Be 2 months late for my period?
I'm 15 and i haven't had my period in 2 months now and I've been worried about it. I'm 100% a virgin but I have tryed masterbation.. Don't judge. Please help me out. What could be the reason,?
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I'm 15 and i haven't had my period in 2 months now and I've been worried about it. I'm 100% a virgin but I have tryed masterbation.. Don't judge. Please help me out. What could be the reason,?
Your Probably just fine. Just eat healthy and keep doing what your doing. There's nothing wrong with exploring your body either, it's natural and I wish I'd figured it out sooner myself
It is totally normal to have irregular periods when you are still a teenager ..
Could be anything from certain meds to diet to sleep ..
There are some conditions like PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) that can cause irregular periods, I have this and have only had one period this year ..
You should check in with a doctor just to be sure but it's probably nothing to worry about :)
Also masturbation has nothing to do with it dw ..
Were you taking the pill then stopped? Because that could cause you to be off your cycle for a while, could take up to a year.
When did you first start your period? If it's been just resent, you body could be still finding it's rhythm.
Are you stressed out over school or home stuff that can throw off your cycle. Stress is crazy on our bodies. Try meditation, or some form of relaxing.
Have you started playing sports or a heavy workout routine? That could do it. If so, it will even out soon.
Are you eating properly? If your not consuming enough calories your body can't do all the jobs it's supposed to.
I hope this helps, welcome to womanhood. Our bodies are amazing and confusing. On the masterbation has nothing to do with your cycle. It's very normal to do and enjoy. Learn your body. You're the only one that will know if something changes and isn't right.
well you might have got sperm inside and gotten pregnant but thats highly unlikely without a guy included. so it might be stress related or hormonal or extreme weight loss or incredible hard training exercise, a brain tumor. poor sleeping habits. or sex change. or early Alzheimer.
I have the same problem as u.i went to the gynecologist idk if that the correct word and I was told its totally normal for teenagers to experience that due to imbalances in the wil reach a time wen it wil b totally ok.dont worry
Like others have said, masturbation has nothing to do with your periods.
Like others have also pointed out, you're young, and maybe your body just hasn't reached full sexual maturity. It's possible your hormones haven't yet settled into a normal cycle.
Are you well-nourished? Girls who starve themselves stop having regular periods - or any periods at all. Being extremely skinny may be fashionable, but if a woman is so malnourished she's heading for death, she will stop ovulating.