But i've always felt this way.

I've always hated blacks and Hispanics. Is this normal? I do think that it is wrong. But that is just the way I have felt since I was ten years old. I'm 64 now. Don't most white people feel this way? Come on, fess up. I am normal, right? Get some balls and tell how you really feel.

Voting Results
26% Normal
Based on 57 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 26 )
  • GreenPelican

    I grew up in a diverse area and had friends of all races for as long as I can remember. I learned at a young age that it doesn't matter the color of your skin, we're all human and should be treated with the same level of respect. I learned this from direct experience interacting with people of all races. I'm white btw.

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    • regisphilbin

      you are a good man

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Okay cracker

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      mebbe theys asian not honky

      lotsa asians ive met is huge racists

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      • Ace09

        I'm an asian, but not a racist.

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        • kingofcarrotflowers

          You're op?

          Let me guess you regularly say the words

          " I'm not racist...but....."

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          • Ace09

            No, as a matter of fucking fact I don't. And BTW:
            What makes u think ure not like that? Don't judge ppl, bitch!

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            • kingofcarrotflowers

              Are you trying to troll me or are you just an idiot?

              I know I'm not like that because I don't give a shit about the colour of peoples skin

              What can I say you've given me a lot to judge,

              " I've always hated blacks and Hispanics "

              " grow some balls and tell how you really feel, fess up " as if most people feel that way but don't want to say it?

              Haha Fuck man

              A racist prick calling me a bitch means fuck all

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  • Darkoil

    It's normal if you are a racist.

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  • stopandthink

    Unfortunately it's normal to be a stupid cunt nowadays sir.

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  • Freedom_

    If you're a middle aged white male in the south, it's pretty common to be racist. You are conditioned to think this way and you are also likely to blame other races for problems in society. This is certainly irrational and immoral, as you stated yourself, and is actually more of a problem in society than the races themselves. You need to free your mind, free yourself from the burdens of racism.

    The younger generations are generally less racist, although the racism persists. Women, as I've observed, are less likely to be racist, having experienced gender based oppression to some extent.

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  • fullhouse

    If you don't like blacks n Hispanics? It's normal. Everyone has their own preferences. I don't like white people, their pale white pasty skin makes me feel sick! But hey, I'm not a racist too, you see?

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  • helpful_demon

    you seem to have some internal conflict about this, which is promising. have you tried talking to anyone about it? this definitely seems like something you could talk out with someone, either in-person or maybe over one of those free online psych websites. good luck!!

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  • Anonymous200

    Sigh. I can't wait until the older generation dies off. They're a product of centuries old prejudice against anyone different, and the only way we can move on is to wait for their demise. By the way, I'm white. And there is nothing wrong with having darker pigmentation. (That's all it is, really. Seem silly now?)

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  • I do not feel the same way, though it's interesting to note that you're no worse than the terminally-hypocritical liberal imbeciles who constantly push for third-world invasions of Western countries, aggressively promote interracial breeding, and go out of their way to browbeat Whites with nonsense about the fabricated concept of "White privilege."

    INSANELY, they do all this under the guise of "anti-racism," despite the fact that literally anyone capable of thinking can clearly see that these people are just as racist as you are. So what's the difference between you and them? The difference is that you actually openly admit what you are. I can respect that.

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