Barak obama, the final nail in the coffin.
Obama has proven himself to be a worthless Politicien, war monger and now he's proven he's a racist with his bull shit comments about the Trayvon Martin case. The man is a joke.
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Obama has proven himself to be a worthless Politicien, war monger and now he's proven he's a racist with his bull shit comments about the Trayvon Martin case. The man is a joke.
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I'm not really up-to-date with American politics (I don't live there) but I'm still trying to figure out how is it that nobody cares about the fact that the man bought himself a Nobel peace prize.
Im fed up with all politicians wish the every day people T he Hardworking Americans could run.this Country!
Whatever, I give the man a lot of credit for trying to put up with all the nonsense that's thrown at him daily.
I find right-wing politics to be nothing but one giant circle jerk. There's nothing but a lot of stroking (of egos) going on there.
And it's also pretty sad that so many people are so easily tricked into believing that one man who lives in a big white house has so much control over their lives.
Yep...because Left Wing politics are benevolent and Cuba. Great place to live I hear.
Warms my heart to know how easily Castro tricked people into living in such a utopian society. Lenin was one man, Hitler was one man, Mao was one man...they all had media "circle-jerks" protecting their every MSNBC.'s your Kool-Aid.
I am mad at Obama because I haven't been able to buy bullets for a year now. Other than that, he's done nothing that really affects me tangibly.
Do I absolutely hate Obama, and even more now after his comments on the Trayvon case? Yes.
Is this the final nail in his coffin? No. The reason Obama was elected is because he is one of the best "POLITICIANS." He isn't the best president, he's the best politician. And he knows how to get people to like him, and keep voting for him. The only reason he got elected in the first place was off of black racists. So what does he do when he sees a chance to make his black constituents happy? He seizes it.
I'm on the fence about the trayvon martin/george zimmerman case, but yes, I agree that Obama has been a terrible leader.
The fact that the anti-war left has essentially fallen silent when a Democratic president uses unmanned drone strikes in countries like yemen, pakistan and somalia that kill civilians on a regular basis shows that people easily abandon their ideals once they find somebody to worship and idolize.
The man promised to close Guantanimo Bay, and now presides over force feeding a large number of the hunger striking detainees. (many of whom have been cleared of any charges)
For a president who promised transparency, his government's attempted persecutions of wikileaks and edward snowden show that he was never worthy of the nobel peace prize he recieved.
So yeah, I actively resent barack obama because he has been corrupted by the office he sought to change, becoming yet another dissapointment in the process.
(I will end this tirade before going into details about his signing the NDAA into law, extending the patriot act, or recieving massive donations from goldman sachs during his 2008 campaign)
The president cannot close Guantanimo Bay - only an act of congress can do that.
Obama has supported an effort to bring detainees into court so that they can be processed and either charged or released, but Republicans in congress continue to block any such effort. But then they have the gall to turn around and criticize Obama for failing to deliver on his promise, as if they aren't the ones keeping it open.
Basically this is one giant game to them, where they actively work to put the president in the most politically awkward situations, and then stand up on a podium and criticize him for it. They put up blocks for him to stumble though, and then say that him stumbling is proof that he is an ineffective leader.
Meanwhile, America is suffering while they continue to play their childish games on capital hill.
If you're gonna make an argument against the man at least spell his name right.
I beg to differ. The only reason Obama got elected was because of the racist black people and the illiterates who don't work. This poll shows that the illiterates are finally understanding that he was a horrible choice.
Now lets see if the igna'nt black people can learn a thing or two from the illiterates.
I hate how he's been in so many magazines, hangs out with celebrities, etc.
Shouldn't he be doing important presidential stuff?
And he made SO many campaign promises about renewable energy. What has he done?
Trouble is, Mitt Romney was even worse of a candidate. What do you want the American people to do?
It's easy to complain, but we shouldn't complain unless we have a better idea, a solution, etc.
He was voted in due to the pure novelty of a black president. Novelty does wear off......
Because everyone is now so politically correct that they've become the evil they think they're fighting, they're its biggest asset.
Obama may not be perfect, but I think the alternative would have been much worse. I think Obama is trying to help America forward, he's just not very successful.
Obama seems to me to be your typical Trojan horse politician Good people skills and a ethniticy that sits well with the demographic, promising the world and delivering little after he gets elected
You guys should be thankfull you live in the US, if he was an African leader he would become a dictator and carry on doing nothing but making dumbarse comments and blaming others for his mistakes until he des or the people rise up and go storming his presidential seat with AK's and RPG's
Now wouldn't that make the most interesting "White-House-Down" plot ever
Dont you mean that about all politicians? I think the requirement for being a politician and being rich beyond belief and being lazy as fuck. So they can all laugh playing golf while we gather more homeless youth, and 40 year olds taking the jobs that the 18 year old coming out of school would have enjoyed having right now. When they are forced to be on the street hooking themselves out for cash.
If you had written correctly you could have been the creator of one of the most interesting discussions on IIN but then this site is free :(
You're just now figuring out that monkey-eared bastard is the "final nail in the coffin"?
I'm sorry, but it became pretty obvious he is not a good leader by how he easily manipulated women to get the vote to be re-elected.
He done nothing but say how women were victims of this and that, even when most of what he said has been proven wrong or women are actually more well off in those areas, even as far as to criticize fathers on fathers day, and so on.
When he done that, I knew exactly that he was doing it simply for the female vote, to manipulate women for his own progression...And what do you know, it worked.
It seems making women feel like they have it worse off and deal with more is an easy way to use them for your own advantage due to how predictable it is that so many would agree. Go figure.