Boyfriend is a strong christian argues that i'm going to hell and

My boyfriend is a strong Christian, he argues that because I'm not christian I'm going to hell and says he doesn't know how to cope knowing this. He never tries to convert me, he just says turning my back against god will result in me going to hell aka because I'm atheist.

I usually don't say anything but the argument starts where he stares at me with a sad look in his eyes and when I ask what's wrong he says he's upset that I'm going to hell so I end up saying the bible is most likely a fantasy book and he says he researched the bible and that it's real.

I'm completely fine with people who want to believe in the bible but when my own partner believes I'm going to hell I don't know what to do. I try to argue I'm not but he says I'm wrong every single time that it's a "fact" that "non believers" go to hell. I'm not allowed to say it's not a fact because he gets really angry and upset.

What do you do in this situation? Believe it or not his family aren't christian they're mostly agnostic so I don't even know how he became so religious. His Mother died when he was 15 I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

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Comments ( 52 )
  • techpc

    Sounds like you two aren't compatible.

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  • bigbudchonger

    This is a terrible place to ask for relationship advice. As soon as there is any problem you put forward, people will just tell you to leave your partner.

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    • True

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  • Clunk42

    It seems to me like he's legitimately sad about it. I've been sad about that type of thing before. It's just a matter of getting over it, which I'm sure he will. (By getting over it, I mean just accepting it and moving on; I'm not suggesting that you're going to succeed at converting him)

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    Repent! Repent!

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    No one has debunked Atheism lol

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  • sweetone89

    Get out. He sounds controlling and it has the potential to turn to emotional and physical abuse.

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  • Correction

    I can’t speak for anybody else, but I gave it a thumbs up because of the accuracy. Guilt tripping like OP’s boyfriend is a classic form of controlling and manipulating people, very popular among Christian conservatives who combine it with large scale fear mongering to control the masses. And anybody who’s ever been in an abusive relationship or knows someone who was can tell you that emotional and physical abuse is almost always preceded by manipulation and control like OP’s boyfriend exhibits. That’s why they’re called red flags. And I’d be willing to bet there’s a whole lot more red flags that aren’t mentioned in the post here.

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    • Clunk42

      Seriously, as someone who's been sad about people going to Hell before, I can tell you this: he just has to get over it. It will likely be fine. Being sad about the type of thing is perfectly normal, and people get over it at different rates. However, if I had to bet, I would say that OP's boyfriend is likely to get over it at some point and be fine.

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      • Correction

        The issue isn’t OP’s boyfriend is sad. Everybody gets sad for any number of reasons. The issue is him guilt tripping OP for making him sad and trying to manipulate them into changing their behavior to do what he wants them to do. That’s not normal and it’s more likely to lead to more controlling behavior than him getting over it and being respectful in the future.

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        • Clunk42

          I don't think he is. I think he's just trying to deal with his emotions. Eventually, I think he'll get over it. One of the ways his emotions could be gone would be if OP converted, so, of course, he attempts to do that in his attempt to deal with his emotions. I think, though, that he'll eventually just get over it.

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          • Correction

            But he’s not trying to deal with his emotions. He’s trying to make OP change so he doesn’t have to deal with his emotions. That’s the opposite of dealing with his emotions. As far as I can tell, OP is perfectly fine dating a person who believes in god while not believing themselves, whereas OP’s boyfriend is the one unhappy with the current arrangement. That means the onus is on OP’s boyfriend to change, either by leaving the relationship, accepting that OP doesn’t share his views, or converting and taking on OP’s views. Those are the three things that OP’s boyfriend can do that are within their control. OP’s beliefs are not under OP’s boyfriend’s control.

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  • SwickDinging

    You leave him.

    You can't be truly happy together, you're too different. The only way this will work is if one of you changes your beliefs. Do you think that's possible?

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    You’re in a dead heat. You can’t change his mind and you’re going to be miserable if you deny your own feelings about God. Sorry, but thought 2 aren’t compatible.

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  • Somenormie

    Your boyfriend is an idiot.

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  • RoseIsabella

    You guys are too different.

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  • litelander8

    Yuck. I don’t even understand how people enjoy Christianity. Like, you could be kind and giving but unless you believe you’re damned to hell? Flawed system.

    Religion should bring people joy and comfort.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      "Religion SHOULD bring people joy" doesnt that sound like conformation bias tho? If something is true then it doesnt matter how it SHOULD be. Im not saying the bible is true. But you choose your religion based on whats more likely to be true not how you want the truth to be right?

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    • Inkmaster

      If you go to court for a crime, do the judge and jury care that you did charity work or do they care that you broke the law?

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    • Tinybird

      yeah by that same logic newborn babies who die also go to hell since they don't believe in any gods they don't know what god is or the bible, they don't know anything.

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      • Clunk42

        They do. They don't, though. That's why we've figured out the "Limbo of the Infants". Those who are not born again do not go to Heaven, so newborns and preborns do not go to Heaven. However, they have not committed any sin, so they are not punished in Hell. Effectively, they go to Hell, but they are not punished in Hell. It's usually described as a place of slightly unfulfilled happiness.

