Baby replacement
Okay, I'm beginning to have a serious problem; I want a baby and it is all I think about. I have felt like this for the past couple of years, its almost an obsession. I dont want a baby just to reciprocate love, or just because I would like to have one with my partner. I want to be a mother, in all honesty. I want to carry it, birth it, raise it, and give it everything that i can possibly give it. It's life would be more important than my own and its happiness and well being will come before everything else. Now, the thing is, my partner has been hinting towards a baby for a few months now, but then right after my hopes are up, he'll add "you aren't ready, get on birth control". Do you have any idea how devastating that is to my emotional health? It has come to the point where I get extremely depressed when I get my period because i know that I am not pregnant. I've thought about getting on birth control that way I know there is no possible way i can get pregnant and maybe it will kill my urge to have one so much. Then, I realized that I am so against abortion, that going on birthcontrol would almost be as bad, by being on birthcontrol I am basically giving up the ability to have kids that other women would kill for. Then, i got to thinking and thought maybe getting a cute little puppy would be more beneficial than any other solution to my problem. I mean, i can raise it, not in the same manner that i would a child, but i would still be responsible for its upbringing, training, grooming, feeding, walking, putting it out for the bathroom...all the things mother hood entails. Is this a good idea?