Born in the wrong time, belonging to another.

All my life I have been different from my peers. I never felt on the same level with them. We were on different levels. I tended to gravitate to adults, but I didn't belong with them either. (Obviously, due to the huge age difference). Time has past, I am an adult now.I'm not that old, rather young actually. I don't feel young. I never did. None of the feelings have changed. It was only recently that they begun to intensify and I began to take a longer look at them.

I've noticed that I feel more connected to other periods of time, than I do with this one. There's a sense of familiarity and longing, that I don't get here. I've been feeling "pulls" towards a time of English royalty that has long since past and to Scotland.

Are these remnants of past lives that I could have once had or something more?

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82% Normal
Based on 38 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • TKDWolf1

    Yes you're normal, check into past life regression! I feel the same way about living in Ireland, and I also feel like I lived in the 60's (and miss them terribly). If you do past life regression ask to have it recorded on camera to help prevent fraud.

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    • Ellenna

      Ha that's funny, I assume not intentionally: past life regression IS a fraud!

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  • krazykidd

    I feel the exact same way but I'm pulled towards around the time of the Edo period of Japan. I believe, or more rather, I'm sure that I lived then. Everything I hear about Japan and that time in particular causes a rush of familiarity to wash over me. But it's like my mind is restrained and won't let me remember. When I hear Japanese, I have an automatic reaction to speak it, even though I haven't studied too much into it, and it's almost like the words are at the tip of my tongue unable to escape. it's like torture knowing you knew of something yet can't remember.

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  • sulli94

    trust me when i say that it's just the people you hang around with. even if they aren't your friends, being around them makes it seem as if they can substitute for all the other 100000+ other teens your age in your state that very possibily could think the same way you do. i used to go to a private school, then i went to a dense public highschool, with only small clubs or cliques that had that same mentality as you. however in the middle of sophmore year i went to a smaller highschool (in the same city/school district) that had some kids similar to my old school, and some like you, and yet they were all good friends. the sophmore count was only around 60 but even the stupid scene kids and the super jocks were best friends with the superficial starbucks girls and the hipsters and geeks. it was weird but i think you should instead of wanting to live in a different generation, be glad you aren't because even 20 years ago, i wouldn't want to go a step back. i would say try to find the group or person that is similar to you, you can find a lot of communities and forums with similar people as you, or i dont know maybe even changing schools might work for you if your willing and not afraid of being new. :) hope this helps

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