Being isolated
I have a low self-esteem and socializing problem. I have no friends at all and I don't even know how to have even one friend in my entire life. Teachers at my school hating me for no reason only a few teacher who being nice to me. Other teacher will always scold at me infront of the class and makes me so embrassed .My school mate will making fun of my face and give me a bad nickname like : 'worst f uckugly fugly','pimple girl', 'ugly-wo-wo thingy','dumbass pig', 'loosser nerdy' and etc .They will never stop bullying and harassing me because of my face.I had enough of this and I have ever try to suicide once but my grandmother stop me.She is the only person who make me stay into this f ucking cruel world. she is the only person who understand my problem and hugging me when I was crying. but what if she is..gone ? I will alone and no one will understand my feeling ,no more a warm hug full of love and care, and no one who I can tell my problem with .last month, I am just ugly skinny girl but now, I'm not just ugly,but FAT.cuz the thing I'll do when I was depressed is EAT. but thats work. when eating, I'll forget a damn awful thing that happen to me everyday...but its only work for awhile.If I have ever did only small problem, my school mate and teacher treat me like I just did a f'uckin big crime.I'll cry all night before sleeps because reminding my fate.
I promise you all will being grossed out when sees my face. just imagine:
-a short fat girl who has ugly brunette hair
-have a bit mustache even I'm a GIRL
-flat nose
-dark skinned even I'm chinese
-ugly black eyes which never shine
-have a thick hairs on my chest and legs that makes me look like guy..
I think I'll become more fat to death.