Black ppl thread
Would you ever date a black person? And would you hate it if your daughter dated a black?
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Would you ever date a black person? And would you hate it if your daughter dated a black?
I wouldn't care about the race of who my daughter date's, I would care about how he treats her. I have dated black women before, and would again. I just won't date ghetto people, of any race.
Interesting question, I married interracially I have mixed race children and there are a lot of comments that state, as I would like to say, "it depends on the person not race"
However, there is more to it than just would I date or let my daughter date interracially.
Assuming people date with a goal of long term relationship, marriage, children, and companionship, Sanara, may have said it best, culture/values differences play a big factor, and, the children may be more or less accepted by family as well as peers.
Interracial is/was your choice not theirs, but you will force them to be in the middle. A lot of times they end up picking a side and actually hiding the other side if their appearance allows it.
Even Obama chose to call him self black rather than own up to being a half breed or mixed.
He could have done so much for the acceptance of interracial children or marriages but he elected to suck up the advantages of being black and use the disadvantages of being black as a crutch.
Point being, while dating interracial may not be a big deal to you and yes it is your choice, please, pause and try to look down the road a little. My children will date and marry interracially no mater who they choose.
"Would you ever date a black person?"
I have.
"And would you hate it if your daughter dated a black?"
I don't have or want a child nor am I capable of having one.
Great post! I actually have a black girl fantasy. They are so curvy & sexy with upbeat personalities. I don’t wanna be offensive but I’m willing to pay a black lady for a good time. Would luv ebony lady FWB.
If I ever had children, I would be ok if they did that.
I've dated white girls in the past so really it's no different having a white person dating a black person or a black person dating a white person vice versa.
I don't care about race in itself, but culture/values could matter. Generally I would date a black person if we liked each other. If I had kids I also wouldn't care what race they date.
No, I'm not attracted to blacks for some reason. I'm fine with literally every other race tho.
I have before. My current girlfriend is Indian descent.
I wouldn't care who my child dated. If I had any.
"Dated a black"
I would perfer to know who they were, dial in the perfect amount of fear required for her coming home on time.
Race is a stupid thing to go by.
This site is amazing! I can't believe people still have such backwards, uneducated, incredibly stupid views on race that they proclaim with such calmness and factuality.
I personally wouldnt want my daughter to date one and definitely not have kids with them.
Since your boy hasn't transitioned to your daughter and joined the LGBTQIA+ community, is it applicable to him as well? As in "hell no! I don't want no black grandkids being all ghetto and trying to steal my guns and asking for fried chicken for breakfast lunch and dinner in my house"?
Yeah if I had a choice I wouldn't want him to date or have kids with a black chic. Id personally rather him marry a super attractive tall white girl from a rich family. That way the grandkids get the good genes.
You gotta imagine that the parents of said hypothetical girl will also want her to marry into a family that's as wealthy as theirs and whose son is as genetically superior as their daughter, in which case, would you say your son would fit their standards? What are good genes anyway? It's all relative...
I would say my son has a good chance of fitting those standards his mom is intelligent and Im tall my family is also quite intelligent. So I think depending on how well he does in school we will see.
But I think you can say someone probably has good genes if its a family filled with people who are good looking and also have accomplished something (like a family of doctors or businessmen). I think if your daughter is dating a boy from a trailer park and his whole bloodline is crack heads I dont think I would want that.
i’m a mixed woman. (hispanic, asian, caucasian) i’ve been attracted to all races and ethnicities, but i have a preference for asian men and women.
if my child were to date somebody of a different race, i’d think nothing of it. that’s just how it be
Depends on the black person. If they are like the loud ass ignorant pieces of crap I work with on my old rotation not a chance. Now if it's the guys from my new rotation aren't loud chill and educated. One even rocks a perm. Yea id give them a shot.
Yeah, race is one of the least important factors to me when it comes to that.
I don't care
Id date any race and would let my nonexistent daughter date any race as well
My personal taste is a bit odd. I think Black women are sexy, but not Black men. I think White men are sexy, but not White women. So, yeah, I'd date someone who's Black as long as they're a woman.
If I ever change my mind about having kids, I really wouldn't care who they date as long as the person has good morals and treats them right.
I would definitely! Why? Because I find them attractive, honestly colour doesn’t really matter it’s 2021
I might date a black British man or an African American, but probably not a black person from the Western European country I am in right now.
The reason for this is that unlike black British people or African Americans, a noticeable number of males from the communities these people belong to in this country, tend not to integrate very much with the other cultures, or abide by some of the laws or cultural norms of the country. As an expat myself, I try to abide by the law and not be obnoxious to the natives here, and I try to speak like them and take an interest (however superficial) in what interests them. But a lot of these people don't, and I don't want to date them.
I don't want to date someone who refuses to wear their coronavirus mask properly in a crowded tram carriage in rush hour. I don't want to date someone who hangs around street corners on a Sunday and pesters random girls for their phone numbers. I don't want to date someone who rides their bike on narrow sidewalks or tailgates people through the subway barrier. I don't want to date someone whose friends and family do that.
They're small things, but when I look at who is doing them, it is often males my age from African communities (expats or children of expats) living in this country. Natives of the country don't do it so much. It appears to be a subculture thing. I wish I could not negatively judge the entire community for it, but if you view yourself as belonging to a minority community in a place, there's such a thing as being an ambassador, and as an expat in my own right, I aspire to be a worthy one because I don't want to give Brits a bad name.
Of course, as a white British person I am better treated than a person of colour even as an expat, and so my efforts to integrate reap more dividends... I can see a black person in this country feeling very angry that they are dealt with unjustly and disdainfully by white people no matter what they do. But civil disobedience has to be organised if it's to be effective as an act of protest, or it doesn't achieve anything productive.
Be glad you don’t live in Africa. Africans constantly jam up sewers with trash and sand (sand is cheaper than soap). They also take down street signs for the free sheet metal. Infrastructure doesn't work there because the worst people drag it down for everyone else.
I’m not overly attracted to black men. But skin tone wouldn’t stop me. My son is like 1 of 5 white kids in his school. So if he dates a black chick, I wouldn’t be shocked. Lol
Thats hard to imagine. Im my state there might be 5 people in the entirety if it outside of one town. Its so funny one I was talking to and he was like tea its ridiculous! I go anywhere I get stared at like a monkey in a zoo. Let alone when I'm with a white woman.
Mind you it's not a racist state its just a very white state
I lost my v to a black woman but I would never want to marry one. It's an English girl for this English guy! I would hope my hypothetical daughter would go for an English guy.