Battlefield or call of duty ?

Which do you prefer ? I like Call of Duty myself but still enjoy Battlefield its just despite what people say I have had many more issues involving campers in Battlefield than in Call of Duty and a few other reasons why I prefer it but what does the is it normal community think ?

Battlefield 33
Call of Duty 49
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Comments ( 4 )
  • EMINEM007

    Counter Strike.

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  • theabider

    Not a gamer, so neither, but I have heard of Call of Duty. Since I haven't heard of Battlefield, I assume it isn't as good?

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    • Glass

      That's like saying McDonalds makes the best food because they're the most popular. CoD is the McDonalds of gaming today. Its easy to play, gives players constant rewards to get them addicted, and also to cover up its extremely shallow gameplay. Its not bad to try to make a game addicting, but there's really not much to CoD. Modern CoD is really just your standard uninteresting military shooter, there's no features that really define it.

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      • BrendioEEE

        Bro McDonalds is the bomb it tastes great & its made out of shit. Its shit that tastes good thats a win right there lol. Thats how I feel about Call of Duty its only worked on for two years but still delivers alot of joy (And anger lol) But Battlefield yea its fun I play it every now & then but it frustrates & angers me more than Call of Duty they claimed to clean up campers they lied about that in my own personal experiences I have experienced more campers in Battlefield than MW3 although in World at War there are alot of Campers. Thats the whole point of Call of Duty its supposed to feel like Call of Duty not something else. And thats also the point of Battlefield its to feel like Battlefield (And copy Call of Duty every once in a while) But theres no shame in Copying Call of Duty. The Reason Call of Duty sells more copies & has a bigger replay value is because 78.76 % of FPS Gamers Dont give a fuck about Realism they care about fun & to me & most of the gaming community Call of Duty offers more fun.

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