Blind faith vs. proof

Ok this question has come up many times when I was in school and I actually had to debate it once. I want to throw this out there and see what y'all think of it and what kind of answers I'll get.
My opinion on this matter is that there is always things you have to take on faith such as : God, Black Holes, Leaps of Physics, Science itself, and much more mundane things we do everyday. You have faith in logic, science, your memories, your knowledge obtained through your teachers of life ( hence our reasoning and observation ... repetition if you will ), and much more. I don't think anything is proven and we are always going on blind faith in every aspect of our daily lives. 
Now here's my question and thank you for bearing with me : What do you believe when it comes to blind faith vs proof ? 

blind faith 5
proof 17
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Comments ( 9 )
  • chained_rage

    Faith is good but proof is better

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    • pixie44

      Yea like when you get that feeling your boyfriends a cheating ass hole and then you find proof he is and its like bam got your ass.

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      • chained_rage

        This is like the best analogy anyone could've ever given. Good job you

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  • thegypsysailor

    You are kind of all over the place in your post. There's nothing to do with faith in science, nothing at all. Science is systematic study through observation and experiment. Where is there room for faith in that? I can't see you did well in your debate.
    Faith, on the other hand, is complete trust or confidence in someone or something, with no facts to back it up. A fool's errand at best.

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    • Odeen

      I think OP means faith in the scientists. Plenty of studies have faked results, because humans aren't perfect. OP could also mean faith in theoretical science, stuff that proves useful, but unprovable.

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      • CreativeThinker

        no OP is not saying what you perceive ... you probably have confused Theory with faith .....there is no comparison in Theory vs faith ... its complicated

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  • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

    I believe it is best to live your life based on what can be observed. What you are saying is that nothing can be proven and and that is why everything requires faith. That is a form of nihilism or solipsism, contingent, of course, on whether or not you believe your mind exists.

    I agree to an extent. Sure, nothing can be proven. That does not mean God and science are equally possible.

    The best we can do with our existence is to live our lives based on perceived observations. That is the basis of science. Science tests what works and what does not in this universe, whether or not this universe exists.

    A belief in God attempts to explain the universe whilst ignoring what has been proven to work and not work within the confines of this universe.

    Therefore, both science and a belief in God require faith. The difference being that science requires much less faith. Science has to assume one thing; this universe exists. Everything after that is proven true within this universe. A belief in God requires that you assume many things: the universe exists and that certain things which are proven true in this universe are not true.

    Therefore, it is not equally reasonable or unreasonable to believe in either ideology. God requires much more faith than science and that is why it is less likely to be true.

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  • CreativeThinker

    Faith works for few but very very few .... Therefore my suggestion always stick with proof it will save a lot of your Asss .........

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  • pixie44

    It depends on the situation honestly.
    Obviously you need proof to prove someone is guilty in court.
    But you need blind faith and we use it daily.
    Like you would assume that the person making your food isn't spitting in it, dropping your food on the floor or trying to poison you but you don't ever have proof of it.
    When you shop online (and sometimes in stores) you don't get to test the product out before you buy it you just read what the product does and have faith that it really works and will be shipped to your house. Feel me?

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