Bad reaction from smoking weed

Alright, im not a regular smoker, i only smoke when im with my boyfriend and his friends. we normal smoke a joint or a blunt, rarely a bong. but this one night we smoked out of this weird looking bong. i don't know wat happened but after i hit it, my head started spinning, i was coughing and shaking non stop, and i felt like i was gonna throw up, which i finally did like 4 times. my body was out of control, my heart was racing SUPER fast i thought it was gonna explode. i really thought i was gonna die, i had no control over my body. it was the worst feeling ever. idk why my body reacted like that. i mean i couldn't even talk, breathing was hard for me too. and my mouth was so dry it felt like my throat was burning. that was the last time im ever gonna think about drugs. Does anyone know why this happens? has this ever happened to anyone?

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Comments ( 102 )
  • Hotdogvendor

    Ok guys come on. I had to make an account here just to answer this.

    Really big hits (ie, from a bong, especially for the first time) can cause the same symptoms as a panic attack. It's all pretty well known so I have no idea why no one's said anything. It's not that common because you really need to just blast your boundries, but it does happen. All your symptoms fit. Next time you smoke take it a bit slower, pass around a joint or something, not a bong, or if a bong take it slow and don't try to smoke it all at once, because the hits are going to be a lot more potent that anything you're used to.

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    • lmaox12

      It's called greening out, it happens

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  • Quadmaster

    A young ventriloquist is touring the clubs and one
    Night he's doing a show in a small town in Arkansas

    With his dummy on his knee, he starts going through
    His usual dumb blonde jokes when a blonde woman in
    Fourth row stands on her chair and starts shouting:
    "I've heard enough of your stupid blonde jokes. What
    Makes you think you can stereotype women that way?
    What does the color of a person's hair have to do
    Her worth as a human being? It's guys like you who
    Keep women like me from being respected at work and
    The community and from reaching our full potential
    A person because you and your kind continue to
    Perpetuate discrimination against not only blondes,
    But women in general and all in the name of humor!"

    The embarrassed ventriloquist begins to apologize,
    The blonde yells, "You stay out of this, mister! I'm
    Talking to that little smart ass on your knee!"

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    • RealPerson

      I can almost certainly tell you that you had a panic attack. You may not have problems with anxiety ever but then one time something like this happens. What you describe is something that has happened to me a few times at least. I have somewhat of a problem with panic attacks though so I kind of know what's up when it happens. They can be more or less intense and really can happen at any time. Different circumstances can trigger them and maybe it'll never happen again or maybe it always will? The brain is a crazy thing.

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      • docpepper

        hey the same thing happened to me, my buddies baked some brownies and i ate too many, i was even rushed to the ER because i had palpitations and my blood pressure was to high. its been a week and i'm still experiencing panic attacks and anxiety because i was traumatize. what can i do? can anyone help?

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        • Titties

          Same shit happened to me the ambulance came and everything and I kept thinking about when it happened and I had bad anxiety

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    • Illnesskills

      I've been looking for an answer for this trip for a long time I still feel mad side effects from the time that this happen well what happen was I used to sell n I was always a very parinoid smoker because I was always worried about getting cought I smoked for a year straight no problems I would smoke super bong rips 1gram joins vapes I was a very heavy smoker but one day i was very stressed out n smoke a joint n started tripping balls my body felt very hot I had tunnel vision my body parts started moving by them selfs I had no control my musles were super tight n my heart racing ever since then my left side of my arm n head feel different I always feel a pressure in my left side of my head n eye n I feel very tense on the side is this normal to be called a panic attack or something else I just recently hit one time a small hit it felt ass my jaw locked up n my musles wer tight I just don't know what to think of it

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      • anycards

        as a very long time drug abuser I can tell you that people who have a weak heart and lungs like me, get symptoms that feel like a minor heart attack (not as bad as that you get with cocaine or amphetimines, but still real, and yes rarely some people do have heart attacks and some die, but not very many.) For me, I drink some booze before I smoke. Wait for the alchohol to take effect before you smoke. Next smoke a small hit of weed or hash. Wait a few minutes before taking another hit. As an emergency measure, if you still freak out and feel like your going to have a stroke or heart atack, start guzzling the booze and you will be ok in ten or fifteen minutes.
        Also eating THC is a better high than smoking it. Just dont eat too much it could harm you eating too much.
        Finally, me personally, I have fewer side effects eating dried mushrooms that are pschoactive, than i do from marijuana.
        That being said, without a doubt, marijuana should be legalized, its just they need to sell certain brands of marijuana that are for beginners and light weights. One problem is that marijuana growers for the most part harvest for the most THC. When i grow weed i let the plants flower for a longer time when the resin glands are all brown and the plant is litterly dying from old age. Smoking flowers from a very mature plant is a more mellow stone and is easier on the heart palpatation. I know some will take disfavor of my post, but i have no motive to lie about my experience.

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        • Corbear70

          You're an idiot. Stop giving medical advice.

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      • Corbear70

        Sounds like something unrelated to weed. I'll explain because I had the same symptoms. Sounds like a picked nerve, are you sleeping on a couch? I was and realized it fucked up my cervical discs to the point I needed surgery. My right side was basically numb and I had muscle spasms that were the worst pain I'd ever had. And yes, smoking caused the muscles to tighten and intensified the pain.

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  • luckykat190

    I had this exact same experience last night and I feel completely traumatized. I have only been smoking weed for a couple months, and I have never felt anywhere close to how I felt last night. we smoked pure THC, the shit was so strong I was gone after one bong hit.

    I literally thought I was dying, I puked for an hour straight, and it was the worst experience of my entire life. I will never touch drugs again, I don't know why this happened to me but it was a nightmare. I never want to experience this again.

