Bf says he would fuck other girls

me and my bf were talking the other day and he said that if he wanted to fuck another girl he would ask me..?? WERE NOT IN AN OPEN RELATIONSHIP. and ive expressed to him that i would not tolerate him fucking other girls even if he told me. he said that it is selfish of me to ask him to only fuck me for the rest of his life. and that sex is a merely physical thing. he literally thinks of sex as a casual thing.
he wouldnt lie and cheat, he would tell me, but he hopes that if he made a mistake and told me, i wouldnt break up with him.
ive been really sad about this lately and he keeps saying sorry for being mean and hurting my feelings, asking if i still love him, asking if im gonna break up with him, and saying that it seems like im over him.
im just confused. and i really need some imput. thanks

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Comments ( 217 )
  • farkelu

    Kick his ass to the curb!

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    • my bf says if a guy says they don’t wanna fuck anyone else their lying

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      • RoseIsabella

        Your boyfriend, will say anything to support his point off view in order to manipulate you into abandoning your point of view. Don't you believe him; don't give up on your ideals!

        Be smart, and dump his sorry, selfish ass!

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        • why? what would even be the reason for doing so.?

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          • RoseIsabella

            Oh my God, are you really so obtuse?

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            • RoseIsabella

              Your boyfriend is trying to get you to agree to this so it will be easier for him to cheat on you. The reason for you to dump him is because he treats you poorly, and has been doing so for quite some time now. This bullshit about trying to convince you that it's okay for him to sleep with other women should be the last straw. Everyone on here can see what he's trying to do.

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            • itsamistake

              Rose when dealing with the mentality of the OP (which is pretty much on a very small scale) we shouldn't use such words as obtuse, because for sure, they will not understand it. Just say "are you that dumb?". :D :D

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            • huh

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          • Tealights


            What Rose is talking about is, he's "Dismissing" your view to favor his, because he disagrees with you. Basically, he's doing a, "I'm right, you're wrong!!!"

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          • Livelifetothefullest

            I think u need help

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      • farkelu

        If she's a good fuck, he won't need or be able to fuck anyone else! Get another BF!

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        • no. he loves fucking me. but apparently as a man you wanna fuck other ppl?

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          • Tealights

            Nah, your boyfriend is poly, that's just how poly people think. It's not wrong, but it's not right for him to force his feelings onto you like that.

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          • Livelifetothefullest

            He doesn't love you otherwise he would not want to cheat on you by basically fucking others. Sorry

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  • Boojum

    Damn! This post seems to have ignited a storm of comments for some reason. My two cents:

    It's pretty common for men to compartmentalise sex and emotional attachment: there's sex and there's love, and sometimes the two coincide, and sometimes they don't. It sounds like your boyfriend is saying this is how he feels about sex. Some men are smart enough to know that the majority of women don't feel like this, so they never admit that they think of sex like this. Your boyfriend has at least been honest, so perhaps he deserves some credit for that, even if you didn't like what you heard.

    Some people seem clear that he wants to cheat on you or has already done so. I don't see how they can be so certain about that, but I do agree that he has basically given you a warning that he might.

    Another possibility is that he was speaking in purely hypothetical terms, and what he said was more about him doing another fairly common guy-thing: looking at commitment and thinking that it has to equal boredom and stagnation, and then thinking that he'd really like to keep his options open.

    From what you say, it also sounds possible that he's one of those idiotic guys who believe that it's perfectly fine for a man to be controlled by his dick, and he can't help it if he gets a boner in the vicinity of some woman, and they end up having sex. That is purest bullshit. Unless a man is mentally ill or brain damaged, he is wholly responsible for his actions. During my forty-odd years of married life, I've met many women I would have been very happy to fuck, but I've never acted on those thoughts, and that's the only thing that really matters.

