Beastiality and zoophilia, what does the people of the internet think?

some people are and some people are into beastiality and zoophilia.
i fall into beastiality dont quit see my self dating an animal after all i do have a girlfriend and she is into it as well but anyways what does the people of the internet think?


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Comments ( 63 )
  • reminiscent

    I find it a form of animal abuse really...and I am not ok with it. There are really only 3 sexual fetishes I am not ok with and beastiality is one.

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    • SiliconChip

      How do you get that it is abuse??? So male dog and a human female... you call that abuse?

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      • Magicbeast

        Your so right, like I said to Reminiscent, (if a male dog is horny n so is a female human, how is that abuse), if she lets the male dog mount n fuck her they both relive each other.

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    • Magicbeast

      If a male dog is horny n so is a female human, how can that be abuse, it's only abuse if someone beats an animal with a stick or doesn't feed the animal for weeks.

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    • KeddersPrincess

      What are the other two?

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      • reminiscent

        Pedophilia and necrophilia

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        • Lynxikat

          Oh yeah, those three right there are where I put my foot down.

          There is nothing okay with any of those "fetishes."

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          • reminiscent

            *nods* yeah I couldn't be with anyone who was into thoes things

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            • despuit

              necrophilia seems more appropriate then the latter though, not like the dead can consent... just run some hot water, let them soak for bit till they're nice and warm. Throw the corpse onto a heating blanket to prevent heat loss and from there have a whole shit load of fun. Cut open there sides insert machines so they can contract. Shove speakers into their throat that respond to the contraction devices, like jeeze there are just so many ways you can emulate a living corpse.

              FOR SCIENCE!

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    • darkside45dexter

      you really need to go back to school... its not abuse unless they act first and 99% of the time they will act first.

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      • reminiscent

        Well seeing as an animal can not speak it really cant give concent. Really I could get a man hard without his consent. ..and animals follow a basic instincts such as sex. And id hardly say 99% of the time since never once has any pet I have had or been around has any ever attempted sex with me and its never happened for my bf ether...not saying it never happens as I have seen videos of dogs humping people or stuffed bears funny home videos...but given you are the higher entelagence the responsibility to stop such an act falls to you...not to take advantage.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I don't see a problem if the animal doesn't mind. Of course, without the animal's permission, it's just like raping a person, so you must have the animal's permission. And of course, it must be an adult.

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    • darkside45dexter

      you do have to remember its an animal not a person, there should be rules to go with dogs, if beastiality in fact became legal there needs to be rules to do it, instead of making it like human rules rules for beastiality should be way different from a human. in fact why does the dog have to be an adult? i bet your ass had sex when you were 13-17 i mean for real everyone does something before they are an adult, look at miley cyrus im sure as hell betten she did shit, but we cant make rules or should not make rules off of what us humans rules or whatever.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Or just laugh, because really, it was a tongue in cheek post, for christ's sake.

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  • Alex_Gee

    There are lots of other posts on the site about this and its worth reading peoples comments and views on those posts too. It definitely divides opinions.

    Myself I'm very into some kinds of beastiality and have been for a while now. (its well documented on my other posts). I say some kinds because I dont agree with the acts of raping, penetrating or hurting animals. However allowing u'rself to be licked or penetrated by an animal is fine if the animal wants to do it. Again forcing this is animal abuse.

    Lots of people confuse zoophilia and beastiality as the same thing, so yeah I would consider dating an animal to be pretty fucked up. However lots of people fantasise about beastiality/animal sex so regardless of whether they go as far as sex - that still kinda makes them zoophiles and thats normal.

    Everyone has their dark little fantasies and kinks, but next to incest, beastiality is another dark taboo that is very common but people dont wanna admit too because of the stigma and reaction from others. It goes on everywhere though and despite all the pissy comments people will post about it only happening amongst rednecks, the welsh, afghanistan, iraq, blah blah blah - it goes on in every street and community across the world. Interestingly tho, beastiality is definitely practised by more girls/women but then I'd say definitely watched and subscribed to more by guys than anything else - so dont believe all these fuckers that hate on it so much - they protest too much methinks! lol Axxx

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    • Crazybeast

      I think your right n I think there just as many men into Beastiality/Zoophilia as there are woman.
      I am a guy n I have enjoyed Beastiality since 1992 n my favorite animals are dogs n horses.
      I would be cool to send Private messages you, about stuff like this.