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  • Teenie

    This can actually happen sometimes, when you mix alcohol with weed.

    You will get dizzy, pass out, loose 100%% voluntary motor control, vomit, can't talk, nothing.

    You can still use your eyes to see, but only if someone lifts your eyelids open.

    There is really two likely possibilities, without excluding other options:

    1. The weed was laced with something else.
    2. You failed to eat food/drink enough water BEFORE consuming alcohol FOLLOWED by smoking the weed (in this case the weed doesn't have to be laced)

    You can end up in a coma in these situations.
    It's happened to me and i've heard it happen to others.

    Always make sure you're well hydrated and have eaten food before drinking vast amounts of alcohol and smoking weed.

    Hope this helps.

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    • tigerlilyyyy

      this has happened to me! I haven't been smoking for more
      than a few months, but I do often, almost everyday.
      a few nights ago I had the worst high of my life, I thought I was going to die! I had been smoking over the course of a few hours already and had a glass
      of wine. i was completely fine and
      chilled out it was nice. but then my friend packed the bong again. I know my limit and I was pretty much at that point where you feel like you shouldn't smoke anymore but I took a bong rip of her shake anyway. it was just shake!
      20 minutes later I was hit with an intense dizziness I thought I was going to pass out. I started incontroably shaking and couldn't stop my body. my heart was beating so fast, I felt cold and extremely nauseous but didn't throw up thankfully. I was sitting on the floor shaking wishing I wasn't high anymore. it started fading off after about two hours. let me tell you I was probably dehydrated and I hadn't eaten for hours which is probably why it was so intense and i was already at my limit. if this happens to you drink lots of water and eat, I think that's what helped me. I have panic attacks and anxiety and a heart condition, PVC, smoking usually helps all of these things for me. just know your limit and drink water.
      avoid the bong if you have anxiety, it's really intense and makes you super high and paranoid and then you think you're having a panic attack. stick to jays or pipes.
      Also, make sure you're 100% comfortable where you are, not with strangers. this easily sets off panic too. good luck!

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    • jailxbait

      Wow I always mix weed and alcohol and nothing like that's ever happend to me.. Your probably just paranoid

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    • Jamessemaj1234

      Umm if you drank 1 cup of vodka and then you take a hit of weed you were smoking it out of a can is it possible that you could have got some ash and cought your insides on fire??

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  • snakechik22

    thats what happend to me a few times!! minus the puking.. but just the other day that happend after not smoking for a while i had half a joint with my bf and when we got to my room i felt very weed like way to high and i got scared and started shaking and then got the sweats and spins and it went away after an hr but i shake like that when im very scared of sumthing so im thinkn i got too high and was paranoid about wat was happening so i started shaking then i was so high i got lightheaded and spins happened.. ii seee now i just gota cut down a bit lol i was thinkin i could still handle the same amount

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    • Jacksonsalley

      First off my freind is not a lightweight and he used to be borderline pot head. But past night he took one hit and Had an outer body experience and tripped the **** out. He was already dehaidrated before this and was really pale and wasn't feeling well. So we were sitting watching tv with like 5 other freinds who didn't smoke and he just screamed out "****!!" and banged his hands down on the couch the. Tryed to stand up but fell and got up and fell over again. He started screaming about random things (salamanders, iPhones, lacrosse) and ripped the blinds off and knocked a computer off a desk and yelled and looked out of the window and started freaking out then just snapped out of it. When he did, he didn't recognize us or know who he was or who we were. Trust me on this one he was NOT faking it he is usually calm and a heavyweight but he said his life will be changed forever. He said he tripped that he lived different life cycles and died every time he chewed his gum. He also said he couldn't explain anymore and some crazy **** about the meaning of life and existence. Anyway, what the **** caused this? Dehydration? I think he was sick with a fever Mabye?

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      • Xerxes13

        So i just experience something similar to this last night. Although I'm not sure if it was completely the same thing. I was with this guy I liked and we were in his car going to smoke a bong rip. He loaded it up for me because I'm not really all to experience with bongs. I went In inhale trying to do it properly and hold in the smoke for a bit. And honestly after that I don't know what happen I was coughing and I blanked out but I really wasn't blacked out I was experiencing the whole life cycle thing where I saw myself in warp where I saw memories and events of my life and other people as well like random people's lives. As I was going thru this. Only was split second or two cause the guy I was with was calling my name 20times apparently I was convulsing and shaking (seizure like) my eyes rolled back of my head and my head went limp. I dont know how long I was out but when I came to I was freaking out. I had no idea where I was or who I was with at the moment. He tried to explain to me what happen and I couldn't really believe it. This never happened to me before while smoking weed. So im not sure if the weed was laced with anything. But after all that I got a body high like the ones you get from eatting an editable. Where I was having an out of body experience. This was familiar to me but it was so much worse then. I sobered up enough for me to drive home after two hours but I honestly have no idea how I drove home. I was still fucked for sometime after that. I'm just really confused. Have people experience that from just smoking weed ?? If anyone can reply and give me peace of mind that be great! Also I didn't eat anything before that so I'm not sure if that will cause it. I think the guy I liked told me it that the grinder to grind the weed had crystals of THC.. Honestly don't know much about but it apparently super potent.

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      • N1v3k

        Salvia forsure, idk if it was just laced with salvia or he just mistaken salvia for weed , but thats a salvia trip, he had a enlightening experience and if he remembers it now understands something we will never begin to unless we also take a salvia toke.