    Couples always have rules in their relationships. Sometimes these are discussed and explicitly agreed, but more often there is a silent understanding of what's acceptable and what isn't, and this can cause problems. It sounds like your boyfriend's ideas of the rules for your relationship are different to what you believed them to be. You have to decide if the rules he wants are ones you can accept.

    Suggestion: Consider showing him all the comments here. His responses might make you clearer on what's going on in his head and what exactly he meant by his comments.

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  • Zonfire80

    Leave him,you're feelings obviously don't matter to him. He sounds like an asshole. Sex is not only a physical thing but an emotional thing.

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    • ya thanks

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  • Nope nope nope, leave him he doesn’t seem like the kind of man that’s interested in you as a commitment.

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    • he said he wants to be with me but doesn’t think as sex as the most important thing in the world.

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      • Its not, but its vital in a relationship. I mean, a proven healthy sex life with /one/ person can be the lifeblood to relationships.
        Its also an intimate thing, I mean the act itself is for procreation...the creating of another life. If he’s willing to go an sleep around with other women, he obviously doesnt find building a family with just you a very entertaining idea.
        Why would you even ask if this is okay? I mean, he could also get std’s and then give them to you. Not to mention, the other girls alone will fight for his affections.

        Seriously, it sounds like you’re not enough for him. In which case, you should leave him for someone that would treat you the way you need to be treated. My opinion of course, but seriously.

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        • i know you’re right. he says he only loves me and won’t ever find someone like me. he says he doesn’t have any plans to cheat and doesn’t want to but if he does it would be a mistake and i should forgive him.

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          • Ah so now he’s playing mind games eh? Honey, listen, nope the heck out of there. If he can find other women to sleep with (seeing as how that’s where his mind goes) you can find another man to treat you right.

            Best of luck.

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            • i just want to be with him. he says he loves me and doesn’t want to loose me

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          • RoseIsabella

            So you believe everything he says?

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  • nikkiclaire

    I think you should let him fuck others and stop fucking him yourself. He is a loser. Move on with someone else.

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  • jaystrong

    With his attitude like that doesn't sound like it'll work with how you and most others view a true relationship.
    You should dump his ass, but before hand tell him you banged a guy just because he said he wanted to do that with another woman.
    Sounds to me like he's telling you shit so you'll go along with it. He's plainly an asshole.
    Dump him and find someone who respects you. Don't be an idiot and give him second chances. He'll act on it if he hasn't already.

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  • nikkiclaire

    So he is a 27 year old drug addict who frequents "massage" parlors and is always going to bars with the $500 allowance he gets from mommy.

    The guy is already fucking prostitutes. This is his way of dealing with his guilt.

    You were warned many times and have chosen to do nothing. At this point you deserve what you get.

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    • he doesn’t go to bars.

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      • nikkiclaire

        Have you ever thought of seeking professional help?

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        • about what. i’m literally doing nothing wrong ahahah

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          • nikkiclaire

            For your learning disability.

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  • Padfoot09

    Ummm...if he won't respect you he is obviously not good enough for you. Tell him that he needs to change his mind about it and if he refuses split with him.

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  • should i say that to him? he just told me that as a man it’s hard to say no and that i need to be a realistic bc the world isn’t just strawberries and rainbows

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  • Twatmuncher

    If you have any plans of marrying this guy....don’t....Once a cheater always a cheater & a leopard doesn’t change it’s spots....even in marriage he’ll do deserve much better.

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    • he said he wouldn’t in marriage cuz i could sue him

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  • lonewolf1253

    Tell him he can't have his cake and eat it too. In other words, if he doesn't want an exclusive relationship and you do, then end it. Sounds like he's not done playing the field yet. Some men never are which basically makes them unfit for marriage.

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    • what do you mean he hadn’t done the playing feild yet

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      • lonewolf1253

        Just what I said. He wants to date and have sex with different women. It's called playing the field.

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        • no he doesn’t lol

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  • EnglishLad

    Not worth your time. You should be with somebody who values you and wants to make you happy. If he only sees you as merely one person to fuck in a sea of thousands, he's not worth your time.

