Biting girlfriend

My girlfriend has a beautiful, supple ass. I find myself going down there to bite it from time to time. It's usually not during any intimate activity... For example she'll be washing the dishes, and I'll pull down her pants, bite her ass, and go about my evening. I also bite her finger, forearm, shoulder, neck. I don't do this to the point of her pain, much less injury, but I want to... Is this normal?

Voting Results
81% Normal
Based on 42 votes (34 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • randomjelly

    I do the same to my girlfriend. It's either bite it or smack it! Haha!

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  • dappled

    Maybe I read the sentence wrong. Your "but I want to" sounded really sinister. Like I don't do it to cause pain or injure her... but I want to!

    That aside, if she doesn't mind, what's the problem?

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  • Echoes

    Yeah normal

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