don't even want. so maybe you should get a puppy and talk it out with your guy.

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  • sherry

    You don't say how old you are. Raising children is nothing like you think. Get on birth control, grow up baby sit, get realistic knowledge of the finances and responsibilities of raising a child. It's the most serious endeavor you can undertake. And I really don't understand the connection b/t abortion and birth control. Get some sense. Are you Catholic are what?

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  • mysti446

    Birth control is like abortion??? WTF??

    I would seriously urge you to get a dog.. Alot of ppl find them as good, if not better, than kids!

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  • Freddiethegiantspider

    Birth control = abortion? When did this happen?

    But yeah, a dog's a good idea. If your partner is saying you aren't ready and you are this obsessed with it, it's good both on the practicing and replacing.

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    • i wouldnt say it was like abortion, but it is still preventing a life from being brought into this world you know? And by my being on birthcontrol it wouldnt be because i was young or financially unstable, it would be because my partner does not want a child, if you can understand what im saying.

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  • KlondikeSam

    Get the puppy. If you change your mind later, you can always dump the dog at the pound and you can't do that with a baby.

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