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      • dubeltake

        not even kidding, this SAME thing just recently happened to me. I'm a regular smoker but one hit from a new bong and I first lost the ability to move/speak/remember anything, and then I felt I was in a different dimension where I died and was now in an eternal time loop. something about nothing being real and the meaning of a soul- trippy stuff that messed with my head and lasted hours. still can't stop thinking about it.

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        • hco4

          Now we're talking about the part of the brain that is dark and unknown to cerebral knowledge. The feeling that you're in another dimension is triggered for some people by marijuana. The time loop feeling happens because sometimes marijuana triggers the brain to process all information rapidly, again and again. People who have experienced that, have said that it's the most horrifying feeling ever. No one wants to experience that ever again. Feeling that feeling takes all your energy away. Then you start feeling lightheaded and maybe pass out.
          This has happened to me.

          If you want to get over it, you need to stop being afraid of it. It's the first thing to do. When you've overcome that fear, you can try thinking about something else and move on. I'm having derealizations still sometimes, but I know what's up. Just need to calm down and ignore it.

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        • jackie2526

          I don't ever smoke but the last time I did which was a couple days ago I felt the same thing like the world I was wasn't real. Like I was in my own personal hell. I kept repeating over and over again how I don't know what's real and what's not real. I thought I went insane. I was crying and all I knew was that I wanted it all to stop and it wouldn't. I couldn't focus on anything and the only thing that kepte focused was my boyfriend rubbing my arms. It was rough and since then I've been having the same feeling looking at things and wondering if its real or not. Questioning our existence and trying to make sense of everything.

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          • dubeltake

            also: Wikipedia tells me the feeling that nothing is real is called "derealization" and it is a known side effect from high doses of cannabis

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          • dubeltake

            I kept thinking about it for weeks after- I still think about it. it was really so much like you described it- I felt like I has just realized nothing was real and kept grabbing my bf and yelling at him to tell me whether I had died. it wouldn't go away and I was still crying even hours later because I was so rattled up. you're not alone!

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        • creepedout

          wow that is so messed up, the exact thing happened to me twice.. it was a time loop that felt like it was forever and i wanted it to end so bad and at that time i understood everything and i really felt like i was in hell and while the whole thing was happening my friends told me i was like sleep walking and sayin messed up stuff... i never want somethin like that to happen... im so surprised that im not the only one..shit is real

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          • dubeltake

            yeah it was just like that- I thought I had died and was in another dimension and I knew I was in an eternal time loop that I couldn't escape. I actually ran out of my house trying to snap out of it. I was seriously freaking out lol- I'm surprised so many people understand!

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            • energykop

              this happened to me last night. all the same feelings like time loop, no control, all I knew was that it wont stop. a had few drinks before and done shift at work from 6am till 3pm, maybe I was to tired. I don't really like weed but my mate smoked and I did to. I still feel a bit weird right now! What I did notice the smoke really stayed in my throat long after. My mate was with me so wee got a cab home. after it was mission to open the doors, and get to my room. and police stopped as I was tripping out, I just told them, that I had to much to drink and my mate taking me home.i THINK IF NOT FOR MY MATE I WOULD BE ARRESTED!

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        • localocagirl

          Same happened to be just last night, exactly how you described it. It was so fucking scary. I thought this was my life viewing things over and over again in the taxi I was in with my friends who were taking me home and telling me it was ok, I couldn't breathe properly and would whisper things like "Is this life.", I actually thought I was going to die. The thing is, I also drank some alcohol too so that probably added to it. My friends and I got a few puffs off of random, normal looking people who smoking some too, so I don't see how I was the only one who got bad.

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          • dubeltake

            yep, that is EXACTLY what it was like. except I wasn't in a taxi, I was in my living room watching American Horror Story with my bf and his friend and they kept telling me to calm down and I felt like they were on repeat and my entire life had been this scene playing over and over again. I was hyperventilating and I think I screamed something like "am I dead?". we were all smoking the same stuff and no one else freaked out, so I know it wasn't laced. it is crazy how people have had such similar experiences!

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      • surfeittt

        dude this exact same thing happened to me and i want to start smoking again... can i get into contact with you or your friend about this because i really want to smoke again but i would just about do anything to not go through that experience again. i know this is weird but it would be really cool if you could help me out

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        • AshleyyyC

          Same here ^ lol

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      • jailxbait

        I've been smoking weed for 8 years and nothing like that has ever happend to me or anyone else I know, maybe your weed was laced

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        Ho. Ly. Fuck. I have never heard an account of someone tripping this badly on weed. Is he absolutely positive it wasn't laced with anything?

        If he can guarantee that it wasn't laced (angel dust is common, aka PCP. powerful and extremely dangerous hallucinogen) then he might want to consider a psychological screening just in case.

        What you described here is a classic case of a psychotic break. I've only witnessed something like this once, my boyfriend after we took mushrooms that were much stronger than we expected. He broke his toe tripping and falling, which made the freakout so much worse. :/ He got all bruised up and broke a bunch of shit and afterwards said he was going through a rebirth. Mushrooms scare the fuck outta me after that.

        But for this to happen with someone who had been smoking heavily for a long period of time to lose it, just like that with a hit, suggests that there is something else at play. Cannabis has not been proven to cause mental illness but rather trigger the onset of mental illness in individuals with a predisposition to certain problems. (Anxiety, Schizophrenia, and Psychotic disorders for major examples)

        I am a proponent of medicinal cannabis, thus I cannot say that it's a bad thing. However with any substance that inherently alters your state of mind, some people just can't handle it. There have been stoners who go their whole lives smoking and are perfectly normal, high functioning and intelligent individuals. There are people who lose their minds on all kinds of drugs, some permanently.