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  • Your boyfriend is correct and honest with you. He said that when a boy says he doesn't want to fuck other girls, he is lying, and that is always true, no matter what people say.

    What should concern you is that he is already planning to cheat on you, so you should leave him before this happens. Everyone wants to fuck, even if we hide it, but the point of a relationship is to have more benefits from it so that we won't have a strong reason to hurt our partners this way.

    So the sexual need exists in each and everyone of us, apart from some people we don't discuss here. You must know it and you must start from this point. You also know that jealousy exists, apart from some people we don't discuss here. You must also start with this assumption, too.

    The whole point of a strong relationship is that you offer enough to your partner so that they are no longer interested in the sexual need with others, since it comes with jealosy and pain and the relationship can offer them more satisfaction without this pain. Whoever thinks that once you enter a relationship your sexual needs immediately switch off and disappear for everyone else is foolish.

    The point of a relationship is to be a better match than most people so that the advantages of an affair are less significant and outweighed by the relationship itself, and you have no reason to make it weaker and to break it. The partner should be interested in you and what you can offer more than in other people, so that they remain with you.

    Your boyfriend is not the case. He is interested more in sex than in what you can offer him, namely a close and strong relationship. For him, the advantages of this relationship are not big enough to exceed the sexual desires with other women, so this relationship is not what you want to be. He wants something else than you do, so you two are a bad match.

    This means that you must break-up with him, and this is a certainty, if what you said is true. You can do it now, or you can keep suffering and do it later, but it must still happen if you want to be happy.

    He might want to stop you, but he told you the truth. He won't change his mind, and those were his exact and honest thoughts. Everything else he might say, like being sorry for it, are completely false and made only to repair the damage. But you had the truth from him, and the truth is that he is not going to give you what you want.

    So call him and tell him you are done and then search for someone else. Anything else will just make you suffer more and lead to the exact same point.

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    • he told me he doesn’t want anyone else, he loves me more than anything but if he were to make a mistake he would be sorry about it but hope i wouldn’t break up with him over it bc it’s a “realistic world” and “people make mistakes” ... he told me if i had cheated on him he would be upset but wouldn’t break up with me over it

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      • I personally wouldn't buy these lies. I have enough experience with them. He is trying to prepare the terrain for cheating on you, that's all.

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  • AntiArchon

    Well at least he's being honest. I too have the same views as him and believe in open relationships. I can be in a serious relationship and have a strong emotional bond with one person but open to us having casual sex with other people as long as its protected and only once in a while since its normal for a sex life to die with couples and causes physical and mental frustration in the long run. l think open relationships are more ideal for people. l learned that being possessive and jealous all the time is unevolved and us women should internalize that men's brains are literally wired differently, they can't help it plus most are not capable of having sex with one woman for the rest of their lives.. hell l'm a woman and l can't imagine having sex with only one man for the rest of my life but l definitely can imagine loving, building a life and growing old with just one. He's obviously the open relationship type of guy and if you really can't be like that then break up with him and find somebody else.. but honestly most guys claim to be loyal and want an exclusive relationship but will lie and cheat later on soo. .

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  • MangoTango

    If that happened to me (it wouldn't), I wouldn't say a word, just cut him off, lose his number, remove him from my social media, and leave it at that.

    Or, depending on my mood, I might play head games with him just to tease, piss him off, and then, delete him anyways.

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    • head games like what

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    • RoseIsabella

      Hell to tha muthafuckin yeah!

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  • McBean

    Love doesn't always have an Off switch, my friend. What you thought was there never was. You were in love with an illusion. He is basically a liar, and intends to be unfaithful to any girl he ever meets.

    This situation won't ever get better. If you leave him, your heart will eventually heal.