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        • KholatKhult

          Your God sends infants to hell and you still follow it ?

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          • Boojum

            Twisted, power-hungry, vindictive priest-castes have created nasty gods in their own image throughout human history. The ancient Greeks, the Norse and the Aztecs all did it, and so did a bunch of Late Bronze Age, semi-civilised goat-herders as they wandered around Palestine.

            People have always believed in those deities. Sometimes that's because the only alternative is being cast out of the community or being murdered by the believers, but sometimes it's because they take comfort from believing that their god is just as narrow-minded, selfish and sadistic as they themselves are.

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          • Clunk42

            Have you paid no attention to what I have said?

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            • KholatKhult

              Wait wait wait I might be fucking up my English, because “slightly unfulfilled happiness” sounds like it sucks.

              But what do you mean “we’ve figured out”, if it isn’t the “word of god” written in the Bible, how do you figure out anything about the afterlife ? I don’t know shit about Christianity. My dad was a Jew and my mother practices Folk religion

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        • YE

          How cruel of a 'Loving God'.

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      • Inkmaster

        Newborn babies may not know what a god is, but they also haven't committed any sin.

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        • Clunk42

          I disagree with your implication. Since they have not been baptised, they cannot go to Heaven, since only those who have been baptised can go to Heaven. Instead, they go to the Limbo of the Infants, since they have not sinned and are therefore unworthy of punishment. Thus, the Limbo of the Infants is described as a place (in Hell) of unfulfilled happiness.

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          • Inkmaster

            Limbo doesn't exist. Show me any biblical evidence for the existence of limbo.

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    • Clunk42

      Religion brings truth, and truth brings religion. Joy and comfort are not the purposes of religion.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk



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      • litelander8

        You’re a good example of the latter.

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        • Clunk42

          The latter of which set?

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            I think shes tryin to say she hates n!ggers

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  • Boojum

    I'm having serious problems comprehending whatever tortured logic you may have used to "debunk" atheism.

    Atheism is the belief that there is no deity. In order to "debunk" atheism - in other words, prove that world-view is incorrect - you need to prove that a deity exists.

    So when you say you've "debunked" atheism, you're claiming that you've managed to discover something that has eluded god-believers for millennia: objective, verifiable evidence that some sort of deity has an existence outside the heads of those who believe in it. So lay it on us, brah! How amazing it would be if this piffling little website was the place where a transformation of the entire world's understanding of the cosmos began!

    Of course, in your reply to haunted, you fall back on the tired old trope that objective proof is unnecessary because spirituality is exempt from all the rules of logic; it's all about feelings and internal experiences. So the implication is that all that's happened is that you've merely had some personal, transcendent experience, and your cultural conditioning makes you inclined to believe this is proof that Christianity is based on fundamental, eternal truths.

    Whatever you experienced was no doubt very real to you, but the world is full of mentally ill people who also find their totally delusional beliefs very much real.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    Personally I'd never date someone like that. Beilive whatever you want man but don't try to guilt trip me into following your stupidity

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    According to the Christian faith all you have to do before death is to accept Jesus as your savior and ask him to forgive you for your sins.

    When my uncle died my family was freaking out because he was an athiest but a preacher came to his deathbed and asked him to squeeze his hand if he accepts Jesus as his savior and he squeezed the pastors hand and thats all it took for the whole family to be relieved.

    Just tell him you accept jesus and thats honestly all it says in tje bible you must do. even if you dont believe it just do it to make your family feel better and not think youre going to hell.

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    • Ellenna

      So you're recommending lying and hypocrisy to make someone else happy? Hardly a good basis for a relationship!

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Yes I am. Im not exactly christian myself but I love my family enough to just nod my head for something so they dont go through life worrying im in eternal fire. I feel if you arent willing to make that type of compromise it sounds like you dont care too much about your family.

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    Next time he says you're going to hell, tell him he is going to fantasy land. There is a episode of Seinfeld where Elains religious boyfriend keeps telling her she is going to hell because she is a non-believe. I suggest you find someone that isn't a nut job.

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  • Correction

    Blocked and reported for spam.

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  • iEatZombies_

    This would be my suggestion; Because it means so much to him and you seem to care about his feelings, consider humoring him by asking your own questions about God. Read the Bible, take a look at what other religions say, etc. Researching will probably make his day. There's an audio book of the KJV Bible on youtube and there's also apps that have audio for convenience.

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  • Correction

    The Bible is very clear that one should never attempt to force their religious beliefs onto others, so he’s definitely not doing what god wants him to do, it’s for his own personal purpose, as you said he wants his own personal needs met and doesn’t care about anything else. In fact, what he’s doing meets the actual, original definition of taking the lord’s name in vain, which is using his name to advance a personal agenda like OP’s boyfriend is doing.

    We can agree to disagree on the point of religion(using fear to control the masses), but there is no denying that OP’s boyfriend is trying to control and manipulate OP, and there’s no denying that’s a huge red flag that often signals future abuse.

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  • darefu

    Why do you argue with him!

