Be turned off by men with high voices?
Does it bother you if a guy sounds like a girl or has a high or squeaky voice? Just curious.
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Does it bother you if a guy sounds like a girl or has a high or squeaky voice? Just curious.
I like effeminate men, but at the same time as long as you are polite about it I see nothing wrong with disliking it for your boyfriend.
Um yes. I once had a crush on a guy as a teenager and immadiately turned disinterested when I heard him talk for the first time.
When I first saw this, I thought it said "Be turned on by men with high voices."
I think there have actually been studies on this. If I'm remembering correctly then women tend to share you view on this.
When I’m getting what I want, the last thing I’m thinking about is his voice! 👅
I feel like you call domino’s for a sausage pizza, then harass the poor delivery boy for not putting out as he tries to run back to his beat ass 97 honda civic
I'm ok with it, as long as he isnt a crossdressing little bitch I can deal
guess it's ok not to like a guy with a high voice, then one has to assume its is also not ok to like a woman with a low voice?? equal rights
Whether it's really high, really low, or somehwere in the middle, I'm not really bothered by pitch. I think the way of speaking/tone is what makes or breaks it for me
That's not to say that I'm incapable of bringing myself to talk to a person who has a tone/way of speaking that I don't particularly like, but it's something that would probably keep me on the look out a bit till I got to know them well enough to make a decision on if I want them in my life or not
Unfortunately we all judge people based on past experiences and patterns we see. For me personally, more often than not, I've noticed certain behiavors and/or personality types that often go hand in hand with certain ways of speaking/certian tones. I however have not noticed too much when it comes to certain pitches going hand in hand with certain personality types and/or behivors so I'm not really bothered or put off by it