Bed shaking
Not sure who to aim this at here, but here goes. For some years now I have experienced spirit attacks during sleep paralysis.
For those who do not know, sleep paralysis is a condition in which the sleeper wakes up but finds that they cannot move any part of their body, other than their eyes. During the paralysis, many people [ including myself] experience spirit attacks. These spirit attacks can rage from spirits pulling at your body, or watching you as you lie there, paralyzed, or even to spirits sitting on your chest.
There have even been some incidents of spirits that 'rape' the victim as they are paralyzed. What happens to me is that usually I do not see the spirits, although I know they are there. However, what happens is that I have felt them sitting on my chest, pulling at my arms and face and generally battling with me.
My bedroom has literally become a battleground and I feel that these entities are after my spirit. What I want to ask though is that apart from the usual things that have been happening to me, recently I have had the experience of my mattress, vibrating. Now this is not the whole of my mattress, only a part of it. I actually saw this with my own eyes as I was fully awake and aware when it happened.
This has happened a few times now and I wonder if this has happened to other people on here too? I actually saw a small part of my mattress shaking/vibrating and I thought I was going mad. The bed has no legs so it is just the mattress on top of the body of the bed.
What with what has been happening to me recently [regarding the spirit attacks] I am wondering if this is yet another kind of spirit attack now? Furthermore, I usually sleep under the covers,with the pillows pulled down. Not one part of my body is dangling out of the bed.
Recently since I have been doing this I have actually FELT someone, or something, SITTING on top of me, outside the covers. I can feel its weight but when I look there is no one there. Can someone please explain to me what the hell is going on?