Being isolated

I have a low self-esteem and socializing problem. I have no friends at all and I don't even know how to have even one friend in my entire life. Teachers at my school hating me for no reason only a few teacher who being nice to me. Other teacher will always scold at me infront of the class and makes me so embrassed .My school mate will making fun of my face and give me a bad nickname like : 'worst f uckugly fugly','pimple girl', 'ugly-wo-wo thingy','dumbass pig', 'loosser nerdy' and etc .They will never stop bullying and harassing me because of my face.I had enough of this and I have ever try to suicide once but my grandmother stop me.She is the only person who make me stay into this f ucking cruel world. she is the only person who understand my problem and hugging me when I was crying. but what if she is..gone ? I will alone and no one will understand my feeling ,no more a warm hug full of love and care, and no one who I can tell my problem with .last month, I am just ugly skinny girl but now, I'm not just ugly,but FAT.cuz the thing I'll do when I was depressed is EAT. but thats work. when eating, I'll forget a damn awful thing that happen to me everyday...but its only work for awhile.If I have ever did only small problem, my school mate and teacher treat me like I just did a f'uckin big crime.I'll cry all night before sleeps because reminding my fate.

I promise you all will being grossed out when sees my face. just imagine:
-a short fat girl who has ugly brunette hair
-have a bit mustache even I'm a GIRL
-flat nose
-dark skinned even I'm chinese
-ugly black eyes which never shine
-have a thick hairs on my chest and legs that makes me look like guy..

I think I'll become more fat to death.

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37% Normal
Based on 27 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Energy

    You sound like a beautiful person to me. And your story made me sad. You don't deserve this. No one does. School is hell. There are steps you can take to look better if you really want to. But you don't have to. It's important to have a kind heart. And it sounds like you have one. That's all that truly matters.

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  • awwwtiger

    Too long, blah blah blah, sorry DUDE

    don't be so sad man, just relax

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  • Rusty-Rider

    Pick one thing you feel self conscious about and attack it. Your facial and chest hair may be simply be a hormonal imbalance that could rectified with a simple estrogen pill. Check with your doctor and you may be surprised how easily it could be dealt with.
    After you have that problem under control, you will feel better about yourself so tackle the overweight problem. See a dietician and get on a proper diet and exercise program. It will take a while but you can do it!
    Now that you're not fat and hairy, things will look a lot brighter so pick the next thing about yourself that you don't like and attack it.
    There are things you may not be able to change but do what you can and you will gain self confidence and learn to love yourself. Then there will be no stopping you.
    Good luck to you and have faith in yourself.

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  • melissa2003

    People talk crap about others to boost their own ego. Most people are extremely self centered even if they dont admit it. I knew a girl in high school that although she WAS overweight, got picked on unnecessarily for years! I felt so bad for her. I saw a pic of her on facebook now, & she could be a model. And if ur a nerd, just remember dont give jobs to all the former classmates that come begging u b/c now ur the boss of some huge company. What im trying to say is these assholes will not matter as u get older. join some clubs or find some hobbies, u will find some good friends. Those people who treat u bad arent worth ur friendship! Dont kill urself theres always a better alternative. Go talk to a counselor

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  • richardbturgid

    Sound like a cute girl to me. Just because you have a hard time socially doesn't mean u r ugly. I have some girl friends who r drop dead gorgeous but ppl don't like them. U really sound like u fit that profile.

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  • Shackleford96

    Please don't harm yourself, there are better ways of dealing with the problem.

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  • DarkBlue

    Most people get bullied at school,so believe me, it's never about your looks or weight..I know it's hard, but try not to let that mess with your self-esteem. First, with the bad treatment of teachers in particular, you can let your granny or any of your parents intervene. Confide in them and let them go to the principal and complain. A teacher should not behave like this. I'm serious, stand up for your right. But first, you have to be honest with yourself, are they really being bad, or you're just being kinda oversensitive?

    As for your mates, well, let's be honest, I don't think it will be very easy to change their attitude..and if you complained about them, it might get worse. So, first, you need to totally ignore those who annoy you..Don't take their silly remarks seriously..they are just a bunch of losers who enjoy tormenting others..Focus on your studies and grades, and trust me, this is what really counts in the end. At the same time, I am sure you can do some stuff that might make you feel more pleased with yourself, meaning beauty stuff.

    - First you must believe that you're not ugly..It's what others make you think..but every girl can beautiful and the key to that is first being CONFIDENT.

    -For the weight issue, you already know the key to it!! Try to avoid eating as a consequence to depression. It is hard, yeah, but make like a deal with yourself. Choose sth else to do. Listen to loud music. Write a journal. Once you feel it's coming, you know just what to do..

    - As for the extra hair, there are always ways to remove it ;) How old are you? If you're still young, then I'm sure many people in your school would have the same problem, so no worries..if it is bothering you that much, again confide in your granny or mom and see what you can do :)

    But really, don't underestimate yourself! Don't let any insignificant losers ruin your life..10 years form now you will look back on all that and laugh :)

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