British people, do you like doctor who?

I'm curious about the British opinion of doctor who. Do you like it as much as us American nerds? Is it even nerdom there?

Sorry for leaving out the other nations, you can still drop a comment if u want.

Love it 4
Hate it 4
It's alright 6
I only watch it as family tradition 0
It's annoying 0
It's Real! 1
Never watched it 3
I'm American but I still have my right to vote 6
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Darkoil

    Christopher Eccleston was fantastic and so was David Tennant, I stopped watching it when Matt Smith started.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Meh, I like old Dr who, tom baker era but its probably because I grew up watching it, don't like modern Dr who though, and I'm so used to seeing capaldi in the thick of it that I'm expecting him to call a dalek a cunt any second

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  • skyskater

    Didn't used to mind it when I was like 12 and it had David Tennant and the other dude before him, but now I'm older I can see all the flaws in the plot and shitty special effects and bad acting, also most of the characters are annoying as hell. I just find it super overrated in general. It's weird cos I love sci-fi (well, Star Wars) and time travel stories but I can't understand the appeal of Dr. Who at all. Just not my cup of tea I guess.

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  • DavidGman

    I am not from the U.K. But I damn love it!

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