Breaking stuff when angry

I have a huge problem with breaking stuff when I'm angry, I get mad at everything, so far in my life I've broken: An internet router, two laptops, one cellphone, one mouse and I almost broke my current cellphone twice.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • misslonglegs

    Like my elder brother you have anger issues seek help he is on medication hasn't had an episode since

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  • Ellenna

    Maybe Anger Management would be a good idea for you? I used to break lots of stuff when I was angry, but never broke anything belonging to anyone else or anything I treasured. I can remember a few times being about to break something and thinking that I didn't want to lose it, so put it down and chose to break something else I didn't value.

    When my daughter was a teenager and we were both angry about issues in our lives, I invented "Chucking China", which involved collecting old china from garbage or op shops and when angry, smashing it, preferably on a concrete floor or against a brick wall so that it made a lot of noise, yelling while doing it being optional. I made up rules: check no human or pet is around who could get hurt, do it in a way which doesn't put yourself in danger and clean up your own mess afterwards. We used this technique for quite a few years until our lives settled down and I even ran workshops on "Chucking China" at women's camps, with much opposition from some women who held the view that anger is always negative: it's not, it's just an emotion, it's what you do with it that can be negative or positive.

    I hope some of that helps: I have anger issues myself, always from my PTSD being triggered and I try not to get to the point where it's out of control: I hate that feeling of not being able to stop myself from acting out. Not getting too tired or hungry is something I need to watch too.

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  • Jayemen

    It can be a stress relief and allow us to calm down and be rational afterwards. I agree, if you're going to throw or break stuff, at least choose things you don't need, or, maybe won't break easily and require excessive effort. Otherwise, all you're doing is making more work for yourself to clean stuff up once you calm down.

    Any time I've either broken something to bits, or, damaged say a door or wall, it hits me very soon..Damn, now I have to fix that.

    If you're doing it when drunk or been drinking, that could be worse. Your hindered mind doesn't tell you to judge, only to smash and break. Guilty of that myself, but not in quite some time.

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  • AliceKettle

    It's not normal behavior, but it's not unheard of, either. There are a lot of people who break things because they have trouble controlling their tempers because they suffer from things like alcohol/substance abuse/addiction, anxiety, Bipolar disorder, depression, PTSD, etc. If you've noticed that you're anger has become an issue because you're addicted to alcohol/abusing a substance, then take the steps to go cold turkey, and quit. If it's a regular thing, and you're not an alcoholic/abusing any drugs/substances, then it's probably a mental illness, you probably should see a psychiatrist for diagnosis/treatment, and seek out anger management therapy.

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  • kristys_mail

    I think it's not normal. That stuff is all so expensive. If you want to break something, break something cheap like a pencil. That's what I did but then I thought why am I wasting trees. I am such a tree hugger now.

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  • pizzabrowniesushi

    my mom used to barricade herself in her office( aka the bathroom) and throw stuff around.When she was really stressed out from life and raising of all of us kids. She'd put music on but you could hear shit getting bounced around.I dunno if she ever broke anything.She'd come out like a half hour later smelling like cheap booze and cigar smoke and be in a better mood.memories

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  • In the end the things you break only hurt yourself financially.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    do like me and shoot yalls television durin political debates

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    • Ellenna

      I don't watch them or I'd be bankrupt from replacing the set. In fact I haven't watched TV for a couple of months now because the co-ax cable fitting broke and I can't be bothered fixing it. The news on the radio is depressing enough, I don't need to see it as well.

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