        Approach experimentation with caution, because you're never quite sure how you will react until you try. (Which is my other biggest argument for decriminilzation... people will do them either way. Regulating them takes away impurities, and saves lives.)

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  • katie18

    this happened to me last week , i have smoked weed before quite a few times but this time i suddenly began to shake and got very scared about my surroundings. i suddenly had not controle over my body , i began to be paranoid about my boyfriend, i thought he was going to rape me. i thought he drugged me. i screamed and ran away out of his house. i then felt like i was being shocked by something, i couldnt stop shaking and i felt a fuzzy feeling all through my body. i honestly belived that i was about to die. my heart was pounding at an unnormal rate. i dont know why this happened!

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    • jailxbait

      You where paranoid

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  • prettyliddlethingg

    Actually, its pretty normal. Were you nervous about anything before you smoked? If you weren't in the right mindstate, and you got really high, you could've just had a bad trip. Almost the same exact thing happened to me before. Minus the puking.

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  • twingeezer

    Sounds like you had a axiety attack ! Weed makes can make some people paranoid and prone to anxiety

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  • nazzer

    yer that happned to me once, i wasnt quite sure why it happned either...bad weed i figured. wen it hapned to me i cud feel every thing internal in my body, like as soon as i thought about ma head it wud pound, if i though about ma lungs i wudnt be able to breath, felt like i was having a heart attack. by far the worste experiance of ma life....i think they call it a bad trip

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  • pmack

    Its called pulling a "WHITEY" and i've seen many of ppl do it! I love it when someone pulls a "WHITEY" its hilarious. Volsater hit it on the head u just got really high.
    hahaha good shit like the story

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  • Quadmaster

    OH sorry smoked to much weed today I am confused.

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  • the solution is to smoke better weed

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  • cookiegirl38

    I smoked one hit of hash out of a bong last night and I have never experienced the trip I had. It was miserable and lasted for hours. I had a bad bout of coughing, instant nausea, extreme shaking and dizziness, lack of motor skills. I felt completely helpless and paralyzed at points. I had a hard time breathing and swallowing, heart racing and my mind was buzzing a million random thoughts every second. I finally ended up asleep on a sofa for a couple of hours clenching my jaw to keep my teeth from chattering. By noon the following day my muscles are sore from tensing up and shaking so much and I have a terrible headache and dizziness like a hangover as well as from clenching my jaw. All I could think of and barely form the words to say during that trip was "When will this be over?" I just wanted it to end and I will not repeat that terrible experience. I've only experienced hearing voices one other time on pot and I probably took too many hits. Normally, I just take two hits off of a pipe. This experience also made me hear a voice. That is a warning sign to me as it's been proven that regular pot smokers are diagnosed with schizophrenia earlier than not partakers. One important thing I will add is that I am weaning off of a med that caused considerable shaking and anxiety during the first two to three weeks I took it. This may have been a factor as to why my trip was severe. The med is a mood stabilizer called Divalaproex. I had little alcohol and I had food, but I was dehydrated and thirsty not having drank enough fluids throughout the evening. I definitely think dehydration played a big role in the coughing and feeling as if I couldn't swallow or breath for at least an hour. That was torturous.

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    • jailxbait

      Do you have family members who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, cause that's the only way weed would "trigger" it, only if the mental illness is already in your genes

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  • tex

    Oh girl. You had a reeeeeeeal bad trip. It could have been the bong because that'll do it. Just do pipes and blunts. And don't hit it so hard. And hey. Welcome to the other side, newb.

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  • mieoux

    Most of the times I have tried weed - and I am talking years apart, I have had very bad hallucinations and physical symptoms to where I wanted to go to hospital. The last time I hadn't tried it in years and I forgot how bad it is, so I took one puff of a small rolled up joint and I ended up sitting in the corner facing the wall and rocking back and forth. Weed can cause bad trips in some people. I just don't touch it. Plus I know someone who smoked a lot of weed and became more and more stupid over the years, I need all of my brain cells.

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    • jailxbait

      You sound like a crazy psycho bitch, you should defiantly stay away from weed if it makes you extra psychotic

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  • Hotdogvendor

    Ask your friends about it and look around the internet, everyone tends to agree that it's a horrible feeling, and that fear that you're dying comes up more often than you'd hope. Can't be fun, I'm glad it's never happened to me.

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  • Nesquick

    Pretty sure you just greened out that's all, it happens sometimes. If you had alcohol before hand that might have done it.

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    • omaromar

      cmon dude its nothing with alcohol, ahh nonsmokers :O))

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      • jailxbait

        That's what I'm saying

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  • violent_behemoth

    If you have preexisting anxiety or heart problems that can happen easily. THC elevates your heart rate and can cause paranoia. Of course, I've done a bunch of cocaine and that does a similar thing, and I've always had fun on coke.

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  • hellomyfriend

    It sounds like you've had a panic attack!! Sometimes people have panic attacks after they've smoked marijuana and vomiting can occur as a result.

    I've had mild-severe panic attacks while sober and under the influence, but I also have anxiety disorder issues/frequent panic attacks.

    A panic attack after smoking is usually described as tweaking out and many people experience this at some point.

    Luckily for me I've been dealing with panic attacks for a long time so I can identify one and deal with symptoms, many of which you've described. (never vomiting though, however I've fainted while sober)

    As long as you just collect yourself and identify your panic attacks you can deal with them.

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  • yuri832

    believe it or not weed, whatever the quality or whatever it is mixed with effects different people differently. It may be a benign experience for 60%% of people but that's no reason for those 60%% of people to insist that weed is perfect and wonderful! The first 3 or 4 years I smoked it I was fine, but then, I suppose, as my body chemistry changed, or the weed got more potent, It became a horrible nightmarish experience for me every time. Finally I realized- this was messing up my mental health and stopped.
    But who knows- maybe it was just mixed with something bad- or perhaps you were drinking alot at the same time? that can make you sick too.

