Bc pills for men?

If a version of Birth control (the pill) for men was available, would you take it? Or (ladies) would you want your man to take it so you don't have to? It totally take one for the team if it existed. They only thing I've seen that is supposed to work is this little heater thing u stick on ur balls when u go to sleep. It kills ur sperm count completely for the period of time you use it. But that's a pain in the balls. Literally. What do u guys think?

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Comments ( 18 )
  • VinnyB

    Assuming they were safe and effective, I think most guys would love to know that they took a pill so that they don't have to worry if she did. I realize condoms protect against other things, but if men are willing to wear condoms that reduce feeling to avoid pregnancy, why wouldn't they be willing, or even prefer to, take a pill instead?

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    • anti-hero

      Exactly, beats the hell out of condoms.

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      • NeofelisNebulosa

        How bad are condoms, exactly? It's hard for a lady to comprehend the feeling. But I don't wanna make my male partners suffer lol

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        • anti-hero

          Well please always be safe but they suck really bad. You get less warmth and no wetness. It's 10x better without.

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          • NeofelisNebulosa

            That sounds terrible....

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        • Nokiot9

          Bad. It eliminates all friction. You just feel pressure and temperature change. And it strangles ur cock as well. Not very comfortable. I'd rather get a hand Job without a condom than have sex with one.

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          • NeofelisNebulosa

            Holy cow, that sounds even worse than I thought. I feel really sorry for men who have to use them now... Does the type of condom matter? Like could you use an extra thin condom?

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            • anti-hero

              Some are slightly better but not enough. Still no wetness.

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  • JD777

    I would use it if it was safe and effective.

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  • NeofelisNebulosa

    It would be great if they invented birth control for either sex that didn't come with problems. Like I'm not on birth control (pill or implant) because I know it alters your hormones and I'd be worried it would kill my sex drive. But now I have to worry about getting pregnant :( and I've heard men say condoms are terrible. I wish there was a way both sexes could be happy with contraception.

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  • This_guy_is_normal

    i have a very good control on my machine gun.

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  • Arm0se

    I wouldn't. It sounds like one of those things where they don't discover the side effects until 20 years down the line. I can hear the commercials now... "Do you have liver cancer? It may be the result of *insert company name* male birth control!"

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  • Probably. Then again, condoms are probably better. You know, to prevent STDs and so on. Although if I had a partner who I was sure did not have any diseases then I'd be happy to take turns on the pill if I wanted to ditch the condoms to experience better sex.

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    • Nokiot9

      Yeah. I guess so. But I'm very picky about my sexual partners. I don't do one night stands or have sex with people I don't know well. I always make sure they're clean before I go no skin. And from what I've heard anyway, it's more enjoyable for women as well not having to use a condom. I'd assume you can't feel things as well either with one on

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  • howaminotmyself

    Soon, soon the there will be options.

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  • Shackleford96

    Yeah, I'd probably take it.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Just to play devil's advocate here.
    1) I don't know one woman who would take a man's word on something like this, re; casual sex.
    2) men don't get pregnant, don't have to carry the baby, etc. so it's more likely they won't forget. (see #1)
    3) bc pills are often good for some women, to regulate periods, etc, so many are on them already. (see 1 and 2)

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    • breathingtree

      I doubt an effective male birth control pill would do away with the need for the female version.

      It would just give men the option to make sure they don't become a father. An unscrupulous female partner could forget her pill, or lie about taking it, or poke holes in the condoms or diaphragm with a pin. The guy always has to trust the female.

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