Blood spurting from under toe nail

so i hit one of my small toes on something and it kind of uprooted the nail a bit but it was still hanging onto the skin so i left it. a few days later i find the skin underneath has turned like dark black/purple and it looked like it was bruised or something, so i lifted up the toenail and blood began to spurt out. i let go of the nail and it stopped bleeding but now it isn't as dark purple around the skin anymore but idk what happened and why it was dark like that

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Comments ( 7 )
  • brutus

    Yes that is normal, it was a blood clot or something like that.

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  • TheBlindInquisitor


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    • stay away from my toenail!!!!!!!!!!

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      • TheBlindInquisitor

        (Winking and licking lips)

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  • WeirdManFromTheSouth

    You're lucky you got the blood out. If you wait too long to drain it the pressure becomes unbearable. When I get this I drill a hole through the nail to relieve it.

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  • charli.m

    I ripped my big toenail up two weeks ago. Its only just feeling better now. Looks fucking disgusting, but feels almost normal. Been to the podiatrist a few days after it happened and today, for unrelated matter. He checked it out and said the toenail might come off or it might not. He said just trim it if needed, don't pull it off, come in and get it looked at if needed.

    It would have been so dark because of bruising or a build up of blood. Don't fuck with it. Go see a doctor if it feels hot (sign of infection) or looks infected, or doesn't show signs of improvement. It will probably be fine, but it's always best to get things checked by someone who knows what they're doing, where possible.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I bonked my pinky finger recently, but I don't specifically remember doing it. Anyway, I lost part of the fingernail. It's not the worst thing in the world, but it's more of a pain in the butt. I trimmed off the part of my nail that had started to lift off from the nail bed, because I didn't want it to get caught on anything, and then get ripped off. Now half of my fingernail is normal, and half is very thin, pink and new. It looks weird more than it hurts.

      I remember I lost a toenail from my big toe when I was in ballet when I was about twelve. It didn't bother me at all, I think I was just happy to be en pointe.

      My dad did the same thing with his big toe as you a few years back. It kinda makes me cringe to think about it. I like to think the rum he was drinking took the edge off the pain.

      I'd certainly rather lose a nail the ways I have in the past than ripping it off. The thought of that always makes me cringe a little. I hope your toenail is better now.

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