Backpage and craigslist

So backpage got shut down and of course craigslist erotics got shut down too after the craigslist killer. What's a good website to find hookers now? Asking for a friend of course.

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Comments ( 17 )
  • Elroy7141

    If your in Britain then “Friday ad” is a good one

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  • olderdude-xx

    Sugar Dad & Sugar Baby sites attract their fare share of available people for a cost... Many of them are just fine with 1 time as well.

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    • Do you know of a good one?

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      • olderdude-xx

        Not really. I believe that there are dozens of such sites.

        Many years ago when they 1st started I reviewed one of the sites, and saw that some of the Ladies were actually just looking for a way out of their situation. So I joined as a mentor only member for those looking for a way out of their situation - and willing to work on that outside of sex for $; or even sex for fun.

        I moved from 1 site to another (and am still on 1 of them); and have gotten very restrictive on who I work with based on experience (financial assistance is rare; but, I pay all expenses for casual dates and progress reward events or trips).

        Please note that the sites are full of scammers; but, you will find what you are looking for.

        One thing I learned is that I could easily have sex with at least 3 different Ladies a week without even trying or spending much money if that was what I was looking for (at least if you are a decent caring guy). I turned all of those down - I'm extremely selective and don't do hook-ups, one night stands, or flings (long term only with the goal of many years together); and its often a month or more of initially casual dating before I progress to a full sexual relationship.

        I've helped hundreds noticeably improve their lives, many increasing their earnings by 25-50%, and a few for a lot more. I've assisted 3 Ladies to start financially successful businesses from scratch; and numerous others to improve their existing businesses; all from just the goodness of my heart with no reward other than some kind of "thank you" at the end.

        It's what I do - assist others to become more successful in life. I believe that is why god placed me on this earth at this time; and while I assist couples and guys as well - I prefer to assist ladies.

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        • Give me one of the sites.

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          • olderdude-xx

            I've found out long ago that I cannot really assist those who are lazy.

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            • Lazy? You are being lazy when it takes 2 seconds to type the site. Im not trying to get scammed off bs sites so I made the post asking for a site you didnt have to comment but good luck on "mentoring" your hookers.

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  • Rocketrain

    A FRIEND is a bastard isn't it. Always picking their buddies to ask their problems.

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  • LloydAsher

    Tinder always has a couple.

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    • For money? I dont want to even talk to them hardly.

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      • LloydAsher

        Yeah for money, a few of them even have thier prices on the profile... then again they may be cops but that's always been a hooker problem.

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        • Its just a misdemeanor. Money isnt an issue I'll bail out that day. I cant do tinder though for many reasons.

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          • olderdude-xx

            So much for your claim that it's for a friend.

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  • my_life_my_way

    Literally any social media, pick one that’s had a few rough relationships in the past and you won’t even have to pay for it

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    • Paying them just seems so convenient. I dont have to lead them on. They already know what I want down to the point. Boom boom bam thank you ma'am see ga.

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  • Voray


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