Blackheads, pimples cysts ect.

When I extract a blackhead and it leaves a small hole in my skin I get instantly uneasy. I fear a large cluster of blackheads leaving tiny holes in my skin. It seriously freaks me out. Is this normal?

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44% Normal
Based on 18 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • squirrelgirl

    It's called "Trypophobia". I used to have it when I was younger due to having a bad case of the chicken pox. I remember walking past someone's garden of enormous sunflowers on my way to the park one day, and I was deeply disturbed by the large sunflower heads with clusters of empty pods. My trypophobia eventually faded with time.

    My brother has it really bad though. He was once disturbed by the bottom of an ice cream cone!

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    • Andurlittledog2

      Just looked that up and cringed at the photos. That is EXACTLY what this is. Wow nice to know its real.

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  • RoyRogers

    See a dermitoligist

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  • Short4Words

    I freak out too when I have a new well-sized hole in my head.

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