Best way to survive a zombie apocalypse?

Honestly I think if a zombie apocalypse did break out the best way to survive it would be to live on a boat, living off the fish you catch.

I don't think zombies could swim, but if they could they would probably sink to the bottom of the ocean if they tried.

What do you all think though? What is the best way to survive something like that?

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Comments ( 3 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Bang! Right on the nail head!
    Zombies cannot swim, that's a known fact. If they tried to walk out to a boat underwater the sharks would eat them. You could sail from place to place until you found one without zombies.
    I'm no dummy, I am prepared for the zombie apocalypse.

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  • AnUneatenCarrot


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  • Mario24

    Watch zombieland. It has some good points to surviving zombie apocalypse.
    I don't find your idea very good as you will not have a reliable supply of water on the boat and Sun will be too hot there to survive so you may wake up as zombie after dying.
    Best way is to focus on basics. Start excercising and become as strong and possible and build stamina. (You will need it.)
    Have a few melee weapons (guns are bad as they are loud and deplete of bullets) ready with you and something to conviniently carry them with you in case zombies strike tonight.
    If this happens focus on -
    1. Find shelter.
    2. Scavange.
    3. Barricade for night.
    4. Move on and search for safer shelter.
    I wish you don't die.

    P.S - Zombie apocalypse is not normal.

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