Books are better than people
Often, I would rather sit alone and read a book (like during break or on the bus) than socialize with people. Is this normal?
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Often, I would rather sit alone and read a book (like during break or on the bus) than socialize with people. Is this normal?
Sounds like your just quiet and smart! Good! As long as your not totally antisocial...
Perfectly normal. I do it all the time but to think of it...I'm not normal so yeah:[ I'm just really not into socializing people and sometimes books are a better company since at least you get your silence and the perfect world you want but in real life....sad:[
You'll probably learn a lot more from the books. Keep reading. I'm the same way.
I am the same way. I think books are way more interesting. You probably have introverted tendencies. You probably prefer your own company rather than others. If you want to feel more comfortable with this, you might want to check out this book: Introverted Power by Laurie Helgoe. It helped me to come to peace with natural tendencies and made me not feel so indebted to the world. (:
I like playing my ps2 rather than seeking a is sucks....big time...
Books rock but you should give people a chance. Unless your reading somthig really good then, you know, to hell with them.
Not sure really; I mean, I do that and it's fun, but others don't seem to understand.
Still books are awesome company
Yeah because books let us think what we want, make a picture in our heads and not be influenced by someone else's opinions (aside from the writer of course). Depending on what types of people cross your path, it can be frustrating to deal with them, particularly if they are annoying. Books are a safe escape.