Bullet collision detection problem in postal 2

alot of the time, when i shoot at an enemy, the bullet doesnt cause any damage and its seriously pissing me the fuck off. has anyone else who plays or has played postal 2 had this problem before?

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Comments ( 3 )
  • olderdude-xx

    I've never played your video game. But in real life... most bullets shot during warfare or other gun battles completely miss... (unless you are a trained sniper).

    So its very realistic that a video game would have you miss as well... I just hope that they get the ratio about right - like you miss most of the time.

    Life is a fantastic caring and supportive partner... if you make it so...

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    • LloydAsher

      That's why people should support extended magazines. Less reloading more shooting.

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  • CDmale4fem

    If its like other shooter games like i played in the past, you might have to (if the game has it) upgrade your weapons. Like go from a 22 lr. to a 308 or whatever it has available. I know your wind speeds and trajectory can play a big part in a successful kill shot or not. Maybe you can just upgrade your ammunition ?

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