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    • madellynx3

      Yea it happend to me I smoked one day but it wasn't my 1st time is juss that time as soon as I smoked it I felt mad dizzy and my heart was beating madd fast like really fast but then it stoped it been a month and a half ever since that and I get panic attack sumtimes and sumtimes my heart skips beats it scares mee and I also went to the doctor they said I was fine . But don't worry you'll be fine

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  • geremy

    First of all are you sure you smoked weed? It does sound like an allergic reaction but you said you tried weed before so it doesn't make sense. Looking at the bright side perhaps this incident will convince you to stay away from drugs.
    Geremy, <a href="">drug rehab center</a>

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    • jailxbait

      Weeds a herb not a drug

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    dude dont worry, ive seen a lot of novice smokers get too high from smoking out of a bong. its not the weed, it wasnt laced, and it wasnt a panic attack. you were simply just toooo high.

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  • Yellowpeace09

    Honestly it was nothing bad. Things like happened the first time when hitting a bong. U just really high and since it's such a pure hit of the weed it's easier to take more in. It's smoother so that's why u just get high really high

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  • hayleyx420

    i dont know, when i get reall high, my face gets numb. never anything like this.. your life sucks.

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  • volsater

    ok, i smoke weed everyday. and have benn doing so for several years. and in my expert opinion lol, what you experianced is surisingly common in my experience... you got really really high, u had all the classic symtoms... although puking is pretty rare...

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    • omaromar

      agree as an experts look lol

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  • d98523

    it was laced

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  • FluffyGreenNugz

    Well I personally smoke weed every day and have NEVER experienced anything like this...... pot has done nothing but enrich my life, change everything for the better,and provide me and my friends with endless fun memories......... and I have never heard of anyone ever feeling this way about weed.

    The only explanation I can think of, is that it was laced with something.......

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    • jailxbait

      Same here, I smoke weed probably as often as my cigarettes and I have never gotten sick or anything, I've had "bad trips" when I was in high school but that's because I would be paranoid about my parents or teachers finding out

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  • esreverlogic

    Well, i would say that you are allergic to weed. sucks for you. dont do that shit anyhow.


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  • GrassDoctor

    OKAY. well a lesson for all you amateurs out there. WEED. the plant. DOES NOT BURN YOUR THROAT. you can tell when theres OTHER chemicals in the bud, when it burns your throat. i mean it doesent mean its laced. but the person growing the plant wasnt using just water to grow it. probably fertilizers and bug killers etc. sometimes it enhances the high or sometimes it makes you bug out like that. anyhow. that shit was laced.

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    • Dobrev70

      Okay, weeeell, I see you posted this 4 years ago but in alFriends of those who are not a novice to weed, even if they were, I read many posts above which I totally agree with. I had the same stupid shit happened to me with a bad trip that left me feeling like I was in another dimension a continual loop and feeling as though I was stuck in a time warp or twilight zone where my life was just stuck on repeat. It feels like your existence is called into question and so is whether you are really living through the moment. It's a total trip to see that there's about 6 people above who have felt this weird continual loop and feeling of dying. It makes me feel like I was in the only crazy one and smoking again felt as though it triggered it it had nothing to do with being raised and had nothing to do with being new to it. People react differently and I have had a totally awesome hi just from indicas too, however my point of view is that I felt like saliva strands affected me differently or hybrids. You can generalize a whole population is just "beginners", "greening out", being "paranoid" or just "bad trips". I agree with the person above who said that there's a dark matter in the brain where science has a lot of catching up to do and the best advice for anyone is to trust their own body. If you had a bad trip but yet the only symptoms you felt were heart palpitations and paranoia it has not even a bit of a close comparison to what it feels like being in an alternate universe with a repeating loop believe me. And for those smokers that can get away with the best highs ever all while helping their ailments, more power to them.

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  • nimthsymphony

    its not real weed. weed doesnt take you on bad trips like that. or maybe you had a panic attack. my brother started going through that, and whenever he smoked weed he felt like he was going to have a heart attack or die. just slow down with the weed for a while, and lay off stress, stress is the main cause of sudden panic attacks like that/

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  • Indigo1


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  • Sara2217

    It is definitley not normal.

    This is what my best friend just went through, he said:

    I just got out of the hospital today. I had a piece of an edible and a king sized pre roll with wax. I was numb, i couldnt feel anything and didnt know if I was touching anything unless I looked at it. I moved slow and everything was slow except for peoples voices. It felt like I was up on a mountain and my ears were popped. It was scary everyone sounded weird and far away but they were right in front of me. People were touching me but I couldnt feel there touch. That set me off and I started to think that I was gonna die and I didnt want to die. I started to say I didnt want to die.
    Then things sped up but me. All of a sudden I died and everything went all white and all sound stopped but then I was told to get in the ambulance and was alive and then I died again. I kept asking if I was okay. Am I breathing? Last night went by so slow. Omfg! Never again, i am traumatized.