    Quit denying you're going to hell and calling his beliefs wrong and based on a fantasy book.Those are your beliefs and you have a right to them. If you're not a Christian and don't believe in Christ, then hell doesn't exist in your beliefs. However, in his beliefs he is correct your going to hell.

    Right or wrong, that's a sad thing for a Christian to accept someone they love and care about facing hell. He needs to accept the fact that he won't be seeing you again in his afterlife and in your beliefs you'll just be a lump rotting in the ground. As a Christian, I personally don't believe, we are going to even remember the non believers, that would make heaven a very sad place, to know your son, daughter, parent, or spouse didn't make it.

    It's only sad here before you pass knowing or believing the end results. Most people that are true believers will and feel they must try to save any non believer that they care about.

    If you want it to work with him then you have to accept his beliefs, as well as him accept you don't believe in hell.

    Tell him instead of beating you in the head with it, just rely on his beliefs and pray about it.But quit provoking the argument by calling his religion and beliefs wrong. They are right for him!

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  • Grunewald

    Christian here.It sounds like you need to break up because he isn't able to handle his emotions wisely or healthily. Don't get me wrong, I have felt this way about people and it is harrowing. I am a convert and it is especially hard when you are not 'used to' facts like hell. His reaction is a normal - even healthy - reaction to knowing that divine retribution is real. What's not healthy is that you are bearing the brunt of it. There's a fine line between showing your emotions and letting your emotions get out of control and encroach on other people's choices. I get the sense that your boyfriend is overstepping it. The writers of the gospels did make a point of including the grief of Jesus, who is our God, over cities that refused to come to him after he left them. He spent so much time warning people about hell, and unlike folks like me, he didn't become inured and desensitised to it. But when they said no, he moved on and didn't burden people. He was mindful of what sorts of conversations were appropriate to be had with whom, had a circle of people who could handle 'heavier' stuff even within his like-minded group of the 12 apostles, and he often went to quiet places on his own after spiritually/emotionally intense encounters. There are no easy answers. What I do know is this:Your boyfriend rightly feels strong emotions about the reality of hell but they should NOT be your burden to bear. He needs to seek solace about spiritual things in a trusted group of people who share his faith and get counselling from a reputable Christian counsellor if possible. If they can't help him control himself then I think you need to break up because an emotionally unhealthy relationship will inevitably result in misery. To be honest, I would suggest you broke up anyway, even if his emotions about hell weren't out of control. He likely already knows from his church that he should look for Christian partners, not non-Christian ones, because of this sort of situation as well as others that may crop up that can be especially hard to bear together. People will have told him and he won't have listened. Also, there is no shortage of women in the church - it is men who are in short supply there, so he won't be 'forever alone'. There will be someone who can be an emotionally and spiritually better fit for him. I hope it helps you to see this from what is likely to be the spiritual perspective of your boyfriend.

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  • Boojum

    To be as charitable as I can be, it's possible that your delusional boyfriend isn't actually getting all teary because he believes you're going to hell, but rather because the line of BS he's swallowed keeps making him think that his unbelieving Mommy is currently burning in Hell.

    Anyone who believes that every word in the Bible is the literal truth isn't that smart. The book is riddled with absurdities and contradictions that most Christians ignore, but theologians have spent lifetimes trying to justify and explain away. Over the centuries, those same theologians have also spent a lot of time developing passing references in the Gospels into a cosmic scheme of things that almost certainly bears little resemblance to what Jesus believed (assuming the man actually existed in the first place).

    I've never seen any point in getting into serious discussions with people who have signed up to some religious belief-system. They believe whatever they need to believe, and all the lasting religions have enough internal consistency that believers are impervious to logic and reason. As long as religious nuts keep their particular flavour of nuttery to themselves and don't try to force others to live by their rules, I'm happy to leave them alone in their bubble of delusion.

    However, just in case your boyfriend and the widespread belief in Hell is creating some niggling doubts in your mind, I'll mention that on the few occasions when Jesus is quoted as referring to hell in the King James translation of the Bible, the word used in the most ancient texts is "Gehenna". This doesn't refer to a place of eternal torment, but rather to a valley near Jerusalem which Jews of the time believed to be the most unholy place on earth since it was there that ancient Israelites practiced child sacrifice to foreign gods.

    Of course, a Christian who needs to believe in the existence of Hell so fear will keep them on the straight and narrow path or so they can shed crocodile tears about those who aren't as special as they are suffering for all eternity will find some way to explain away that fact. They'd probably say I'm an instrument of Satan for even mentioning it here or some such BS. And then they'd try to convince you to attend their church so you can hand over some money to their amazing preacher, or at least validate their delusions by praying with them.

    It seems to me that the best you can hope for is that your boyfriend is going through a phase that he'll grow out of, and in the meantime, he'll stop his low-key emotional abuse of trying to guilt you into believing as he does. Some couples find ways to deal with major differences in religious views. But the problem with fundamentalist Christians and religious fanatics of any brand is that their religious beliefs have a huge impact on how they view every aspect of the world, and that's often in direct conflict with those who have a more rational outlook and a degree of basic human decency.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Yeah agreed

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  • sillygirl77

    Yikes leave

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  • Shame. Shame. Shame.

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