Brushing your teeth/mouth is too difficult

If you find this is true then there should be candy or something humans can chew on that cleans their teeth in the process. I refuse to believe toothpaste is the only way to clean ourselves in the modern world. Maybe like a gummy cough drop that dissolves into a foam like substance that you can swish around as you eat it and eventually it is just gone. Have various flavours like cherry, grape, orange, apple or w.e

Voting Results
38% Normal
Based on 39 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • CountessDouche

    No it's not. It takes 2-5 minutes, you lazy fuck.

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  • Atlanta

    Actually, if you have either a very low sense of self-worth and view self-care as sabotaging to the beliefs others have held about you (like that you are worthless and don't deserve the peace of having healthy teeth and gums), or, if you have adrenal fatigue, fibromyalgia, or other health issues that truly and literally make tooth-brushing too difficult, then yes, NORMAL.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    They do have edible toothbrushes, however, brushing isn't hard to do. It only takes a small amount of time so even the busiest people find time.

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  • shuggy-chan

    Brushing your teeth shouldn't be that hard unless you're a Tyrannosaurs Rex, because you have such a big mouth and such tiny little arms

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  • Ginger_V232

    Can this be a thing I would totally buy this. Somebody invent it please.

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  • snarkygirl

    Um do you not have hands? Are you typing with your toes?

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  • ThingTwo

    Use an electric toothbrush; it's a bit easier.

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  • Goomats

    Yeah, yeah, I know it's 2015, but life is kind of hard and teeth can't clean themselves. You can:

    A) Brush your teeth regardless of what year it is.
    B) Not brush your teeth causing your teeth to decay and your breath to stink. People will start to avoid you and you will make self-pitying excuses for why you are not liked much around town-none of which will involve you fixing your dental hygiene.

    The choice is yours. Choose wisely.

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