Born in the wrong time, belonging to another.
All my life I have been different from my peers. I never felt on the same level with them. We were on different levels. I tended to gravitate to adults, but I didn't belong with them either. (Obviously, due to the huge age difference). Time has past, I am an adult now.I'm not that old, rather young actually. I don't feel young. I never did. None of the feelings have changed. It was only recently that they begun to intensify and I began to take a longer look at them.
I've noticed that I feel more connected to other periods of time, than I do with this one. There's a sense of familiarity and longing, that I don't get here. I've been feeling "pulls" towards a time of English royalty that has long since past and to Scotland.
Are these remnants of past lives that I could have once had or something more?