Baffled by christian stupidity

I just don't understand how someone can be so gullible to believe this crap!

The basic story is that a infinitely powerful being just gets bored one day and decides to create the universe. He then makes sure that everyone knows how awesome he is, and never talks to anyone ever again. Predictably, people question his existence. They burn in hell forever. Even if they are good people.

It's not just the key aspects of the religion though that are illogical. Everything is! Did anyone ever read the stories in the bible? I stopped believing in that shit when I was 8. A Another thing, it's a sin to masturbate, because it wastes your seed. Even though you waste 100 million sperm anyways even when you do have sex.

The point I'm trying to make is that all Christians are gullible morons. And as such, we should never take anything they say serious again. /discuss

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Comments ( 10 )
  • NJDevils10

    I agree with you 100% and I like your style. I'm on my iPhone so I'm too lazy to add my own two cents so I'll just leave it at me agreeing with you. I truly do not understand how educated people can believe in religion.

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  • aussiewolf

    sounds like you are trying to get attention. if you dont like religion, you dont have to believe it. i personally dont know what to believe but i am not going to try to bring everyone else down like you are trying to do. its fine to have an opinion but its not fine to abuse people for also having an opinion.
    but i think your upset because you got caught jerkin the gerkin by your parents and they told you it was a sin and that your not allowed to do it again. there is so much more to religion than just self satisfaction.

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    • CptCalicoJack

      First off, this is an open forum, for people to ask questions and receive answers. He has the right to free speech, which includes typed words, as do you. I completely agree with him, and I'm not saying that you have to, but he has a right to say what he wants.

      Although, he could post with better manners.

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      • CptCalicoJack

        best quote ever

        "Though I may not agree with what you say, I will defend to the death your right to say it."

        Peter Griffin

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  • aussiewolf

    its not about being gullible. its about the fact that no one knows what happens when we die. there is so much more to our universe than anyone knows or will probably ever know. aliens, dimensions, black holes etc. i guess some people just need to have something to believe in, that there is more to life than just being born and dying. i would rather believe in reincarnation than heaven and hell but i guess until there is any hard evidence, there will always be this argument between religion and science.

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  • Bashing christians doesn't make them 'open their eyes'. Just to let ya know.

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  • I don't believe it either, but is it truly unatural to want to believe in something after our death? Imortality is impossible to concieve, but so is the idea of true death. As such, people throughout all of time will make up things like this.
    Oh, and try and prove he doesn't exist. You can't. In this way, you can't really say they're wrong withing scientific boundaries, but nor can they say their right. Tbh, I think religion is a great way to boost morale and spirits. Long story short, just accept some people believe it, and there's nothing wrong with that =)

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  • Norm_McDonald

    when was the bible first published and how much have the stories been changed over the years and by who?

    people should be allowed to believe what they want but they should make up their own minds without influence from family, the church, etc

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  • BUGABOO-666-

    I'm another iPhone user who totally agrees with you. I'm too lazy to go to my laptop and add any other points, but I can't believe that people can follow that shit called religion either. It's a waste of time and thought.

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  • @Aussiewolf: I am trying to bring people down, because maybe they'll open their eyes and stop wasting all their thoughts on whether they're going to hell or not stupid shit like thinking about someone lustfully. Plus, it's kind of funny.

    The main point of my post though is that I seriously can't understand how so many intelligent people can be so gullible.

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