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      • Alex_Gee

        Yeah - Just send me a message. :) Ax

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    • darkside45dexter

      you sir ar my new best friend! i agree with you, but for the record, i read a girls post on here and she was confussed about her dog (great dane) licking her while she was doing the dishes between her legs, if in fact a dog cant consent they are not stupid but if the dog acts apon the person by a sexual encounter than its not rape or abuse because from the dog doing that the dog is pretty much asking for it and therefor is not abuse or will hard the animal, some cunts always have to runin it for the rest of us, but me and my girlfriend are on top of abusing animals i mean if my dog dont want to do shit or he will let me do anything i leave it alone but most people cant therefor they have to rape and abuse the animal because they are a horny little bastard that dont think straight so let this open yours eyes a bit.

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      • Alex_Gee

        haha, I am a girl (Alex-andra). lol

        Yeah a dog cant give consent but thats for us to read the signs and not to force it to do anything that could cause it distress. A male dog will naturally lick a girl because they're attracted to our scent. If they lick and a girl becomes turned on, the dog can taste this and they become aroused and will try and mount. That to me is natural and unforced because the dog is acting on instict and its not being forced, so for the girl with the Great Dane that was okay.
        Its very different for a guy to have a relationship with an animal because a guy naturally wants to penetrate and dogs/animals really dont like that. Plus its very diffucult to read those signals in a female animal because the one thing humans can detect is the smell triggers which male animals can pick up. Possibly maybe one of the reasons guys don't engage in it as much. lol

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        • fortisan

          Female, spayed dogs will smell and lick crotches as well. Dogs don't do this because they're sexually attracted to our scent, they do it because it's how dogs say "hello" (observe any two dogs meeting and they will smell faces and crotches). Dogs communicate and receive information through scent much like humans do through sight and auditory stimuli (their olfactory abilities arguably outdo our own visual and auditory abilities).

          That being said, it is unnatural to be attracted to a species you cannot procreate with. Neanderthals might have been our closest bet, but they're extinct/assimilated (as are other hominids that coexisted with early humans).

          An animal cannot give consent. As you mentioned, it acts on instinct. A dog is as likely to hump a couch leg as you (again, instinct). Human beings are the only animal, to our knowledge, able to choose to defy instinct, as well as give consent. We even classify abnormal fetishes as paraphilia. One could argue that societal and cultural tabboos are what constrict humans from cutting loose and rutting with Fido et al...

          Bottom line is that it's animal abuse, that is, taking advantage of a creature that might have some awareness, yet cannot clearly communicate. On par with fucking a blacked out girl, or a person with severe mental retardation (not that I equate these examples with animals, but it's agreed they cannot give consent nor communicate it).

          And...I'm off my soap box.

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        • Comanchedgo

          I would like to chat with you

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          • Alex_Gee

            Send me a message then! Ax

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  • horsestallion69

    I know women who have sex with horses, so what, if they do not get it at home, they will find it else where, I caught my next door neighbour lady having sex with my horse stallions, and we talked about it.
    I told her, if she is not hurting my horses, I do not mind.
    Now, she wants to train my horses into all kinds of sex, and am thinking of letting her, oral, 69 and tit fucking her, and letting the stallion have full inter-course with her laying on 2 bales of hay or straw, with a blanket so she won't get scratches.
    Love to hear back, if women are having sex with horses, me this does not bother me, all the power to the ladies who have sex with horses.


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    • Crazybeast

      From reading what you wrote, I would love to watch your neighbor have sex with your stallion.
      I am sorry, I am a guy n not a woman.

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  • Roadrunner30

    I don't see a problem with the male animal on human female side of it. If the animal wants it and tries to get it, well then there is your consent. The human male on female animal side of it though bothers me. Because as has been previously said, there is no way for the animal to consent.
    Just my thoughts on it.

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    • Crazybeast

      If a female animal like a dog or horse is in her Heat Cycle as would accept any male like a human, I have been around female dogs n horses when they're in Heat n they have backed their rear-ends towards me, I would reach my hand towards them n they would not walk away.
      To me that is their way of giving consent to being fucked by me.

