Becoming that masked man in the distance

Hello. I've had this growing interest in wearing a mask and running around town and university. I long to take things from people, but not permanently, I'd return them later. I just think it would be an interesting kind of life. You know, wandering where you want in your mask, unseen, unknown, the life of a bandit.

In reality, I'm too timid and I'd be ashamed to pilfer items from innocent people. But behind a veil, you could be anyone you want to.

I don't think I am the only one - don't others have fleeting fantasies of doing something out of their expected roles? You are a daughter, a son, a student, an employee, wouldn't you like to do something different? Is this normal?

Voting Results
61% Normal
Based on 56 votes (34 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • HarshbutTrue

    I say, steal for the CHALLENGE, return the things later, NO NOTES, that will be your bane, but enjoy the thrill of stealing successfully, just make sure you give it back.

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  • Isolated

    Well, I've always had a fantasy of being able to look like anyone with just the help of makeup, clothing and a wig... :/'s normal to fantasize about being someone/something you want to be? o.O

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  • yes fuck your so right i made a mask out of clothes it was like a black mask with eye bits cut out and a big red smile i wore it wen i made fires LOL

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  • hotchickie81

    This sounds a lot like something I want to do...

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  • soulflyer9

    this sounds like more of a desire to become someone else, at least for a little while, then wanting to be a bandit. sounds pretty normal to me. you're just a little more detailed than most.

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  • ComboBreaker

    I would wear a head bag and mask so no one could notice me by my hair(Its very recognisable). Walk up to people and tell them interesting facts about everyday things from how to unblock a toilet to saveing money on their car insurance. I would be called "Interesting facts man" Or I would have a massive eye mask and go round teaching people new, creative ways to use profound language. I would be called "The all swearing eye... Based in france" Normal

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