Boyfriend likes using food

My boyfriend is lovely in so many ways. He does old fashioned things like open doors for me, carry my bag and always insists on paying when we go out (he does earn a lot lot more than me it’s not like he can’t afford it). He always pays me compliments and makes me the centre of his world when we are together. He can get irritable when he is tired but in 2 years together I have never known him to loose his temper, be violent or rude towards anyone or behave in any way that is inappropriate. He really is a wonderful man and I love him so much.

The only thing is when we have sex, which is frequently, he often wants to use things to stick up me. In particular he likes using food items such as bananas, carrots, cucumbers, courgettes, chocolate fingers, ice cream, I hate that it’s so cold but it’s his favourite as then he likes to lick it out and lick me to orgasm at the same time. He often ties me up and blindfolds me and asks me to guess what he is using. His latest idea is he wants to try and get a small marrow in me. He says if a whole baby can fit through there then a marrow should be easy enough. I told him no but he said he would do it to surprise me one day when I am tied up.

Is all this normal behaviour and is it anything that could cause me harm? He does always make sure things are clean and uses lube when appropriate.

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Comments ( 12 )
  • ellnell

    If you said no to the marrow and he still uses one thats rape.
    You did not consent to that nor did he accept no for an answer.
    If I were you I would dump this freak as he has no respect for you and that will only get worse over time. Doesn't matter how lovely he acts otherwise. Lots of men put on the old fashioned gentleman-thing to rope you in. Trust your gut and don't let him pressure you into anything.

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    • Thank you for your comment. I know he wouldn’t do it with the marrow if I told him it’s an absolute red line kind of thing, although he can be really persuasive so I may still end up giving in to him at some point and letting him try, I don’t know. But because he has mentioned it a few times now it’s got me thinking and worrying if the whole thing is normal and if it could harm me in any way.

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  • sillygirl77

    It's Not normal if he does it and you don't want it. I don't think it's normal anyway. I think he watched too much of the weirder porn, but if you were into it I'd say go for it, but it seems like you're Not cool with it and that means the boundary is either we don't do that anymore or we go our own ways

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    He probably meant by surprise you you wont know it was the marrow until afterwards. As in it wont hurt and you'll be surprised he did it. Since he likes to make you guess what it is.

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    • What a typical male response. Perhaps you would like one shoved up your arse as a nice surprise

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Im not the one getting food shoved in me blindfolded by my partner...You said he blindfolds you up and makes you guess what it is. Isnt that a surprise you're getting on a normal basis? So if you look at it logically probably he is thinking one day hes gonna make you guess and you are gonna guess wrong and he will say "no thats the marrow". You too emotional like typical female

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  • RoseIsabella

    Don't be afraid to dump him if he violates you with something despite you're not wanting it! If he ever disregards your no then that's rape, and rapists don't deserve love, or companionship!

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    It all sounds normal except when you said no and he said he’d do it anyway, when you were tied up. You need to work out a “safe word” that really means no, and use it when you’re uncomfortable. He need to agree to a safe word.

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    • I do know he won’t do it if I say no and really mean it. It’s just he will hound me until I at least agree for him to attempt it. But if I make it clear he needs to stop I trust him to do so.

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  • litelander8

    My guy likes to shove random objects in me too. One thing in particular was super painful and he listened and slowest took it out. Y’all need a safety word or something if he’s doing things you haven’t done before while you’re tied up and helpless.

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  • Boojum

    Obviously, inserting objects in the vagina creates the risk of abrasions and tears. Whenever anything is inserted in the vagina, there's also the risk of introducing random bacteria and viruses to a warm, damp environment.

    Putting foodstuffs in the vagina can seriously screw up the natural pH, and that can in turn result in an upset in the natural balance of healthy and less healthy microorganisms there. The women I've known who have had yeast infections didn't find them enjoyable at all.

    As for whether his interest in this is "normal", that's a very good question. I can assure you he's not the first man in the history of our species to get off on stuff like this. If you can bring yourself to, do a search for "extreme insertions" on a porn website, I'm sure you'll get loads of hits. It seems to me that the most important thing is how much you trust this guy. You also need to ask yourself how confident you are that he has a good enough understanding of your anatomy and enough self-control that there's no risk of him getting carried away and shoving something rigid up you so far that it causes internal damage. And, yeah, women do give birth to babies, so the vagina is obviously capable of stretching quite a bit, but that doesn't mean that the stretchee actually finds that enjoyable.

    And if he doesn't give a shit about that, then you should be seriously reconsidering this relationship.

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  • darefu

    Food can be fun.
    Main concern would be infection or lost item.
    Emergency rooms see numerous people every month for problems where some one was using an object and it broke or left part of it inserted vaginally or in the rectum.
    Play carefully but also remember partners like to continue to experiment, it's food right now, what's next? Objects, other people. If he does the marrow with out your permission then being tied and blindfolded could be concerning.

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