Being circumcised at 11

I had my son when I was 20. At the time, I was worried about making ends meet, school, and what not.

Now he's 11, and I recently realized that I never had my son circumcised. I honestly feel bad about that, because growing up I kind of just figured out that males get circumcised. Even though his father isn't in his life, so was he. When I talked to my mother about this, she said that my father and two brothers were too. My friend's husband is strongly against it because part of his the gland of his penis was amputated when he had it done to him.

I'm torn between accepting that I dropped the ball on this one, or if I should take him to a urologist or somewhere else like that to have it done.

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Comments ( 38 )
  • litelander8

    Don’t do it.

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  • mouldiwarp

    It’s mutilation

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      By definition its genital mutilation. Americans point out the muslims doing it to women when we're doing the same shit

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      • tjenn90

        Males don't have the right to keep their genitals "in tact" the way females do. Males should be circumcised, period. its like removing the peel of an oragne

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  • Stop.

    I'm sure this is a troll / concern baiting but just in case.

    "Males get circumsized" for one of 4 reasons. Religious nutjobs, born in a culture where guys apparently don't wash their dicks, personal aesthetic choice, medical necessity.

    Unless it's the latter, you should ask your 11 year old if he wants some creep to cut a piece of his body off for no reason, and that child will be able to give you the most sensible answer.

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    • tjenn90

      Just because someone proforms medical procedures on the penis, doesn't make them a "creep." I found a urologist who does circumcisions. There are religious circumcising people from a Jewish syndogouge, but they only do religious ones.

      The urologist said that the religious ones only remove some skin on the top, but the "medical" remove all of the cacner causing skin. Plus, she said that the religious ones aftentimes don't belive in asestetic. She also said that it isn't always used on infants because the anestetic can cause a reaction, which is harsh, but they forget it right after anyways

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  • AmourPropre

    Circumcision isn’t a necessity nor does it have any health benefits, in many countries (like the UK, where I’m from) it’s not even commonly done. Even the prospect of subjecting an 11y/o boy (who is a fully aware individual capable of forming his own opinion on this) to this doesn’t sit right with me.

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    • tjenn90

      Lol there is

      -Won't get/give an sti
      -Is cleaner
      -Less likley to get cancer

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      • techpc

        -So nobody who is circumcised can get an STI? What the fuck are you even talking about?
        -You can clean your genitalia with or without a foreskin.
        -Please link to evidence that supports that claim. How does a little piece of skin up your chances of cancer?

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        • tjenn90

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          • techpc

            That article literally says that it used to be a reason to recommend circumcision, and that studies/experts can go either way. Did you even read it?

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            • tjenn90

              Its became very political so researchers have backed down a little.

              I spoke with a urologist. They said that 11 is a little old, but better than ever. he said that doesn't reccomend it on infants because the anestetic is bad for them. He also said a good amout of doctors do it on infants without anything to num the pain. that is a little much for me.

              To keep things in prospetive, for most of the time that circumcisions have been done, no anestetic existed. All we knew was that boys had a birth defect and that they're better off without it.

              He also said that the religions version only removes a little at the top, but the medicle one gives it the appearance of being diffrent colored on the top.

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  • techpc

    Do not do it. Circumcision is genital mutilation. Unless it's a medical necessity, don't do it.

    You didn't "drop the ball," but you will be an asshole if you have your 11-year-old child's foreskin forcibly removed for no reason.

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    • tjenn90

      Lol it is always medically necesary.

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  • Somenormie

    I believe we should abolish circumcision!

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    • tjenn90

      Its been done for so long that its done for a reason

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      • techpc

        Yes, religious reasons. Reasons that were not founded on science.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    The fact that you're even considering it makes me question your mothering. Use your judgement. Come on.

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    • tjenn90

      If its done on infants why can't it be done on early teens? He will benifit from not having it

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  • Sanara

    I don't think you should circumcise him at all unless there is a medical reason. And its apparently very painful too, including the next day (maybe longer), as I saw the footage of someone who did it. I actually think it should even be illegal to do on children (if not medically needed), if someone actually wants it for themself they can choose that when they turn adult

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  • normal-rebellious

    It's not normal to want your son circumcised, are you a Jew?

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  • RoseIsabella

    Eleven is quite old to have this procedure done. Is your family Jewish, or Muslim? What does your son think of all of this business? It's your child's body, and it should be his decision, because he's not a baby anymore. There have been cases of botched circumcisions seriously damaging infants. I don't think there's much point in having the procedure done at this point.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      Like the Dr Money case in which a baby boy’s penis was completely burned off and they decided to raise him as a girl instead. He grew up with a lot of issues, learned what had happened and started to live as a male again but eventually committed suicide. A tragic and completely preventable situation.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Yes, precisely! I don't know why the parents agreed to that bullshit instead just going straight to suing the doctor for malpractice. I honestly don't think there are enough malpractice lawsuits. I wish my family would have sued the guy who performed my dad's last back surgery, and practically crippled him! My dad should have just up, and left the hospital like my mom wanted, because the surgeon was about three, or four hours late... what the fuck was that about? I have no evidence of course, but I can't help but to wonder if the guy was particularly intoxicated, or maybe hungover. 🤔

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        • Asstastics

          Surgeons experiment on old people. Often, they will upsell you on another surgery to supposedly make everything okay. Never get elective surgery if you are over age 75.