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  • clouds

    The exact same thing happened to me!!! and I was so terrified, i honestly thought I was the only one who this had happened too. My boyfriend and his friends were trying to talk to me and I couldn't even figure out how to talk or move let alone respond and my heart was beating out of control and it felt like my brain was pumping and eyes rolling in my head. Awful experience that's happened to me twice now

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  • jiyke29

    Yes, the reaction is truth, i have been smoking for 12yrs now, the last time i fented i lost my heart , but i thought that someone has bewitched me not knowing that it was WEED causing me the tension.
    Now that i have read from other people that have had the same experience, now i Remember

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  • Reeferendum

    The only symptom I've noticed is that stoners completely forget to spell and use ANY punctuation the sentence just keeps going on and on with no discernible end or beginning to it I'm actually having a difficult time doing this. Oops that was a period

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  • Teelocc

    Basically I used to be a really havey smoker when it came to weed, but I had a bad experience! Basically in a day I smoke 1 joint with my friend before visiting my girlfriend, after smoking that joint I was perfectly fine. So I left my friends house and head to my girls, once at my girls I builded up another joint to my self. After smoking that joint I went hunger so I brought a pizza and also some wings and fries. After eating food I started to over come that high, so I decided to role up a next joint, once I smoked that joint I got hungry again so I decided to eat some of the wings and fries I had left, while am there eating the food am suddenly staring at the whole till it felt like I came out of my own body for about 5 minutes until I realised what's going on, after coming back to my self I thought that was really weird so I started panicking not going to lie, I thought I was dying because my vision went really blurry, I was also loosing my balance. Anyway I thought to my self I have to go doctors because I had never felt like that before after smoking, while am in the taxi my legs went really cold and shaking really bad where I couldn't stop my self. Because pulling a whitey was like a first experience it has left me in fear..... What do you think I can do to feel my self again as I don't smoking weed no more????

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  • Brooke2376904

    I had the same thing sort of I got rushed to the hospital by my mom and that was 6 months ago I'm still having panick attacks and feeling wierd it's hard to explain. I can't have alcahol or drugs like Advil or cold and cough medicine without triggering it. It sucks because it happens a lot in school the doctors said it was laces with crystal meth but my mom thinks it was just a bad trip of weed

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  • Lecter

    This is normal just to some people. I've had this terrible reaction once in a while, and the best advice I can give you is to treat it like a migraine, you have to be in a peaceful place with no movement, or music and no lights on. But you can still smoke weed, just know your limits.

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  • jamiejellybean

    So Im guessing you're either smoking shwag (I once smoked some fucked up shwag and oh my god not fun) or you're just taking it too fast. Slowly build up a tolerance, dont be afraid to say youre done smoking when you are.

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  • lizabee

    Iv smoked plenty an my years but yesterday I got some weed and smoked it with a few people only 2 but this was different iv never had a scary trip from weed I don't think it was lased but I thought bad stuff was happening to my family like I could hear creepy sounds I thought my oldest cousin was hurting them I could here him say sorry n loud banning over n over n over even as the door was closed I could still here it and him saying sorry I'm just really nervous about it even Tho it's the next day he was doing suspicious stuff Washing his hands with bleach I'm just really scared for my mom Grandma n sister. Is this normal it was Cali buzz Which iv had before but not these hallucinations

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  • betrixxednet

    Same experience. Alot of people with say you had a "Whitey".
    For me, even alcohol and weed triggers the same condition. Palms are sweaty, heart racing, even slight visuals or hallucinations. Usually it's a sign of mixing drinking and weed...or your body saying "that's enough." For felt like death or the gnarliest panic attack. I'd ask people to bring me food or water..but you actually spin out even more. Best thing to just note is that others have felt this before..and just know what you can and cannot handle.

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  • ritaaa

    guys it happened to me i smoked 1 joint of hash nd i felt the earth moving and my heart was jumping out of my chest my hands and body were cold and numb i couldn't move my hands suddenly i was unable to breathe my tongue was numb my throat was sore so i started to jump and rush and run in the street i was having a panic attack it was aweful but the weirdest thing is that im still having the same breathing troubles the same anxiety and still feeling like my sould is suppressed in my body and when i lay down i feel like unable to breathe like completely and my head starts spinning please i need some help

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  • slade101

    i am 17years of age and i come from a small town where everyone smokes weed in australia, my big brother smokes alot and so do all my friends,I have smoked many times using a bong and have been laughing alot and happy but one night hanging with my brother and friends i took a hit form the billy and i lost control of my self, started sweating so much my shirt was soaked then my head started spinning out and i felt sick, i couldn't keep my head up as i was sitting on a chair, i was delusional seeing people swim in a pool and i couldn't talk at all this lasted about 1hr and then i was fine, just wondering why this ever happened???? I smoked again a few days later and i was fine..... but scared it's gonna happen again :( anyone have an opinion

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  • quinnyxx

    ok here gos im 25 this month and have been smoking weed since i was 14 ive smoked hash salvia taking extacy all in my teens i dnt touch nything but weed now and i have had whiteys and been sick but nothin in the last five years until two months ago me n my mum got our usuall bag a week of our guy and we shared a jay with no joy of getn high so smoked another one again nuthin so ahd a third n felt kinda stoned but not great i layed down n chilld watchn tv but all of a sudden i felt tingling n my hands n tight chestd then came the sickness feeln i got up n move around gaggd abit but begin to feel worse like i was sufacating to death i tried drinkn water but felt like i had to swallow my breath i DID FEEL LIKE THIS IS THE END OF ME then i got really sweety and then cold and adreadful feel of panic n death so bad i felt like i was startn to cum up on extacy every part of my body was super sensitive to touch and at this point i called an abalaunce 20past one n the morning lol :) they came brought me out my oxegen level was fine my suger level was fine and i startd to feel a abit betr slightly embarred to say the least lol i still cudnt catch my breath tho and wen i got to ane the docs sniggerd n moand to each other as if i was afull blown druggy (dickheads) i smoke to relax on a nite thats all but i got a lovely doc then that told me i had a servere panic/anxiety attack it was honestly the worst felling n the world its been two months n i struggle on a daily basis to catch my breath n have chest pains turns out i suffer sfrom stress n axiexty but i refuse to take tablets for it so i think we smoked to much to soon as im wel used to bongs drainers ect i now cannot smoke more then two pulls evry few days im so mad cuz i loved my smoke but can longer injoy it incase it happens again NY ADVICE TAKE IT EASY SMOKE AROUND PEOPLE YOU TRUST AND ALWAYS SEEK HELP IF YOU NEED IT DNT BE WORRIED BOUT WAT OTHER PEOPLE WILL SAY OR THINK AT THE END OF THE DAY UR EXPERIENCEING IT NOT THEM XXXX ps i love weed for years and hopefully will again its brought years of happiness friendship gud nites sleep relaxsation ect this is one hickup n years of joy :0)gud luck stoners ur happy bumch lmao

