Being fat phobic is good

Who agrees? Someone got pissed at me the other day at work for being 'fat phobic', and at this moment it occoured to me that I was. Being fat is less sexually attractive(on average!) and makes you die sooner, and those are facts. So I am proud to be fat phobic because it shows that I care for peoples health and longevity. I think everyone should be fat phobic and stop this acceptence and pandering towards an unhealthy lifestyle. Anyone agree?

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Comments ( 12 )
  • backwards-rat

    Firstly, equating how attractive or healthy you personally perceive someone to be to how much should hate/disrespect/shame them seems like a pretty illogical connection to make.
    1) you don't know why they are overweight, might be a medical condition.
    2) if you did that with everything and everyone you perceive as unhealthy or less attractive, you'd have to be a dick to most people.
    3) it seems more likely to do more harm than good, as many people overeat as a way of dealing with mental health issues, and surprise surprise: hating people doesn't improve their mental health.

    Respecting fat people and treating them like anyone else is not the same as promoting an unhealthy lifestyle. Actually, I'd say that by promoting bullying etc you're promoting a very unhealthy lifestyle mental health-wise.

    If you really do care about people's physical health like you said, you could consider these much more effective methods:
    - voting for politicians/parties that have definite views on how to make the population more active and healthy,
    - boycotting stuff that promotes an unhealthy lifestyle,
    - supporting healthier food options for instance by buying or marketing it,
    - sharing/making (non-hateful) content about health (like how much sugar and fat is hidden in certain products, how to increase daily physical activity, which physical-activity things are going on nearby),
    - organizing or volunteering in events/organizations that promote a healthy lifestyle,
    - basically just supporting any initiative/establishment meant for increasing physical activity or healthy food in any way you can

    Also if I were you I'd consider looking into how mental and physical health are related, and try to minimize my negative impact on people's mental health.

    Also, disclaimer: I don't know what your personal definition of fatphobia is, but the definition I've seen the most is expressing negative views of fat people and being fat, usually not distinguishing between the two, and usually expressing it by behaviour bordering on bullying.

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    • backwards-rat

      Also just in case you're going to accuse me of just making this all up because I'm fat:

      1) you should consider doing a quick google search on the most effective methods to combat obesity in society,
      2) I'm not fat, never was (although I'm probably at 25%, which is just 5% away from 30%, but whatever), but would regularly starve/purge as a teenager, most likely because of people's obsession with bodies. Do you think that's any healthier?

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  • Plapp

    Being fat is not lifestyle but hormonal. Attacking their lifestyle is like telling kids with cancer to start behaving and stop that cancer nonsense.
    I have a hormonal condition where i need to eat more than normal to not lose weight, beating me up and disciplining me about it will not cure it. Neither will it cure fat people.

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  • RuiAndrRivers

    DEPENDS. Some people are fat because they took bad decisions, in that case being fat phobic makes sense since it's just unhealthy. Other people don't have the choice, they might be naturally chunkier or have a disease, in those situations being fat phobic towards those people is being a jerk.

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    • First problem, a very, very small percentage have a disease. Second problem, no matter why they are overweight does not change the health effects. If you 50 pounds overweight thats bad whether you have a condition or not.

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      • backwards-rat

        Their reason for being overweight doesn't change the health effects, but it does change how they will/can react to fatphobia. If being fat is something they can't change, there is 0% chance experiencing fatphobia will do anything positive for them. Best case scenario is that they ignore it (unlikely though), and worst case is they'll be very negatively affected.

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  • I hate these "trendy" terms. "Fat phobia". "Baby bump". "Sharenting". Christ, who comes up with this cringy shit?

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    • I didn't come up with the word, I learned about it when it was used against me. It means fear of fat, and I have a surefire diagnosis!

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      • I didn't say that you came up with the word. I'm just expressing my annoyance at these types of words & names for certain things.

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        • Yeah man I'm annoyed too.

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  • Clunk42

    It depends on their fatness. Are they just slightly chubby or are they a whale?

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    • 30 percent bodyfat is the cutoff of overweight. So I'd say about there. Too skinny can be bad to.

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