British men

British men are usually passive aggressive. I think it's a cultural difference. Where in US or Canada if someone is rude to you they're quite direct. But a British person will walk by and say "wow nice shoes..." and you are left wondering did that guy just make fun of my shoes...

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Comments ( 5 )
  • notacatgirl

    As a British person, you will never ever be able to tell

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    They're all different that's a weird stereotype you have of British men.

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    • Theres often atleast some truth behind stereotypes

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      • hauntedbysandwiches

        Not this one because it's yours not a general or common stereotype.

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  • hipposkit

    Their accent makes their tone and inflections very different so it's hard to tell sometimes. But British people do seem to communicate more aggressively in both their tone and word choices, so yeah I think it's a cultural thing.

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