Best way to deal with gambling addiction without therapy

So my Aunt was a workaholic her whole life, never got married and no kids and a few years before her retirement someone introduced her to gambling which caused her to get into debt and most of her retirement money was used to pay it off. Now she just spends most of her time playing casino themed games on her laptop and once a week she still goes to the casino with her friends even though she's already almost broke..l'm pretty sure she's also depressed. What are other good ways to treat this without seeing a therapist? And what's the best things to say coz we never really confronted her about it and had a serious conversation..

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Comments ( 7 )
  • LionsMane

    Gambling is obviously a form of addiction. Generally, it's to fill a void. It's going to be much tougher due to how far along in life she is, but she definitely needs to get out of her head. I would work on introducing her to new hobbies and partaking in them with her. Maybe if you can get her into knitting or sewing or something. At least that is something that will release some creative vibes which should open her up. Plus she might find that she can give her creations to family members as gifts and bringing joy to them may make her feel better. Usually when you are closed off, giving things rather than giving emotions or love is easier. I would tread lightly at first on a personal level. People with addictions push away when they are told they have a problem.

    You need to find what her specific root issue ultimately is though and work at that. How you handle tackling that will depend on her personality. Constricted people aren't going to open up at all so you've got to naturally, slowly chip away at it without pushing too hard

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  • lordofopinions

    The odds are 60/40 in the house favour so over the long haul you WILL lose. Chronic gamblers are betting on getting that one big payout. I have seen them do it and instead of stopping and cashing out they keep playing thinking they are on a roll and lose it all.

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  • MissileExpert

    The central limit theorem of statistics says the house always wins. Gambling is a tax on people that are bad at math.

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    • Casinos now openly advertise that, on average, they take $0.95 of every $1.00 you spend (it’s in the fine print, but it’s there).

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  • Call the gambling addiction hotline in your state. They can give you the advice you need.

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  • Iszzy123

    Well have an intervention and tell her that you love her and don't eat to see her self ruin and keep in close contact with her Caues people usually have risk behavior when alone

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    • I agree, that sounds like the best course of action.

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