Boss cusses me out

My boss likes me and he has helped my career many times. But he has this habit of cussing at me. He will be like "goddamnit son how many times I gotta tell yall to stop this shit" or something like that. I'm use to it and put up with it normally because I respect him and he lets me get away with things he doesnt with others. But today he said "are you fuckin stupid?" and I said "hey dont fuckin talk to me like that dude" he apologized.

Isnt it crossing the line a bit by cussing at your employees? As a man thats not my dad I can not allow someone to call me "fucking stupid". The only reason I didnt nip that in the bud the first time is because I respect him and I know he likes me.

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Comments ( 1 )
  • carterjm4

    You deserve respect and if being cursed at doesn't make you feel that way, it's best to confront it. Whether a boss or a dad you deserve to be treated better. It okay to feel bothered and upset by this. That's a shifty experience, I hope you get the respect you're looking for.

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