Boyfriend hiding debt - wants to move in together
I 25f and my boyfriend 28m are planning to move in together in the next two months. We’ve been dating about a year. The problem is he makes almost double what I make, and seems to be financially struggling. He hides his finances while I’m very open about mine.
What I know is that he owes one of our close friends a substantial amount of money, he has loan debts, some that may be in collections. I found out about the loans / debts while on his I-pad snooping. (He does not currently know I know any of this)
Last night he randomly admitted he has bad credit due to his divorce. He said he wanted to tell me since it might affect the deposit and leasing terms.
My question is, how do I bring up these hard conversations with him? I’m going to tell him I was snooping and tell him what I saw. Is it even my business to be wondering these things?
TL;DR: Boyfriend hiding finances, how do I start a conversation about it before moving in together.