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  • jeanx

    I have tried grass twice - ate it. First time - warm and gorgeous, lovely. Second time - sudden spin into severe depersonalization - the feeling that neither I nor the world is real. Now, I have suffered from this nearly all my life and it has alwaus terrified me. I fear it more than death. Over the years I have gained some mental control over it. But grass stripped all that away. I took a sleeping tablet and that took the feeling away in the end (I was also nauseous and parched). Please be clear: it was not like my other nxiety attacks exvept it took me way back to the first horrifying ones I had as a small child. I had taken nothing else. The person I was with had no ill-effects from the ugrass. Next day I felt exhausted and deeply depressed.

    Yet I feelcdrawn back to the experience. Strange.

    Sorry about the typing. Stupid phone.

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  • Hodgyhodge666

    I've been smoking weed for about half a year for everyday 2 or 3 times a day. I used to smoke two years ago about the same amount but decided to cut down to the point of stopping for personal reasons. I picked it up in June again and I've never in my 3 1/2 years of blazing have ever had a panic attack or anything like you described. But... I have been around people, usually people new or not regularly smokers that have had similar results. I was with a few friends one day and we decided to get some pot and give our friend his first experience with weed. Big guy, around 220lb. We smoked from a pipe at first. He was fine enjoying his first time when we got back to my place I decided to break out my old bong. We kept seshing, passing it around for a good hour until we finished our merchandise. After his 4th or 5th popper, he began puking and began getting paranoid about driving home in this state. He puked about 3 times and then passed out on my floor. We took care of him and took him home. Again I've never had this bad trip before. The worst I've had is uncontrollable shaking in my legs when I'm hitting poppers or batch poppers (tobacco and weed mixed together in a bong piece) if you're hitting poppers you're most likely going to get really high, really quickly, even with slow roasting a bowl on a bong you still get a lot higher than you would with joints or pipes. The bad trip you had was most likely a reaction from your body saying "too much" some people would say you "greened out". To fix this problem make sure you take deep breaths before and after you hit the bong. If your throat burns then drink tons of water and the paranoia should only be part of the high (the worst thing that can happen is you passing out from smoking too much or getting busted by cops/other authorities). I would say your trip was normal for someone who doesn't smoke much and doesn't usually use bongs. I would say you greened out and you should be ok for next time if you're careful and don't over do it. Everyone has their limits and its good recognizing your own. Good luck if you ever plan on seshing again, which I recommend you do, and if not well at least you can say you've done it and tried it. Good luck to you anyway! :)

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  • Bluntblower

    Happened to my friend once, mostly cuz his lungs were fucked up like hes only 16 nd wenever he took a deep breath he would wheeze nd cough, but it was me, him nd his dealer, we were chillen in the woods rollin a couple jays, his dealer was doloin his jay nd me nd my friend were ab-in ours, I let my friend get the first couple hits since he bought it nd I remember him passin me the jay nd I started token, my friend started viontly coughin then puked all over a nearby tree, I felt fucked up lol, I was standin there stoned watchin him throw up, a lil bugged out while the dealer was handin him jay wraps nd leaves to wipe all the mucus off his face, I was like "dude u good?" he was like "told u my lungs were fucked up haha I need a bogey" lmfao

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    • Bluntblower

      We then proceeded to go to the store nd pick up snacks nd his pack of newports nd jus laughrd about the situation, I was like "dudee we had to use jay papers to clean ur face bro" lolll

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  • samdaninja

    Haha its not that big of a deal, it is totally psychological when you start to feel that way. Fear before smoke, IE being nervous about smoking out of a bong, mixed with smoking more then you are used to can lead to a total psych crash. You tell yourself you smoke to much when you instantly get high, and your body believes you and reacts in a way that it would if you did to much of somthing. Ive had it happen a couple times, but just relax, breath slow, and tell yourself its gonna be fine. It will be

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  • stonerWife

    This happend to me last night I started geekin then I threw up everything was spinning my heart rate.was crazy I had a high fever but the only thing.i was concerned about was my baby

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  • pray4plagues78

    I know that people are on and off responding to this, however I believe I know what happened here as well. When I was 15 I was smoking with my girlfriend and I got VERY VERY high. The next thing i remember I was laughing hysterically on the ground and the back of my throat was burning. I went inside to get food when i turned to my girlfriend to see that her face appeared to zoom in. It felt weird, like i didn't have any feeling in my body, and as i was walking I kept watching my vision zooming. I felt so weird at first. So she told me to lay down, and when I did I tried to go to sleep. I couldn't sleep because my body felt like it was waving up and down. So I sat up. As i watched the wall it seemed like the entire side of the house was zooming in and out and was leaving trails behind it. at this point I felt like I was watching myself freaking out, and everytime I became alert, My heart was beating out of my chest. It was the scariest feeling in my life. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think, and I couldnt close my eyes to get away from it because i felt dizzy if I did. I was told later that it could possibly be angel dust that caused it. Which is a possibility according to my ex girlfriend. What didn't make sense to me was that I was able to smoke again after that happened, and then the freak out happened again, exactly the same. I then resumed smoking again after a few months and appeared to be fine. Until one day I tried smoking one last time, thinking that I had beaten the freakouts. I had the worst one I had ever experience, and ever since, I feel as though I can't even smell it without my anxiety going haywire. Is it possible to be traumatized from the trips and naturally beginning to freak out it because of the memories? and if so, is this possibly a form of PTSD? given that the smell and taste of weed tend to be a trigger?

