Bedsprings popping out during sleep and seriously mutilating me.

every time i lie down in bed, I am afraid that a spring from inside my mattress will pop out and stab me in the neck, the eyeball, the chest, the ass, and sometimes somewhere more... delicate. and sometimes I hear odd pooping noises from inside my bed, and that only heightens my worriedness. I have been afraid of this since childhood, and has carried into my college years. The mattresses in my dorm are even more unsturdy, and i am especially afraid of those. is it normal that I have these fears?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • NotFloydzie

    What? You need to upgrade yourself and buy a new bed. I thought they didn't make bed with strings anymore.

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  • moomus

    Get a hammock. Beautifully comfortable and no springs to do any harm....

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  • anti-hero

    Futon, air bed, water bed, tempurpedic, the floor.

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  • dappled

    I have actually been scratched by a bedspring. It was nothing too bad, though. Just a scratch.

    Maybe you need an air bed. I used to camp with one. Not comfy but no risk of genital mutilation!

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  • jstawhai

    i have the same problem. sometimes I sleep on the couch because i keep thinking the springs would kill me. I think you might need a new mattress.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I have the same exact fear. What I did was putting a couch futon on my bed and over my mattress. I think a better option for you would be to buy a new mattress. Foam might be the best.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    You probably have some broken springs. However it is not very common for broken springs to jump out of the bed. For a spring to come out the bed has to already be torn or tearing. However I would strongly recommend you buy a new mattress. This happens when mattresses get old. You can fix the bored string with some wood. You could also try flipping the mattress unless bottom is broken as well. You really need a new bed. The thought it will pop up through the mattress is very unlikely so do not worry.

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  • FreDraken


    Maybe they can make you a pad to put on your mattress. Their material can prevent knife stab wounds, so stopping a broken spring should be easy.
    Or see a shrink and get some therapy for your unreasonable fear.

    Back in the day, my roomie and I were both cut by broken springs stabbing us through our worn-out mattresses.

    But, hey, we were ASKING for it by using mattresses which should have been thrown out YEARS before. That was a good clue that we had gotten full value out of the worn-out mattresses. Cheap Charlies enjoy these small victories.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I had a mattress where the springs were sticking out so I dealt with the same fear. I used to keep an extra blanket on top just in case. Fortunatly, however, I got a new mattress, so I haven't had to deal with it anymore.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I have a similar fear... What you can do is buy a new mattress or get a futon.

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  • dom180

    I've slept on a memory foam mattress for a couple of nights before. I thought it was comfier (real word?) than bedsprings and with the bonus of a much lower chance of impalement (again, real word?), but presumably expensive :/

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  • IrishPotato

    Get a matrass with no bedsprings.

    I've never seen those in real life here in Holland, so I doubt they're a necessity.

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  • jesusj

    Aww great. Now I'm scared of that happening to me.

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