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          • RoseIsabella

            That's so evil! Yeah, I remember after that bastard messes up my dad he offered to do another surgery, and my folks were like, "fuck no"!

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        • SkullsNRoses

          That’s appalling, I can’t even fathom that happening where I live. I’m so sorry.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Thanks! It can probably happen anywhere though. What's really sad is that the highly recommended surgeon to whom my father was originally referred was booked up pretty solid for a few months, so my dad chose to go with this other guy who was available immediately. My father had had an earlier surgery on his back about 20 years before when we were living in Houston, and it went off without a hitch, and I mean he was up, and walking the same day like nothing had happened.

            It's been pretty heartbreaking to watch my dad like this for the past 15, or so years, and one thing he has admitted to doing wrong was that he never quit running/jogging despite the fact that he had been told to do so by the original doctor. I kinda wonder if maybe my father would not have needed further surgery if he had just listened. My dad was really into running when I was a kid, and teenager, he even used to run the Houston Marathon.

            I love my father a lot, and he's been like a best friend to me throughout much of my life, but I think he's a person who is too stubborn, and doesn't always listen to expert advice when it's given to him. My dad just wants to do want he likes, and what makes him happy without thinking too much of what might happen.

            My father is 84 years old now, and he is starting to have problems with his short term memory, and a kind of a brain fog. I ask him if these symptoms bother him, and he says he doesn't care, because he can no longer do what he wants to do anymore.

            Anyway, that's my story, and I'm now a firm believer in researching things, reading lots of reviews and looking for the best possible recommendations. I also NEVER ignore bad reviews! I've done a review of the surgeon who practically crippled my father, and every so often I will check to make sure it's still up on the site. If my review ever gets taken down I will repost it. This isn't a very nice thing for me to say, "but I honestly hope that doctor someday needs a laminectomy, and finds a surgeon just like himself to operate on his back"! I figure if the guy was not really a terrible surgeon, and my father's condition has nothing to do with the surgery that was performed then my wishes for him might not be so bad.

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    • tjenn90

      He isn't thrilled on the idea. He said that his penis is fine and that he can lern to cleen it. But he also didn't want to get a filling. Since hes older he will need to get stiches after.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Why not just let him decide?

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    • Sanara

      I don't even get why it would be acceptable on an infant, there is no evidence they feel less pain from it than what an adult or older child would have done. And they certainly didn't agree to it. Its just that they cant speak up or protest it in any way

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      • RoseIsabella

        This is true. Hopefully at eleven he can say no, and have that no respected.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    No he's too old now.

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    • tjenn90

      I talked to a urologist who said it was not. My friend, who is studying to be a nurce, told me that Jews belive that men were given a foreskin and told to cut it off to prove their loyalty to god (for what its worth).

      I thought it was a good idea to have a Jewish Rabbai do it, but the urollogist said the Jewish one only removes most of the outer forskin, but not the inner. Removing the inner is what gives a penis the pale color towards the top.

      Anyways, I made the appointment, he will be getting it done next week. I will keep him home from school for a few days, and he'll take some pain killers for the pain.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Please dont do it. Im telling you now he is going to suffer tremendously. Are you doing it for him or you? You are going to put him through a lot of pain. Hes going to be crying alot and not understanding why. He will resent you for it when he gets older. Im hoping you are a troll... please dont

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        • tjenn90

          They give you anesthesia and pain killers afterwords. The doctor told me that its normal to do the procedure on infants with no anestetic at all, which is harsh.

          Muslims and Jews belive that the forskin was put there so men would cut it off to prove their loyalty to religion. Most cultures have observed the practice because they know its burdonsom to have

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            Dont put too much faith in the doctors word that its ok and not harmful. These doctors will literally cut off a penis and turn it inside out to make a Frankenstein vagina at someones request. They deal with death daily in medical school they arent the most empathetic people towards pain and suffering. If they were they wouldnt be able to do the job. They deal with suffering and death all the time its just normal to them.

            And also the pain killers arent going to get rid of the pain all the way im telling you hes gonna be crying and I feel you are doing it for selfish reasons. Its not in his best interest. And hes gonna hurt badly.

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  • oldgoat65

    Circumcised dicks look better IMHO

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