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  • gabbiesmokes

    By the way, it is medically IMPOSSIBLE to overdose and die on weed, unless you don't know where your weed came from and the supplier laced it, or the dealer, you cannot die from it. So just stay calm when your smoking, turn on some music, read a book, or lay down and watch some TV. If you start to feel paranoid, turn that anxious energy into something positive like running. When I'm really fucking high and I start to feel paranoid, I can run about 6 miles NO PROBLEM. I think Marijuana is a great stimulant for me because I have OCD, so when I smoke it's like an amazing relaxant and I can actually get a lot of shit done, or I can just chill and veg out on the couch. Seriously, if you take it slow, and chill the fuck out about it, smoking is an amazing experience.

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  • gabbiesmokes

    This happened to me last Friday, I bought a brownie from a friend of mine and she charged me 20$ for it, which I thought was a little steep but she said because each one had a gram in them that it would be a little strong. I ate literally 3 bites out of it, tiny bites, and 2 hours later I was sitting at my computer and my computer looked as if it was tunneling down a black hole and I started looking around me and seeing spiders everywhere (spiders are my worst fear) and then whenever I would stand up or go to drink some water, I could hear my heart beating 1 million times faster than ever. I finally called up my friend and asked her to come over and babysit me, my trip was so bad. I was uncontrollably shaking, and I could not even lay down without my head hurting. I didn't puke and I wasn't drinking alcohol, but I was just tripping balls. I finally thought that something else HAD to be in those brownies like PCP or MDMA, which could explain why they were 20$ each. I know each had a gram, but seriously, I could buy 1/8 for 20$ back home so I was a bit sketched out. I thought it was just me being paranoid at the time, but I've thought about it since then and thought that there definitely could have been something else in em' but don't worry, next time just know your dealer, make sure the THC is good and blaze on!

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  • Experienced...

    The same thing happened to me twice in the last six months. I passed out cold.I know for a fact that the potency of the pot was not a factor in mycase.Iam 80% sure that it is from the chemicals they are using when they grow it. Either there is a chemical that we are allergic too or they are not leaching the plants (running only water through them befor harvest). Even if they use totally organic feed for the plants, such as Earth Juice, it can cause an alergic reaction of some sort. I am no scientist, so I cant give the exact chenical reactions, but I know for a fact that this happens only once in a while with hydro, an it can affect one with heartrace, dizzyness & sometimes even pass out cold from 3 measly hits, like I did. When you get hydro, dont want to sound like a wimp, but you should smoke a little & see how that pot affects you before smoking a lot. Or just stick to good Reg's, if you can find any good ones. Then you know it was grown outside with out any chemicals, worst thing you have to worry about is mold you cant see. I am allergic to molds & never had a problem with any sick feelings or passing out with strong regs. Remember, the hydro growers for the most,part pump whatever they need to into the plants to make them grow the fastest & best quality. Most of them never run plain water though the plants plants the last few weeks like there suppose too.

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  • eurodyme

    You probablly couldnt handle the weed. And when the high sneeks up on you out of no where some people get freaked out lol, if your not that experienced. The last couple times ive been smoking ive been having bad trips like i was gonna die and have a heart attack, also feeling super numb. Just basiccly your highhhhh lol Oh yeah and i suggest u do no drink anything with CAFFEEN OR ALCOHAL!! it brings up the high even more so you will be trippen harderr, and speeds up your heart rate.

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  • 1234567890987654321

    when i first started smoking weed this happened to me a few times. first time the EXACT same thing happened to me at my friends house because i had not built up a "tolerance" and smoked hash out of a bong. another time i had not eaten anything or had any water during a hot day and after smoking a blunt with my friends we went to mcdonalds. while ordering food i lost my sense of vision, hearing, fealing and collapsed on the floor. i now smoke weed regularly and have for years. you just gottta take it slow and build up a "tolerance". and remember that when smoking weed you are burning more nutrients in your body than normal and (if you havent eaten or drank any food or water) are more succeptible to blacking out as i did. hope this helps all you future pot heads.

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    • 1234567890987654321

      ps. this lack of nutrients = why we get the "munchies"

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  • omaromar

    i think you smoked a diffrent weed than usual, i mean when you taste a strong blend, it could effect any1else like you did. try to smoke that wee again i bet you gonna handle it this time coz your body n brain gets used to it at second time, oh between let us know what happened lol

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  • jayrdadon420

    the same shit happend to me last night and i waz smoking a joint but when i got to the hospital the doctor told me theat i was de hydrated....but wait can being dehydrated and smoking pot cause a panic or anxiety attack???

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    • jailxbait

      No but your dumb ass can

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  • Dreamboat

    My dick speaks french

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  • babyyboyy

    dont smoke it its shit.

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  • izzysparks07

    ummm no why would i be. Im black. but any way its cool im not gonna be smoking any of that mess anymore.

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  • reddheadd

    um. i have an idea. how about stop smoking? and go read "GO Ask Alice"? please?

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