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  • K9LoverRU

    If it feels good do it I love dogs and see no reason why they should be denied of the pleasure after all they are our best friends and no unwanted pregnancy or being messed up by a dickhead boyfriend orSTD's

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    • cw22sw

      Message me I'm interested in hearing more

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    • Comanchedgo

      Can we chat?

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    • Crazybeast

      I agree with you, I have done some research n there is NO WAY that humans can get a STD from a dogs, horse, goats, sheep.
      I hope that 1 day Beastiality will be Legal as long as the person is not beating the animal.

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  • AmosTheCracker

    I'm usually not very judgemental, but this shit is fucked up.

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  • I honestly have a hard time accepting that zoophilia exists.

    Are there really people who are literally, truly attracted to animals? I cannot begin to comprehend that.

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    • Anonnet

      Yes, it exists.

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    • lovelicks

      I can't say I'm attracted to them, but l love it when I have my cock licked bya dog

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    • darkside45dexter

      then if you have a hard time accepting it then you need not to be in the united states where as i recall home of the free and land of the free, we are in the united states we need to beable to live our lives like we want instead of talking shit or putting people in the ground by it why dont you try it before judging it, not all people who are gay, bi, lez, zoophilia, beastiality people are bad, i mean maybe one day it could be come a trend, who knows but with people like you that make a fuss about what we are into thats just dumb and wrong and you need to be punished.

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      • Anonnet

        Calm down, you're really not helping anyone's case. Aside from your grammar, you made a lot of inflammatory statements, used false logic, and both insulted and threatened True directly.

        That's really bad form.

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      • I don't recall criticizing or denigrating anyone, therefore your indignation is unwarranted.

        It just so happens that I'm an open-minded person with a proclivity for rational discussion of even the most taboo subjects. For example, did you know that I've caught a lot of heat for my personal belief that non-offending pedophiles are undeserving of enmity and have every right to make attempts to live their lives as productive citizens free of societal oppression?

        Yet you label me as intolerant because I view your bizarre orientation incredulously.

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  • IgnorantOfTheCrows

    I'm totally fine with it. Anyways I live in the south and it's legal here, I don't care about the animal's innocence.

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    • darkside45dexter

      yo i like that hmu sometime yeah? to ignortantofthecrows

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  • Avant-Garde

    This pretty much sums up how I feel about this subject. I don't understand how anyone could find an annual sexy, much less want to do things with them. I question if it is even possible for acting on this with an animal could ever be consensual.

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  • Anonnet

    It's not normal, but I'm into it. More of a fantasy than something I would actually do.

    I hesitate to even say that, though. The air around that subject is more than a little hostile. Subjects like this usually have people either violently against them or overtly supportive of them, with no inbetween. Makes it hard to say anything without fearing for your well-being.

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  • Couman

    There was a story recently where a women came out of her house to find a naked man "raping her dog". Now the odd thing about this... well ONE odd thing... is that the dog was a pitbull, described a "aggressive", and was on top of the man. So that in fact the woman's first thought before she got a good look was that her dog had just killed somebody.

    But in fact neither the man or the dog were injured. It doesn't seem to me like a naked guy with an aggressive pitbull on top of him is in a very powerful position.
    So I have to wonder, was that actually rape?

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    • fortisan

      What is the agreed upon definition of rape? I have always read/argued/been taught that it is sex without consent. A dog cannot give consent.

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      • Couman

        Why not?

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        • the_berry_taco

          For one thing, they can't speak.

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          • mystery7

            Some dogs can almost sound like they can speak, I saw a dog once that could kind of say "Hurro" with barking.

            Maybe they could give one bark for 'yes' and 2 barks for 'no'?

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  • Magicbeast

    My thought's are: if a male dog with balls licks a female human it turns her on n she drips n it makes him horny n she allows him to mount her it's not abuse, if a female dog is in heat n she act like she wants the guy then in my mind it's consent.
    I have been around mares n they have been in heat, which they are horny, so I reached out n fingered her pussy as she winks, she didn't walk away from me, she liked me touching her.
    I was known as Crazybeast, for some reason I was blocked n I made this account n you can see my New name.

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  • Shmendan

    why is this normal?

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    check this blog out!!

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  • DrEvil

    Keep your hands away from mr. Bigglesworth! *Pets his shaved cat*

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