Breaking up poo to prevent blockage

every time i go to a public loo, i do my buissnes (no.2) and always think about the person that has to clean up after me... i become petrified my shit will not flush and that it will stay there waiting for others. A few times i have even gone as far as covering my hands in loo paper and breaking it up manually... I now actively avoid public toiletts for the very same reason... am i the only one who feels like this?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • dinz

    Have you considered just flushing the toilet again?

    I find your concern for the person who cleans such places commendable. These people work hard yet earn peanuts.

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  • cigs

    if it wont go down the first flush then i will just leave.

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  • kaykay89

    If your poops are not flushing and getting clogged maybe you need to crap more often. Your diet may need adjusting or maybe medications youre on are causing your poop to be hard

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  • Jezebel

    Commendable concern. Absolutely disgusting habit. All kinds of unknown nastiness in feces. But a public toilet!!?? Please stop for your own health.

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  • davesumba

    If you flush the poop immediately after it comes out (before you wipe, so it doesn't have time to start sticking to the sides) then it should have no problem going down.

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  • Avant-Garde

    It's thoughtful of you but I don't think it's normal. When you shit at home do you worry about the toilet not flushing? If no, then why worry in public? Better yet, try to only go to the toilet at home. That way, you'll have nothing to worry about and if you have to go to the bathroom outside, you can just pee.

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  • Moneybagschest

    Well it might sounds disgusting but I understand why you do it. It is embarrassing when you go to a public bathroom and it wont flush. This does happen at most of them. Yes this sounds normal.

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  • ProseAthlete

    I don't know if it's normal, exactly, but it's certainly courteous. However, you probably shouldn't use the manual approach; if you get even a tiny bit of water on your hands that somehow misses getting washed off, you could be a health hazard to yourself and others.

    Hang out for a minute and double-flush, checking to make sure the evidence is gone. Unless you eat tremendous amounts of fiber, you shouldn't have a problem disposing of everything with a single flush.

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