Boyfriend's sister exhausts me to no end. iin?

She's with a new guy every month and to each guy she meets she makes it a big deal like he's her fiance so we have to meet each guy and do double dates and it's honestly exhausting.

I decided to say no last time because what's the point anymore, she doesn't know what she's doing. She finds someone physically attractive (they almost ALWAYS meet at a BAR) and then sleeps with him that night or within a few days then within a literal two week period she says she loves him. We'll see it on her social media and then she tells us she's madly in love and that we have to meet him and do a double date then a few weeks later she breaks up with him or he breaks up with her and the cycle repeats.

But this time I said no she got offended and said it's really not asking much but yet I must've been on 25+ double dates with those guys she says she loves. I don't even know what to do.

It's really pointless. Every month I have to go on 1-2 double dates to meet these guys and something I noticed they all look similar and most are models or photographers all ages too. She's 22, they're anywhere from 21-40 always blonde too always lol

Is this normal?? I can't always have free time to meet all these bar models that she's gonna break up with anyway. Sometimes I want a free month not meeting her next future husband.

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36% Normal
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Comments ( 13 )
  • litelander8

    My sister is the same way. I decided with this new “love of life”, I’m just going to ignore the new piece. My family is always super welcoming. And I’m over it. What’s worse is she brings all these new people in her daughters life. I told her that her daughter would not understand how relationships are supposed to work and not respect herself. She said her daughter is learning to end relationships she doesn’t want. WHAT?!? Ugh.

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    • Boojum

      Well, it's gotta be said that knowing how to recognise and dump scumbags is a valuable life-skill for women.

      Seriously, though, I guess the best you can hope for is that your niece is learning what sort of life she does NOT want to live.

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      • litelander8

        Lol. My sister is lesbian. So it’s just all around the poor treatment of herself and other women. Funny world.

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  • RoseIsabella

    That's hella messed up. I bet she doesn't have much in common with them aside from mutual attraction.

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    • MonteMetcalfe

      And the love of alcohol.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Yeah, she's going down a bad road, and I bet she's wasting a lot of time in her life with bullshit, and drama. Her time would be better spent going to school, or focusing on a career.

        Of course I don't know this chick, but I have a hunch.

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  • Cable4nerds

    Yeah, no. I mean it’s nice you’ve participated and tried to do this for her for as long as you have but it’s okay to set boundaries and explain why you may not want to do that anymore. Explain that you’d consider it more often if it were something serious and long term but you’re tired of exhausting yourself to the same routines and you don’t want to see you keep circling in the same habits.

    It’s okay to say No and it’s okay to set boundaries for what you want and can handle 👍🏼

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Next time she asks for a double date with Future Husband #69 follow the advice of this song and “Just say no!”

    You’re not obligated to indulge her and the fact that she won’t take polite rejection like an adult says a lot about her character. Also what does your boyfriend think of all this nonsense?

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    whats her phone number?

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    • litelander8

      Here I was thinking we had something special.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        i just wanted to see how a lesser woman is babe

        you know youre always my #1

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        • Somenormie

          Well both of you were meant to be.

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  • Boojum

    I fully understand your annoyance/frustration/exhaustion, but I've gotta say that your sister's life sounds pretty damn sad. And, yeah, I know that's easy for me to say since I don't have to actually deal with the constant high drama and emotional rollercoaster.

    From what you say, I suspect she's one of those people who hasn't yet learned the difference between infatuation and love. She should have at least started to get a handle on this at the age she is, but maybe she's just watched too many stupid rom-coms, and she believes the BS about love at first sight and finding The One and living happily ever after is all true.

    The way you say these guys are all physically similar and members of the superficial, self-involved modelling set suggests that she's pretty superficial too. So I guess she also hasn't figured out that pretty people are fine if all you're looking for is someone pretty to screw, but the odds are that a relationship based on only that isn't going to get far. If you put two people who are self-obsessed and fixated on surface appearances together, it's virtually guaranteed that it will all either rapidly fizzle out or explode.

    As for what you should do about this, I guess the first thing you should do is flat-out tell her that you find the game incredibly tedious and boring, and you're not willing to play it anymore. Your OP doesn't make it clear if you've actually expressed the feelings and opinions you outline here with her. But if she pressures you into going with her and you just can't refuse her, then I think what you do largely depends on just how much you want her to stop hauling you into the shitstorm that is her love-life. Since her history strongly suggests that you're not going to have to deal with her future Mr Wonderfuls for very long, I guess you could just be deliberately obnoxious to them on the dates. Ask them how they're planning to loose the extra weight they're carrying, compliment them on how well they use make up to hide their acne, say that you thought they were older when they mention their age, or do some online research into what things model-types are very sensitive about. Or maybe you could deliberately set out to embarrass her?

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