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  • _confused_

    You can't just go on with relationship like this. Either you accept that he will eventually have sex with someone else or tell him that you can't be with him if he will do that. If you two don't solve this things can get just worse

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    • he told me he doesn’t plan on it. but if he were to make a mistake he says i shouldn’t break up with him over it

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      • _confused_

        If he 'doesnt plan to do it's then what the fuck. He can't have sex with someone randomly, without planning or wanting it.

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        • he probably means like if he goes out to a bar or something ?

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          • _confused_

            So you consider fucking people you see at bar to be normal?

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            • nooo dude. i’m just trying to see it from his perspective i guess. i’m really confused

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      • RoseIsabella

        Who cares what he says you should or shouldn't do! You should do what is right for you, not what he thinks you should do.

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        • what do you think about his point of view?

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          • RoseIsabella

            I think that it's immoral to be the way he wants to be, because I personally only believe in monogamous relationships. However, there are plenty of nice people on this website who think that polyamory is fine, and they are of course entitled to their own opinions.

            I think that unless you are interested in having an open relationship you should dump your boyfriend, and stop wasting your time, energy and emotions on someone who clearly does not respect you. I think whether or not I disagree with open relationships, or other people on here agree with open relationships is irrelevant, because the only thing that truly matters here is what you think.

            I think that you are not interested in polyamory or open relationships, and that the only reason you would put up with any of this is because you want to keep this awful jerk of a guy for reasons that escape me, and everyone else on this site. I also think that whether we are conservative or liberal, male or female, well meaning users or silly trolls that practically everyone here thinks this awful guy is someone you should leave, and rid yourself of permanently, because it's obvious to everyone here except for you that this guy is no good.

            I also think you should open a dictionary.

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  • Got bored of reading the comments on this. But basically everyone is telling you the same thing, he's either already cheating on you or he's planning to do so. Everyone is correct, about that, some are excusing his behaviour, or potential behaviour, by saying he is a poly person (in my mind that is a term invented by cheats, to excuse their own behaviour), but excusing him or not doesn't alter the fact he has no intention of staying faithful to you.

    So the problem is actually you, and I don't mean that in a bad way. But, you don't want to hear the truth, you know the truth deep down, if you didn't you would not have posted here, but you are trying to kid yourself that you got it wrong. You probably hoped for some reassurance here that if you hang in there you can work through it with him and it will all be ok in the end.

    Fact is it won't be ok, he will cheat (probably already has), you will find out, he won't really tell you that's a lie, you will get hurt, he will say he was going to tell you just like he said he would, but he hadn't found the right moment yet (he will make it your fault that he hadn't told you yet). You will argue, he will make promises he has no intention of keeping, you will believe him because you love him and want him to love you back. You will forgive him because he will promise he doesn't want to do anything like that ever again, another lie. You will stay together until the next time, there will be a next time. The cycle will repeat until you eventually realise what everyone told you here all those years ago was true. By now you will probably have a couple of kids, you will either stay for the kids or become a single parent. Either way you will look back and wish you listened. I am not clairvoyant but predicting the future is so easy here.

    I wish you luck x

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    • thank you ❤️

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    • IrishPotato

      This one is absolutely spot on.

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  • Nickvey

    input , he has already fucked other girls and you are Sharon Peters already. this is just his way of telling you without telling you. get it now. not only has he cheated , hes throwing it in your face. before you get all uppity goody goody about it , you do the same thing to him if you had the chance . You just were not first to do it thats all. its obvious he is better looking than you. Or he is fucking a skanky looking gal behind your back or she would be his girlfriend and not you. Thats life . thats how it works. what you though you owned his penis just because you gave him some pussy? all women give pussy. except the whores, they sell it.

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    • i’m confused on what you’re trying to say. he told me he has never cheated and doesn’t intend to, but if he were to, i shouldn’t break up with him. and that sex isn’t the most important thing in a relationship. and no, honestly i am more attractive. he’s 27 and i’m 19- and i’m his first girlfriend.

