Background of my vision

Hello, I'm an epileptic from long beach, California and wanted to see if this was normal. I've been able to see billions of tiny red dots in the background of my vision all day every day. I dont know why, I don't know how but they are there. I'm gonna a be getting test done soon. I'll post about the results when they're done but just wanted to see if anyone else has this problem. Can't make them move or anything but they are there. I get shapes blocking some of my vision sometimes but that's more when I get really really mad.

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29% Normal
Based on 7 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Sir_Shakes_Alot562

    I actually am gonna be going to a specialist soon for it.

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  • BlindSpot

    Hi there, it could be an adverse effect from the medication you are taking or directly related to your condition. You should visit your doctor to discuss these changes in vision. Also visit an opthalmologist for an eye examination. As far as my experiences go, this isn't normal. I've had a check up for floaters(little spots) in my vision, and the eye exam revealed no problems with my retina - however since you have epilepsy, this requires further introspection as to what exactly is causing these visual disturbances

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  • Sir_Shakes_Alot562

    Fuck that bitch of a neuro. I'll choose death before taking more fucking pills.

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  • brutus

    Hmm visit an opthalmologist to get ur retina checked if you haven't done that already. If retina and visual system is healthy then tell this to your neurologist.

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    • Sir_Shakes_Alot562

      My neuro has known about it since I first started seeing her. I'm waiting on an appointment still. Also need to figure out why I'm getting massive headaches. Feels like Mike Tyson is trying to break out of my head

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      • brutus

        Headaches are a very common problem. I myself suffer from excruciating headaches due to combination of mental stress and my many ailments.

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        • Sir_Shakes_Alot562

          I'm close to just saying fuck all this bullshit and take myself a permanent nap. Sick of these pills, headaches and problems. It's never gonna fucking get cured in this shit generation of greedy fuck faces

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  • Sir_Shakes_Alot562

    My brother's gf thinks it could be my retina because of how bad my seizures get. I've actually had to get shocked back once. Had a code blue and for some reason my vision went from where I was in the bed all the way to the doorway when they came running in. I could see the Drs and nurses working on me. It was weird as hell

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  • Sir_Shakes_Alot562

    It's not from the meds. Had it since before I started them and also since before my first seizure in 2011. Couple people think I'm one of those clairvoyant people cause of how I explained a couple things to them.

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