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      • itsamistake

        Oh for fucks sake! Give it a bloody rest will you?!!! Stop flogging a dead horse, you absolute moron. This story is so fucking old.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Just dump him!

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      • Nickvey

        well i think he lied.

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        • about what? he hasn’t. trust me. i have him on find friends and i’m with him wednesday - sunday’s

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          • Nickvey

            i can still think he lied to you.

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            • why do you think that. and lied about what

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        • RoseIsabella

          Woo child, you know he done lied!

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          • about what

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            • RoseIsabella

              He is probably lying about whether not he has cheated on you. He has probably already cheated on you.

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  • It's normal that he wants to have fun with other girls, and views sex as physical and casual.

    It's nice that he's being upfront about, and doesn't want to hurt your feelings.

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    • so i should let him fuck other people????

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      • Not if it makes you feel bad, but his wanting to is normal.

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        • so what do you suggest

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          • I don't think you should feel hurt or insecure about this desire of his.

            One thing I found problematic here, was that he said if he were to cheat on you, you should forgive him, yes?

            He could find an open relationship with someone else, but if he's gonna be with you, he shouldn't plan to disregard your feelings.

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      • RoseIsabella

        No, be smart, and leave him!

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  • JvpiterMaximvs

    i would turn it into an open relationship if this happened to me. that’s what i want in this relationship i am i’m but i can’t just ask because i know he is monogamous so for the time being, so am i. if it’s been clearly stated that you are not in an open relationship with him and he continues to try to get you to let him sleep with other women then let him but tell him to do it without you because you’re not down for that.

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    • no why would i let him? we’ve always been exclusive. i’ve never and will never agree to that hahaha.

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      • JvpiterMaximvs

        then you should just let him go tbh. he has probably already cheated. don’t let him hurt you by continuing to do this to you.

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        • he hasn’t cheated. he doesn’t talk to girls haha

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          • IrishPotato

            I'm sure he has.

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  • IrishPotato

    Let's be honest here, you essentially came here to get reassurance already knowing the answer to your question.

    It's not okay. He will cheat or already has, you'll probably forgive him for it and it'll just happen again.

    He is not a faithful guy. You are a faithful girl, and I think you should find someone else to be in a monogamous relationship with.

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  • IrishPotato

    He's a poly, and you are not.
    I'm sorry to break it to you but you don't match.

    Him asking doesn't necessarily mean he's already looking though.

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  • Livelifetothefullest

    I voted normal because majority of men think like this but don't voice it because majority are scum low life who just fuck anything with a pulse

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    • IrishPotato

      The majority of men I know don't think like this.

      In any case this one is an asshat.

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      • Livelifetothefullest

        You don't know them or what they think

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        • IrishPotato

          I know and spoken to a lot of men. And most of them do not cheat and aren't sex driven animals like the sexist OP wrote.

          Statistically, infidelity is quite low as well.

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    • so what do you suggest

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      • Livelifetothefullest

        The answer is absolutely obvious to me.

        As soon as I heard something like that I'd be out of the relationship out of self respect and dignity

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        • Livelifetothefullest

          He has 0 respect for you and major issues but most of all is selfish, immature and pig headed. He doesn't care about you and that's the sad truth. Only thing he cares about is acting like an animal fucking anything that moves

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          • why do you think he’s acting like this? and what kind of issues ?

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            • Livelifetothefullest

              He's acting like this because he's a dick who has a dick.

              Ditch the dick gurl

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  • bigbudchonga

    If he wants to shag around then let him, we're guys our dicks are a powerful force. So long as he has the emotional bond with you and none of the other hoes then he's still yours. Just try and treat him well so he doesn't cheat.

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    • treat him well meaning..?

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      • bigbudchonga

        Apologise for all the mistakes you make, make sure he has a nice beer when he comes home from work, send him sexy pictures, say that you understand that he may want to sleep with other women and that that's okay. The important thing is to support him.

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        • why the fuck would i support him and tell him it’s okay????

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          • bigbudchonga

            Because we support the ones we love

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            • i don’t support that. a lot of ppl don’t

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            • bigbudchonga

              Just apologize for questioning him and tell him it won't happen again and you support him. If my girlfriend did that then I'd take her back. Everyone just wants to know they're supported by the ones they love.

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  • curious-bunny

    Sounds more like an ex bf to me

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    • IrishPotato


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  • Gramhader

    No this is not ok. He is basicaly saying he would cheat on you. Also sex isnt just a "physical thing" there is a reason its called love making when you do it with someone you like.

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  • Goku19

    His mistakes will make his body dirty and your mistakes will make yours. So why even think of touching anyone else ? The more you think of something the more you want. You can shift his focus to other things such as games,music,technology,gadjets.

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    • lol he plays video games 24/7. he doesn’t have a job and is still in college

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      • Goku19

        LOL! No one can play 24/7. This is used for non-stop services. If he is in college then he should not even touch you and try to get job first.

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  • jethro

    Guess what. He already has. He is just setting you up for when you either give him permission or that you catch him. I would dump him and then move on. It is just a matter of time until he finds some dumb girl who will agree to his stupid plan and then he will dump you.

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    • nah he’s not looking for anyone else haha

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      • jethro

        Don't hold your breath on that one. If he is asking, he already is doing.

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        • he didn’t ask. he just told me that if i broke up with him bc he fucked someone else, it would be silky

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          • IrishPotato

            It really, REALLY wouldn't be silly. If he cheats, you have every right to break up with him.

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          • silly ***

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  • Tealights

    How to spot a poly person:

    1. They think sex is a physical thing.
    2. They like/fall in love with multiple people.
    3. They think monogamy are controlling and selfish.
    .....the list goes on.

    Basically, your boyfriend is polyamory; which means he shouldn't be in a monogamous relationship to begin with, but he's probably either too ignorant or inexperienced (or both) to know what he is yet so he's suppressing it, and you're the unfortunate person to get caught up in the beginning stages of him discovering himself.

    Sadly, this happens a lot. The best option would be to break up and allow him to experiment and find himself sexually, while you go find someone who is naturally monogamous like you (they're out there, no worries). The only problem is, he'll probably want to remain a couple to not lose you, but make you feel bad for being monogamous, or convince you to be polyamory too. It's tempting, because you love him, want him to be happy and all that, but forcing yourself to be poly will not make things better, each encounter you have with another guy will feel weird and empty, and you'll become upset watching fuck girl after girl.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Spot on!

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    • i’m the first girl he has ever loved. and he told me that he wouldn’t find someone else. because he loves me. he said he only wants to fuck me, but if he made a mistake and hooked up with someone else. i should forgive him. i think that’s different from being poly. he calls it being realistic

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      • Boojum

        How the hell does a guy have sex "by mistake"? I'm pretty sure that never in the entire history of humanity has a man with an erect penis just happened to bump into a woman in such a way that it accidentally ended up in her vagina, mouth or ass.

        Unless he has some serious brain disorder which means all the normal human inhibitions are completely absent, he will never fuck a woman "by mistake". A guy can't control who turns him on and he can't stop women from offering him sex, but he is entirely responsible for what he actually does.

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      • Tealights

        If you want to blindly follow him, then go ahead. Your decisions will only affect you.

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        • IrishPotato

          A man does not have sex by mistake and you should not forgive him in any way or form for doing so.

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          • Tealights

            Why is it when I say he maybe poly, every simpleton out there thinks I'm saying, "forgive him." No. I'm just saying that him being so open about having sex with others and saying he would ask her first is shit poly people do. If he were a cheater, he would have just done it, no questions asked.

            God damn, it's like you all are fucking stupid. OP just need to leave the guy and find her someone who is more exclusive, but she's an idiot too so oh well.

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